Videos about health, China

Something different – Addiction in the post-modern world

This could save your life; at least, help you to not waste it.

With Then & Now ...

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The end section is not so great. It is not just about 'light touch regulation' as it is for each of us to realize how we personally, are addicted, and why, and what we can do to live in a better way.

A trip to hospital in China - what is it like ?

Video : China : A trip to hospital in China - what is it like ?

An eye-opener. Modern, efficient and inviting. With really low (at cost) prices; e.g. $30 / £20 for a CT scan. With Middle Kingdom Productions in NanJing ... With Sabrina in China ... Plus a look at the local metro system ...

Cancer as a metabolic disease - 2

Video : China : Cancer as a metabolic disease - 2

With Dr Thomas Seyfried ... Our research of pubmed over the years has found four natural extracts that limit glutamine use by cancer cells : curcumin, green tea extract (inc. EGCG), quercetin and berberine. I would add a fifth for other reasons : sulphoraphane. All have effects on multiple pathways, such as preventing angiogenesis. Ideally one would be working with a skilled doctor, but as a rough guide, large doses would be needed; up to 20 of each per day; so capsules emptied into water would be best; build up over time. Plus zero carbs, low protein (to promote autophagy - hopefully tumor shrinkage; eg 3 egg yolks) and time restricted eating. And fresh air walks. The '100 diet' : * curcumin * green tea extract * quercetin * berberine * sulphoraphane Probably best taken with a meal (e.g. leafy greens) drizzled with MCT, coconut or Extra Virgin olive oils. Add a few tablespoons of Hemp Seed Oil for extra effect (CBD).

End stress, anxiety, depression and negativity, and change your life - don't miss it

Video : China : End stress, anxiety, depression and negativity, and change your life - don't miss it

One hour - watch it all, it really could change your life (it tells you how, and it's easy). Feel helpless, unhappy or lost ? You can change, and be the real you. How to become the adult in the room (let go of all the nonsense we carry over from childhood and those insecurities). By acting the way you want to be, ignoring the conditioned feelings that get in the way. Stop feeling down, and start being great. One cannot wait till one feels like it; that will never happen; get started by acting the way you want life to be. Stop feeling hurt and start acting with love. It's not about realising the fantasies we currently live by (intellectually), but acting to get real in life. When you stop being who you are, you can become who you should be. The voice in your head that knows all this - that voice is who you really are. Ignore the feelings from the past, and start really living in the present. Biggest regret of so many will be that they didn't live the life that they should have, didn't be who they really were. With Mel Robbins and Mark Hyman ...

Sugar, and grains, plus seed and bean oils - processed food is making us sick

Video : China : Sugar, and grains, plus seed and bean oils - processed food is making us sick

With Mark Hyman and Calley Means ...

Intermittent fasting - time restricted eating - why we need it

Video : China : Intermittent fasting - time restricted eating - why we need it

At root, the point is to balance energy storage and building the body, with using that stored energy and repairing the body. 1) Try to have a minimum of twelve hours a day not eating (the longer the better); 2) eat real food, not processed food. This is important for everyone, but especially for diabetes / pre-diabetes (and that's almost the majority now). With Dr. Jason Fung ...

More on health and nutrition (2)

Video : China : More on health and nutrition (2)

With Rangan Chatterjee. With Mark Hyman ... With Tim Spector ...

More on health, diet and disease

Video : China : More on health, diet and disease

With Mark Hyman and William Li ... With Eric Berg ... With Chris Knobbe ...

The real truth about type 2 diabetes and how to reverse it

Video : China : The real truth about type 2 diabetes and how to reverse it

With Dr. Jason Fung ...

The myth of normal (health)

Video : China : The myth of normal (health)

Mark Hyman talks with Gabor Mate about the mind-body not as connected but as a single system, why are we seeing more chronic disease, stress, obesity, addiction, and so many other states of illness than ever before, the role of trauma, and much more ...

Health special 2 : diet and Covid; diet and statins

Video : China : Health special 2 : diet and Covid; diet and statins

Metabolic disease from a poor or wrong diet is the underlying root cause of disease. But medicine is driven by profit and has a major influence on public policy. With Aseem Malhotra. Bonus film on big pharma and Covid rmna vaccines ...

Health special : stress, and relationships - don't miss it

Video : China : Health special : stress, and relationships - don't miss it

What stress does to the body (a whole lot) : with Eric Berg ... Relationships : Mark Hyman in discussion with Robert Waldinger ... Bonus film : functional medicine and why heart disease, cancer, brain degeneration, diabetes, arthritis, etc. are not really separate diseases but rather symptoms of the root cause. Also, why it is important to have a 'why' in your life (meaning and purpose) ...

What is cancer ?

Video : China : What is cancer ?

From the genetic paradigm to the evolutionary paradigm. Millions of years ago, multi-cellular organism developed that needed to suppress the single cell grow and divide as much as possible blueprint to work collaboratively. If this add-on code is damaged, a cell can revert to the old, single cell code. Though there is more to it as explained in this video. With Dr. Jason Fung ...

Real food vs fake food - real health vs symptom management (10 videos)

Video : China : Real food vs fake food - real health vs symptom management (10 videos)

Emotional stress and our health / illness

Video : China : Emotional stress and our health / illness

Thoughts on how emotional stress / trauma can get stuck / repressed (suppressed / buried / hidden) and have a big impact on our current health / 'diseases'. The insights of Pavlov (conditioning) and Freud (repression, the unconscious, projection, ...) remain key facts in psychology ... Emotional stress is being stuck in the past, in some deep-rooted ways. To live in the now, those roots must be uncovered and removed. True living is not reliving the past, or fearing the future; it is about being in the now, detached from past conditioning / beliefs, and the ensuing fear of / dreams of the future. Eat when hungry, sleep when tired, live while you're alive. What you do now, is what will live on. Simple as that.

Keto diet and intermittent fasting - an awesome success story

Video : China : Keto diet and intermittent fasting - an awesome success story

Humans are not designed to eat sugar and refined carbohydrates (more sugar); the illnesses these cause (via insulin resistance) are many and the understanding of the link still not well known. With Dr. Eric Berg and Ghaida ...

Cancer as a metabolic disease - stage 4 survival strategy

Video : China : Cancer as a metabolic disease - stage 4 survival strategy

With Dr. Eric Berg and Guy Tenenbaum ... Note : prolonged fasting requires more than just water (plus green tea and a little black coffee), such as salt (lo-salt), about 1 and a 1/2 tsp / day (more as needed), electrolytes and other essential vitamins. No sugar, fruit or sweetener. Do research first and maybe start with as little as 1 or 2 days, intervened with OMAD (keto). Also see this video film ... Note : Missed curcumin, which has the most support in studies. Take with a little black pepper and EVOO. Up to 5 or 6g / day. Arguably, curcumin (a turmeric extract), ECGC (a green tea extract) and sulforaphane (a broccoli extract) are the most important three (see pubmed).

Best foods to support your liver

Video : China : Best foods to support your liver

With Dr. Eric Berg ...

Cancer as reversion to single cell survival through chronic inflammation

Video : China : Cancer as reversion to single cell survival through chronic inflammation

With Dr. Jason Fung ...

Fat Fiction - the tragedy of the fat is bad lie (carb.s are the addictive evil)

Video : China : Fat Fiction - the tragedy of the fat is bad lie (carb.s are the addictive evil)

Though some are bad - the highly processed 'healthy' polyunsaturate oils; much better to avoid these completely and use butter / ghee, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil. How we arrived at the obesity and diabetes epidemic ...

Cancer as a metabolic disease

Video : China : Cancer as a metabolic disease

Last health post on the latest videos page - from now on, health related videos will be on a new health specific page, featuring the best 4 (so far) health promoters (Berg, Ekberg, Chatterjee, MedCram). Here in a day or so. With Doctor Eric Berg and professor xxx ... Why carbs, fructose, sugar will ruin your health ...

What you MUST know to save your health / life

Video : China : What you MUST know to save your health / life

Why it is so important to increase fiber and decrease sugar. Why fructose is as damaging to the liver as alcohol. Why convenience food is often not really food at all. With Robert Lustig, Rangan Chatterjee, and Sten Ekberg ...

Food and inflammation - those that might, and those that will

Video : China : Food and inflammation - those that might, and those that will

From maybe to likely : 10-dairy 9-lectins/oxalates (nightashed,legumes) 8-soy 7-corn 6-wheat/gluten/grains --- Certainly : 5-alcohol 4-sugar 3-seed oil 2-trans fat 1-fast food With Dr. Sten Ekberg ...

Sunlight and health - new insight : infra-red and melatonin in mitochondria

Video : China : Sunlight and health - new insight : infra-red and melatonin in mitochondria

With Dr. Roger Seheult / MedCram ... Bonus film - heat and cold therapy (e.g. saunas) ...

More on intermittent fasting

Video : China : More on intermittent fasting

With Dr. Sten Ekberg ...

New insights on food as medicine

Video : China : New insights on food as medicine

Dr. Rangan Chatterjee in conversation with Dr. William Li ...

Keeping healthy and slowing aging

Video : China : Keeping healthy and slowing aging

Because health is the foundation for everything else. With Dr. Sten Ekberg ...

On cholesterol and statins - and CoQ10 - the real truth

Video : China : On cholesterol and statins - and CoQ10 - the real truth

Don't stop your statins without consulting your doctor. But do consider supplementing with CoQ10, which can ease statin side-effects.

The importance of fasting - and eating real food

Video : China : The importance of fasting - and eating real food

Has eating become an addiction ? Simplest, and very effective, method is called daily fasting - don't eat 3-4 hours before sleep, or 3-4 hours after waking. This will put the body's build / repair phases back in balance.

The MIC - this time, the Medical Industrial Complex

Video : China : The MIC - this time, the Medical Industrial Complex

Why Western medicine is not in your interests - profits come from illness and symptom relief (and side-effects), not from health ...

Autophagy and it's importance for health

Video : China : Autophagy and it's importance for health

If not familiar with this term, watch this - it is important to know. With Dr Sten Ekberg ... Bonus film - on insulin resistance / type 2 diabetes ...

Stress and cortisol - a masterclass

Video : China : Stress and cortisol - a masterclass

Why stress, in many forms, lies behind all our chronic disease states, and what we can do to get back to a healthier life. With Dr. Sten Ekberg ...

Nutrition - cholesterol, sodium and fructose (eggs, salt and sugar)

Video : China : Nutrition - cholesterol, sodium and fructose (eggs, salt and sugar)

Why the real villain is sugar. With Dr. Sten Ekberg ... With Dr. Robert Lustig ... With Dr. William Li ...

Good foods and bad foods

Video : China : Good foods and bad foods

With Dr. Sten Ekberg ... BB's summary : Variety, natural, and not too much. Would have been nice to have a discussion on what vegans or vegetarians should be careful about, the importance of gut bacteria / the microbiome, the timing (limited window for eating), and how people are not all the same, but it is generally correct. Bonus film ...

Preventing cancer and living healthier for longer

Video : China : Preventing cancer and living healthier for longer

With Dr. Sten Ekberg ... Bonus film on diabetes / insulin resistance ... Bonus film on anti-aging with David Sinclair ...

Happiness versus pleasure

Video : China : Happiness versus pleasure

One can see this distinction in the wider society too - East vs. West; cultures with different foundations - long term (family, infrastructure, community, the arts) versus short term (hype, sex, gossip, war). Mature versus immature. We versus me. The immature mind thinks 'me'; the mature mind understands that life is really about 'we'. Maturity is when one grows beyond the narcissism phase *. 'I' am just a small part of a bigger 'I' - humanity. With Dr. Robert Lustig ... One is controlled when one believes what one has been told (sold). Freedom is removing these mind chains and seeing reality. ----- * (footnote) At BB, we think that narcissism is a development phase that most transition out of; but some stay there and it can become exaggerated. The traditional views might also be true; likely, there is an interplay involved. ----- ----- Aside #1 : Q : Why does BB have so much content about health - nutrition and mental well-being ? A : Because it is fundamental to everything else; one cannot see the beauty of life if one's mind is mixed up; one cannot live life to the full if one is ill. ----- ----- Aside #2 : Confucius : One can grow from everybody one meets. On life's journey, one will meet wise people - learn from them; one will also meet foolish people - look deep within to see if one also has these follies.

The health epidemic that has been long ignored

Video : China : The health epidemic that has been long ignored

Chronic disease and the food industry and 'healthcare' system - don't miss it . With doctors Mark Hyman and Rangan Chatterjee ... Freedom is when there is a gap between stimulus and response.

Stress and health (don't miss this)

Video : China : Stress and health (don't miss this)

With doctors Mark Hyman and Rangan Chatterjee. Of all the four pillars of health - diet, exercise, sleep and relaxation - the last is often the hardest to improve. Mindfulness, mindset, and the importance of 'downtime' and 'digital detox' ... And always take time to appreciate what you have, above worrying about what you don't have. Bonus film - the BIG epidemic that is ignored; chronic disease and the 'healthcare' system - don't miss it ...

How thoughts make you unhappy

Video : China : How thoughts make you unhappy

While thought can be a great tool, one can be controlled by ones thoughts rather than the reverse; that is, a slave to one's past experiences and how that projects into the future like a railway track. To be endlessly controlled by the past, and the past's plans for the future, is to die without having really lived. How to calm the noise in your mind. With Eckhart Tolle ...

How to stay healthy and live longer

Video : China : How to stay healthy and live longer

Dr Rangan Chatterjee talks with professor David Sinclair ...

Eat to beat disease - with Dr. William Li

Video : China : Eat to beat disease - with Dr. William Li

His health and nutrition masterclass ...

To be free of the past that rules our world - when we see what is rather than think of what should be

Video : China : To be free of the past that rules our world - when we see what is rather than think of what should be

Childhood trauma, and the art of parenting - and much more - with Gabor Mate (don't miss it) ... More - on society ... The root attachment / addiction is to the idea of oneself as separate; self-perpetuating, including literally. Some might call this 'hell'.

From treating disease to promoting health - food is the best medicine

Video : China : From treating disease to promoting health - food is the best medicine

Dr. Mark Hyman & Dr. William Li. "I never get tired of saying it: real food heals. Food has the power to prevent and reverse disease, and the more we know about it, the more power we have to curate a targeted diet to help us reach our health goals. The catch is that we have to choose the right foods, the ones that elevate us, and simultaneously ditch the poor-quality ones that harm us. There are powerful compounds in foods— like curcumin, genistein, catechins, lycopene, resveratrol, quercetin — that have medicinal impacts on the body. That’s why I call the grocery store the drug store; we can literally eat our medicine at every meal. My guest this week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. William Li, is here to tell us all about eating to beat disease and making the idea that food is medicine second nature. You may also be surprised to find out that angiogenesis, or how the body forms blood vessels, is a common denominator in creating optimal health. William Li, MD, is a world-renowned physician, scientist, speaker, and author of Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself. He is best known for leading the Angiogenesis Foundation." Bonus film - Can we eat to starve cancer? (Angiogenesis) - Dr. William Li ... Bonus film 2 - more about diet and cancer - Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Jason Fung ... Bonus film 3 - on cognitive decline and the real causes - Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Dale Bredesen ... Bonus film 4 - GI health (IBS, etc.) plus the differences between standard and functional medicine - Dr. Hyman talks with Dr. Todd LePine ... Lastly (for now), Dr. William Li discusses the amazing power of plant nutrition and health ...

Ginseng and honey

Video : China : Ginseng and honey

ZhengZhou 郑州 workout

Video : China : ZhengZhou 郑州 workout

Provincial capital of HeNan province. Fit for life ...

A 30-storey hotel in just 15 days - video

Video : China : A 30-storey hotel in just 15 days - video

Chinese innovation and efficiency.Prefabricated modular buildings have many advantages over conventional ones :Higher precision in fabrication (+/- 0.2mm).Better coordinated on-site construction management.Shorter construction time span.Lower construction waste.Many other environment, health and energy features are included in Broad Sustainable Buildings (BSB).The building construction started in december 2011 and was ready for opening for the New Year's eve.

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