Videos about Shanxi, China

TaiYuan ancient city walking tour, ShanXi province

With Walk East ...

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Visitor Guide to TaiYuan City, ShanXi Province


TaiYuan, the capital city of ShanXi Province, is a fascinating blend of ancient history and modern development. Known for its rich cultural heritage, TaiYuan offers visitors a glimpse into China's past while also showcasing its rapid modernization.

Getting There

By Air: TaiYuan WuSu International Airport (TYN) serves the city with both domestic and international flights. It is located about 15 kilometers from the city center, and you can reach downtown by taxi, airport shuttle, or public bus.

By Train: TaiYuan Railway Station and TaiYuan South Railway Station connect the city with major destinations across China, including Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai. High-speed trains offer convenient and quick travel options.

By Bus: Long-distance buses from nearby cities and provinces also provide access to TaiYuan. The main bus stations in TaiYuan are TaiYuan Long-Distance Bus Station and TaiYuan West Bus Station.

Getting Around

  • Public Transport: TaiYuan has an extensive public bus network and a developing metro system, making it easy to navigate the city.
  • Taxis: Taxis are readily available and relatively inexpensive. Ride-hailing apps like DiDi are also widely used.
  • Biking: Bike-sharing services are popular and provide a convenient way to explore the city at your own pace.

Main Attractions

JinCi Temple

JinCi Temple, located about 25 kilometers southwest of TaiYuan, is a historic site with beautiful architecture, ancient trees, and intricate carvings. The temple, dating back over 1,400 years, is dedicated to the worship of Prince Shuyu of the Zhou Dynasty.

ShanXi Museum

ShanXi Museum, one of China's most important museums, offers a comprehensive look at the history and culture of ShanXi Province. The museum's exhibits include ancient relics, artifacts from the Silk Road, and displays on ShanXi's rich coal mining history.

TaiYuan Ancient City Wall

The TaiYuan Ancient City Wall is a significant historical landmark that reflects the city's ancient military architecture. Portions of the wall have been restored, and visitors can walk along it to enjoy panoramic views of the city.

Fenhe Park

Fenhe Park, situated along the Fen River, is a large urban park offering beautiful landscapes, walking paths, and recreational facilities. It's a great place to relax, enjoy nature, and experience the local lifestyle.

Twin Pagoda Temple

The Twin Pagoda Temple, also known as Yongzuo Temple, features two impressive pagodas dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The temple is a serene spot with beautiful gardens and ancient architecture.

Local Cuisine

TaiYuan offers a variety of local and regional dishes. Here are some must-try foods:

  • ShanXi Sliced Noodles (DaoXiaoMian): A famous local dish made with hand-sliced noodles, usually served with a savory broth and various toppings.
  • Vinegar Culture: ShanXi is known for its aged vinegar, which is a staple in many local dishes. Be sure to try dishes that highlight this unique flavor.
  • ShanXi Meat Patties (RouJiaMo): Often referred to as the "Chinese hamburger," these meat-filled buns are a delicious and popular street food.
  • Fenhe River Fish: Fresh fish from the Fen River, prepared in a variety of ways, is a local specialty.


  • Liuxiang Pedestrian Street: A bustling shopping area offering a mix of traditional and modern shops, local snacks, and souvenirs.
  • Chongshan Monastery Market: A market near Chongshan Monastery where you can find local handicrafts, antiques, and traditional ShanXi products.
  • Coal Museum of China: The museum shop offers unique souvenirs related to ShanXi's coal mining history.


  • Luxury Hotels: TaiYuan has several high-end hotels offering excellent amenities and services, such as the Kempinski Hotel TaiYuan and the Shanxi Grand Hotel.
  • Mid-Range Hotels: There are numerous mid-range options providing comfortable accommodations at reasonable prices, including international chains like Holiday Inn and local boutique hotels.
  • Budget Accommodations: Budget travelers can find affordable guesthouses, hostels, and budget hotels throughout the city.

Historical Background of TaiYuan

TaiYuan, with a history spanning over 2,500 years, has been a significant political, economic, and cultural center in northern China. Founded during the Spring and Autumn period, the city has witnessed numerous historical events and developments.

During the Tang Dynasty, TaiYuan was a strategic military base and the hometown of the Tang emperors. The city played a crucial role in various dynastic changes and military campaigns.

In modern times, TaiYuan has developed into an industrial powerhouse, particularly known for its coal mining and steel production. Despite its industrialization, the city has preserved many of its historical and cultural sites, offering a rich tapestry of the ancient and modern.

Tips for Visitors

  • Best Time to Visit: The best times to visit TaiYuan are spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and pleasant.
  • Clothing: Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers to accommodate changing temperatures. Bring a hat and sunscreen if you plan to spend time outdoors.
  • Respect Local Customs: Be respectful of local customs and traditions, especially when visiting religious and cultural sites.
  • Language: While Mandarin is widely spoken, learning a few basic phrases or using a translation app can be very helpful.
  • Plan Your Visit: TaiYuan offers a mix of historical and modern attractions. Plan your visit to include both cultural sites and modern amenities to get a complete experience.


TaiYuan, with its rich historical heritage and vibrant modern culture, offers a unique and diverse travel experience. From ancient temples and city walls to modern parks and shopping streets, TaiYuan provides a fascinating journey through time. Whether you're exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying local cuisine, or experiencing the city's contemporary side, TaiYuan is a destination that promises a memorable visit. Plan your trip carefully to make the most of your time in this dynamic capital of ShanXi Province.

The beautiful PingYao ancient city, ShanXi province

With China Walking Tour ...

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Ancient City of PingYao visitor guide


The Ancient City of PingYao, located in ShanXi province, is one of the best-preserved ancient walled cities in China. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ping Yao offers a fascinating glimpse into China's architectural and cultural history. The city's layout, traditional buildings, and historical sites make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and cultural explorers.

Ancient City of Ping Yao


Ping Yao's history dates back over 2,700 years, with its origins in the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046–771 BC). The city flourished during the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1912) dynasties as a center of trade, finance, and banking. Its well-preserved architecture and urban planning reflect the prosperous period of ancient China, making it an invaluable cultural and historical treasure.

Main Attractions

City Walls

The ancient city walls of Ping Yao are among the most complete in China. Constructed during the Ming Dynasty, these imposing walls stretch for 6 kilometers and feature 72 watchtowers and numerous gates. Visitors can walk along the walls, enjoying panoramic views of the city and experiencing the historical significance of this ancient fortification.

City Walls

Rishengchang Draft Bank

Rishengchang, established in the early 19th century, is considered the first draft bank in China. This historical site offers insights into the origins of China's banking system and showcases traditional banking practices. The museum within the bank exhibits artifacts and documents that highlight the financial history of Ping Yao.

Rishengchang Draft Bank

Ancient Government Office

The Ancient Government Office, also known as the Ping Yao County Office, served as the administrative center of the city. This well-preserved complex includes the courthouse, prison, and various government offices. Visitors can explore the rooms and halls, gaining an understanding of the judicial and administrative processes of ancient China.

Ancient Government Office

Temple of the City God

The Temple of the City God is a significant religious site in Ping Yao. Dedicated to the deity believed to protect the city, the temple features beautiful architecture, intricate carvings, and serene courtyards. It remains an active place of worship and offers a peaceful retreat for visitors.

Temple of the City God

Culture and Traditions

The Ancient City of Ping Yao is a cultural treasure trove, with a rich heritage of traditional customs, crafts, and festivals. The city's residents continue to preserve and celebrate their cultural traditions, offering visitors a unique opportunity to experience the living history of this ancient city. From traditional performances to local crafts, Ping Yao's cultural vibrancy is palpable.

Activities and Experiences

Walking Tours

Explore Ping Yao on foot with a guided walking tour. These tours provide valuable insights into the city's history, architecture, and culture, and are led by knowledgeable local guides. Walking through the ancient streets and alleyways is a delightful way to immerse yourself in the city's unique charm.

Shopping for Local Crafts

The shops and markets in Ping Yao offer a variety of traditional crafts and handmade products. Visitors can shop for souvenirs, including lacquerware, paper cuttings, and traditional clothing, all crafted by local artisans. These items make for unique and meaningful mementos of your visit.

Sampling Local Cuisine

Ping Yao is known for its delicious local cuisine, which reflects the flavors and traditions of Shanxi province. Visitors can sample a range of traditional dishes at the city's restaurants and food stalls. Don't miss trying the local specialties, such as Ping Yao beef, daoxiao noodles, and steamed buns.

Attending Festivals

Throughout the year, Ping Yao hosts various traditional festivals that celebrate local culture and heritage. These festivals feature music, dance, and traditional performances, offering visitors a unique and immersive cultural experience. Check the local event calendar to see if any festivals coincide with your visit.


Ping Yao offers a range of accommodation options, including traditional guesthouses, boutique hotels, and homestays. Staying in a traditional courtyard hotel provides an authentic experience and allows visitors to immerse themselves in the historical atmosphere of the city. These accommodations often feature traditional architecture and décor, adding to the charm of your stay.

Travel Tips

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Ping Yao is during spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is pleasant, and the city is less crowded.
  • Getting There: Ping Yao is accessible by train, with Ping Yao Ancient City Railway Station serving high-speed trains from major cities. The nearest airport is Taiyuan Wusu International Airport, which offers connections to various domestic and international destinations.
  • Opening Hours: The ancient city is open to visitors year-round. Specific attractions and shops may have their own operating hours.
  • Entrance Fees: There may be entrance fees for certain attractions within the city. It is advisable to check the latest fees before planning your visit.
  • Dress Comfortably: Wear comfortable clothing and sturdy walking shoes, as the city's streets are cobbled and can be uneven.
  • Respect Local Customs: Be respectful of local customs and traditions, especially when visiting temples and cultural sites. Always ask for permission before taking photos of people.
  • Stay Hydrated: Carry water, especially if you plan on exploring the city extensively. It's also a good idea to bring snacks or purchase food from local vendors.

This is beautiful ShanXi 山西 province …

ShānXī province lies to the west / south-west of HeBei and BeiJing. The capital is TaiYuan.

This film focuses on the plethora of impressive ancient sites and natural wonders; these include :

* JinCi Temple 25 kilometers (16 miles) south west of TaiYuan, noted for its Song dynasty paintings and architecture. Founded about 1,400 years ago and expanded during the following centuries, this site has a diverse collection of more than 100 sculptures, buildings, terraces and bridges.

* The Ancient City of PingYao is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near TaiYuan. Once a great financial center of China, it is noted for its preservation of many features of northern Han Chinese culture, architecture and way of life during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

* The YunGang Grottoes, its literal translation being the Cloud Ridge Caves, are shallow caves near DaTong. There are over 50,000 carved images and statues of Buddhas and Boddhisatvas within these grottoes, ranging from 4 centimeters to 7 meters tall. This UNESCO World Heritage Site consists of 252 caves noted for their collection of 5th and 6th century Buddhist grotto sculptures and reliefs.

* Mount WuTai Shan is the highest point in the province. It is known as the residence of the bodhisattva Manjusri, and as a result is also a major Buddhist pilgrimage destination, with many temples and natural sights. Points of interest include Tang Dynasty (618−907) era timber halls located at NanChan Temple and FoGuang Temple, as well as a giant white stupa at TaYuan Temple built during the Ming Dynasty (1368−1644).

* Mount HengShan, one of the 'Five Great Peaks' of China, is also a major Taoist site.

* The Hanging Temple (XuanKong Temple) is located on the side of a cliff, 75 meters (245 feet) up, and has survived for 1400 years despite earthquakes in the area.

* The Pagoda of FoGong Temple built in 1056 during the Liao dynasty. It is octagonal with nine levels (five are visible from outside), and at 67 meters (220 feet) in height, it is currently the tallest wooden pagoda in the world and also the oldest fully wooden pagoda in China.

* HuKou Waterfall on the Yellow River. At 50 meters high it is the second highest waterfall in China.

~~~ A very beautiful film - don't miss it ...

A veritable masterclass in video shooting, storytelling, editing and sound mixing.

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The ancient city of PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province, in Ultra HD / 4K

PingYao lies in ShanXi province, central China, about 700 kilometers (400 miles) southwest of BeiJing and 80 kilometers (50 miles) from the provincial capital TaiYuan..

PingYao is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for being "an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city".

PingYao is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city, founded in the 14th century. This ancient city is renowned for its well-preserved city walls and outlying temples.

The city walls were constructed around 1370 and have six barbican gates. The walls are 12 meters high, with a perimeter of 6 kilometers. A 4 meter wide, 4 meter deep moat lies just beyond. There are also 72 watchtowers.

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The ancient city of PingYao 平遥 in Ultra HD (4K)

Video : China : The ancient city of PingYao 平遥 in Ultra HD (4K)

PingYao (平遥) is a county in ShanXi province, central China. PingYao is located approximately 700 kilometres (400 miles) southwest of Beijing and 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the provincial capital TaiYuan. PingYao is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city, founded in the 14th century. This ancient city, which is renowned for its well-preserved city walls and outlying temples, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The YunGang Grottos 云冈石窟

Video : China : The YunGang Grottos 云冈石窟

The caves, full of beautiful Buddhist art, are located near DaTong in ShanXi province, north east China (west from Beijing), and date from the 5th century. Buddhism came to this area via the northern Silk Road that linked Xi'An with Kashgar

The Hanging Temple of HengShan 悬空寺, and the YunGang Grottoes 云冈石窟

Video : China : The Hanging Temple of HengShan 悬空寺, and the YunGang Grottoes 云冈石窟

Near DaTong, ShanXi province. The Hanging Temple (XuanKong Temple 悬空寺, XuánKōng Sì) is constructed on a vertical cliff face, 75 meters (245 feet) above the ground, at the foot of the HengShan mountain. The temple lies about 64 kilometers south east of the city of DaTong. Together with the YunGang Grottoes, the Hanging Temple is one of the main tourist attractions and historical sites in the DaTong area. Built more than 1,600 years ago, this temple is notable also as the only surviving temple combining all three Chinese traditional religions/philosophies: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The structure is kept in place with oak crossbeams slotted into holes chiseled into the cliffs. The main supportive structure is hidden inside the rock. The temple is located in a small canyon basin, and is situated under a prominent summit that helps protect the temple from rain and sunlight. The YunGang Grottoes are located at the southern foot of Mount WuZhou, 16 kilometers west of DaTong. There are 250 caves here containing many thousands of carvings and statues.

PingYao 平遼 and MianShan 綿山, ShanXi province - video

Video : China : PingYao 平遼 and MianShan 綿山, ShanXi province - video

With Sticker Travel ...

Evening fountains near the Big Goose Pagoda, Xi'An 西安

Video : China : Evening fountains near the Big Goose Pagoda, Xi'An 西安

In Xi'An, ShanXi province, central China ...

Young drummers' impromptu performance in ShanXi 山西 province - video

Video : China : Young drummers' impromptu performance in ShanXi 山西 province - video

Energetic and spirited music ... "Came across this band of drummers inside the so-impressive temple built and dedicated to one of the heroes of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu (later immortalized and widely worshipped as Guan Di). Guan Yu was a native of Yuncheng. The temple's giant modern statue of Guan Di was funded by donations from units of the party-state and state sector enterprises. [The] Band of drummers were practising and they put on this impromptu concert for us."

PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province

Video : China : PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province

In part, PingYao is famous for its well-preserved city wall, which dates from 1370, PingYao is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

PingYao 平遥, ShanXi Province - video

Video : China : PingYao 平遥, ShanXi Province - video

With CCTV's Travelogue The ancient city wall and Ming and Qing architecture in the old part of the city of PingYao are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. PingYao lies about 700 kilometers south west of Beijing and 80 kilometers from TaiYuan, the provincial capital.

A trip to PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province

Video : China : A trip to PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province

A UNESCO World Heritage Site. PingYao was a financial center in ancient times and has a well-preserved city wall. The city largely retains the architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The YunGang Grottos 云冈石窟, DaTong, ShanXi province - video

Video : China : The YunGang Grottos 云冈石窟, DaTong, ShanXi province - video

Known as the home of 10,000 Buddhas.

A trip to the YunGang Grottoes 云冈石窟, DaTong, ShanXi province

Video : China : A trip to the YunGang Grottoes 云冈石窟, DaTong, ShanXi province

Over 50,000 Buddhist statues are to be found in the caves here, ranging from just 3cm in height to 20m.

PingYao 平遥 in ShanXi province

Video : China : PingYao 平遥 in ShanXi province

Explore this ancient city with CCTV's Travelogue ...

The walled city of PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province

Video : China : The walled city of PingYao 平遥, ShanXi province

A nice slideshow ...

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