Videos about Beijing, China

The beautiful YanQi Lake, BeiJing

With Beijing Old Liu ...

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Visitor Guide to YanQi Lake, BeiJing


YanQi Lake, located in the HuaiRou District of BeiJing, is a stunning natural area known for its picturesque landscapes and clear waters. It is a popular destination for both leisure and business, offering a tranquil escape from the bustling city and a venue for high-profile international events, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in 2014.

Getting There

By Air: The nearest airport is Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK), approximately 50 kilometers from YanQi Lake. From the airport, you can take a taxi or a shuttle bus to reach the lake.

By Train: You can take a high-speed train to HuaiRou North Railway Station and then a taxi or local bus to YanQi Lake.

By Bus: Several buses run from downtown BeiJing to HuaiRou District. You can then take a local bus or taxi to YanQi Lake.

Getting Around

  • Walking: YanQi Lake area is best explored on foot, allowing you to fully appreciate its natural beauty and serene environment.
  • Biking: Renting a bike is a popular option for getting around and exploring the scenic routes around the lake.
  • Local Transport: Taxis and shuttle services are available for traveling to and from different parts of the lake area and nearby attractions.

Main Attractions

YanQi Island

YanQi Island is the centerpiece of YanQi Lake, hosting luxury resorts, conference centers, and beautiful gardens. It is an ideal place for relaxation, high-end dining, and international conferences.

YanQi Tower

The YanQi Tower offers panoramic views of the lake and surrounding mountains. Visitors can take an elevator to the top for breathtaking scenery and photography opportunities.

Boat Tours

Boat tours on YanQi Lake provide a peaceful and scenic way to explore the area. Various types of boats, from traditional Chinese boats to modern yachts, are available for hire.

Wild Duck Lake

Nearby Wild Duck Lake is a birdwatcher's paradise, home to a variety of bird species, especially migratory birds. It's a great spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

Hongluo Temple

Located a short distance from YanQi Lake, Hongluo Temple is one of the largest and oldest temples in northern China. It offers a serene environment and rich cultural heritage.

Local Cuisine

While visiting YanQi Lake, you can enjoy a variety of local and international cuisines. Here are some recommendations:

  • Peking Duck: A world-famous dish, Peking Duck is a must-try when in BeiJing. Many restaurants near YanQi Lake serve this delicacy.
  • YanQi Lake Fish: Freshly caught fish from the lake, prepared in various styles, is a local specialty.
  • HuaiRou Chestnut: HuaiRou is known for its delicious chestnuts, which can be enjoyed roasted or used in local dishes.


  • Local Handicrafts: Explore shops around YanQi Lake for traditional Chinese handicrafts, including silk products, pottery, and paintings.
  • Specialty Foods: Purchase local specialties such as HuaiRou chestnuts, honey, and other agricultural products.
  • Souvenirs: Various souvenir shops offer items commemorating the APEC summit and other significant events held at YanQi Lake.


  • Luxury Resorts: YanQi Lake is home to several luxury resorts, such as the YanQi Lake Kempinski Hotel, which offers top-notch amenities and stunning views.
  • Mid-Range Hotels: There are also several mid-range hotels and boutique accommodations around the lake area, providing comfort and convenience at reasonable prices.
  • Guesthouses: For a more local experience, consider staying in one of the guesthouses or inns in the nearby villages.

Historical Background of YanQi Lake

YanQi Lake is a man-made reservoir created in the 1980s to improve water supply and irrigation for the HuaiRou District. The project aimed to enhance the local agricultural productivity and provide a recreational area for residents and visitors.

Over the years, YanQi Lake has developed into a major tourist destination and a hub for international events. The lake and its surrounding areas have been carefully maintained and upgraded to offer a blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern amenities.

The area around YanQi Lake has also been a site of historical significance. The nearby Hongluo Temple, dating back over 1,000 years, reflects the region's rich spiritual and cultural history. The combination of ancient traditions and modern development makes YanQi Lake a unique and attractive destination.

Tips for Visitors

  • Best Time to Visit: The best times to visit YanQi Lake are spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and the scenery is at its most beautiful.
  • Clothing: Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers to accommodate changing temperatures. An umbrella or raincoat is useful during the rainy season.
  • Respect Local Customs: Be respectful of local customs and traditions. Dress modestly and be mindful of local etiquette, especially when visiting historical and cultural sites.
  • Language: While Mandarin is widely spoken, learning a few basic phrases or using a translation app can be very helpful.
  • Plan Your Visit: YanQi Lake is best explored at a leisurely pace. Take your time to enjoy the scenic views, visit local attractions, and savor the local cuisine.


YanQi Lake, with its stunning natural beauty, historical significance, and modern amenities, offers a unique and memorable travel experience. Whether you're exploring the tranquil lake, visiting nearby cultural sites, or enjoying local cuisine, YanQi Lake provides a serene escape and a glimpse into the rich heritage of BeiJing. Plan your visit carefully to make the most of your trip to this picturesque destination in the HuaiRou District.

Beautiful GuBei water town and the adjacent dramatic SiMaTai Great Wall of China, BeiJing

With LaLaLaLauran ...

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GuBei Water Town Travel Guide


GuBei Water Town, located at the foot of the Simatai Great Wall in Miyun County, Beijing, is a picturesque water town that combines natural beauty with rich cultural heritage. Modeled after the ancient towns in Jiangnan (the region south of the Yangtze River), GuBei Water Town features traditional architecture, serene waterways, and stunning views of the Great Wall. This guide will help you explore the enchanting GuBei Water Town, including must-see attractions, activities, and practical travel information.

Must-See Attractions

Simatai Great Wall (司马台长城)

One of the main highlights of GuBei Water Town is its proximity to the Simatai Great Wall, known for its steep slopes and well-preserved watchtowers. Visitors can take a cable car or hike to the wall, offering breathtaking views and a sense of historical significance.

Water Town Night Tour (夜游水镇)

Experience the magic of GuBei Water Town at night, when the entire town is illuminated with colorful lights reflecting off the waterways. The night tour provides a unique perspective of the town's beauty and a tranquil atmosphere for a relaxing evening stroll.

Wangjing Tower (望京楼)

Wangjing Tower, also known as the Watching Beijing Tower, offers panoramic views of the town and the surrounding mountains. It is a perfect spot for photography and enjoying the natural scenery.

Folk Culture Museum (民俗文化馆)

The Folk Culture Museum showcases the traditional customs, clothing, and handicrafts of the local people. It provides an educational insight into the cultural heritage of the region.

Yang Wudi Temple (杨无敌庙)

Dedicated to the legendary General Yang Yanzhao, the Yang Wudi Temple is a historic site that offers a glimpse into the town's religious and military history. The temple is beautifully preserved and adds to the cultural richness of GuBei Water Town.

Activities and Experiences

  • Boat Rides: Take a boat ride along the picturesque canals of GuBei Water Town. This is a relaxing way to see the town from a different perspective and enjoy the peaceful waterways.
  • Traditional Performances: Enjoy traditional Chinese performances, including folk music, dance, and opera. These performances are often held in the town's public squares and add to the cultural ambiance.
  • Local Cuisine: Sample local delicacies at the various restaurants and street food vendors throughout the town. Popular dishes include roast duck, handmade noodles, and various snacks.
  • Hot Springs: Relax and unwind at the nearby hot springs, which offer a soothing retreat after a day of exploring. The hot springs are renowned for their therapeutic properties and scenic surroundings.
  • Shopping: Browse the town's shops for traditional handicrafts, souvenirs, and local products. The shops offer a wide range of items, from silk garments to handmade pottery.

Practical Travel Information

  • Getting There: GuBei Water Town is accessible by bus, car, or private tour from Beijing. The journey takes approximately 2-3 hours by car. Buses are available from Beijing's Dongzhimen Bus Station.
  • Entrance Fee: The entrance fee for GuBei Water Town varies depending on the season and whether you are visiting during the day or night. Check the official website or contact local tourism offices for up-to-date pricing.
  • Opening Hours: GuBei Water Town is open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Night tours are available from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM, offering a unique evening experience.
  • Accommodation: There are several accommodation options within GuBei Water Town, ranging from traditional guesthouses to luxury hotels. Staying overnight allows visitors to fully immerse themselves in the town's atmosphere and enjoy the night tour.
  • Health and Safety: Ensure you are in good health before exploring the town, especially if you plan to hike the Simatai Great Wall. Stay hydrated, wear comfortable shoes, and follow local safety guidelines.
  • Local Services: Facilities such as restrooms, restaurants, and shops are available throughout the town. Most areas are well-equipped to cater to tourists' needs, but it's always a good idea to carry basic necessities.


GuBei Water Town offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern amenities, making it an ideal destination for travelers looking to experience the charm of ancient China. Use this guide to plan your visit and explore the enchanting waterways, traditional architecture, and stunning views of the Simatai Great Wall. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a culture lover, or simply looking for a picturesque retreat, GuBei Water Town promises an unforgettable experience.

SiMaTai Great Wall Travel Guide


The SiMaTai section of the Great Wall of China is renowned for its unique architectural features and breathtaking scenery. Located in the Miyun County of Beijing, approximately 120 kilometers northeast of downtown Beijing, this section is known for its steep gradients and well-preserved structures. SiMaTai offers an adventurous and less commercialized experience, making it a favorite among hikers and history enthusiasts. This guide will help you explore the SiMaTai section, including must-see highlights, hiking tips, and practical travel information.

Must-See Highlights

Sky Bridge (天桥)

The Sky Bridge is a narrow, steep section of the Great Wall that offers thrilling views and a challenging hike. This part of the wall is only a meter wide and connects two peaks, providing an exhilarating experience for adventurous visitors.

Heavenly Ladder (天梯)

The Heavenly Ladder is a steep staircase that ascends almost vertically up the mountain. It is one of the most challenging parts of the SiMaTai section, but the effort is rewarded with spectacular views of the surrounding landscape.

Fairy Tower (仙女楼)

The Fairy Tower is one of the 16 watchtowers on the SiMaTai section. It is unique for its distinctive architectural style and the stunning views it offers. This tower is a popular spot for photography and taking in the panoramic scenery.

East and West Towers (东西望楼)

The East and West Towers are the two highest points of the SiMaTai section. These towers were crucial for military defense and communication in ancient times. Climbing to the top provides a sense of accomplishment and offers some of the best views of the Great Wall.

Hiking Tips

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit SiMaTai is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild, and the scenery is at its most beautiful.
  • Hiking Difficulty: The SiMaTai section is known for its steep and rugged terrain. It is suitable for experienced hikers with a good level of fitness. Some parts can be quite challenging.
  • What to Wear: Wear sturdy hiking shoes with good grip, comfortable clothing, and a hat. Bring layers as temperatures can vary.
  • What to Bring: Carry plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, and a first-aid kit. A camera is also recommended for capturing the stunning views.
  • Hiking Route: A popular route is to start from the SiMaTai West entrance and hike to the JinShanLing section. This takes about 4-5 hours and covers some of the most scenic and challenging parts of the wall.
  • Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide or joining a guided tour for a more informative experience. Guides can provide historical context and ensure you stay on the best paths.

Practical Travel Information

  • Getting There: SiMaTai is accessible by bus, car, or private tour from Beijing. The journey takes approximately 2-3 hours by car. Buses are available from Beijing's Dongzhimen Bus Station.
  • Entrance Fee: The entrance fee for SiMaTai varies depending on the season and whether you are hiking during the day or night. Check the official website or contact local tourism offices for up-to-date pricing.
  • Opening Hours: SiMaTai is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM for daytime hiking and from 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM for night tours. Night tours offer a unique perspective of the Great Wall under the stars.
  • Accommodation: There are several guesthouses and hotels near SiMaTai for those who wish to stay overnight. The Gubei Water Town resort nearby offers more luxurious accommodations and amenities.
  • Health and Safety: Ensure you are in good health before attempting the hike, as the terrain can be demanding. Stay on designated paths to avoid accidents and respect local regulations and signs.
  • Local Services: Facilities such as restrooms and small shops are available at the entrance and at certain points along the wall. However, it's advisable to bring your own supplies for convenience.


The SiMaTai section of the Great Wall of China offers a unique and adventurous experience compared to other parts of the wall. Its steep gradients, well-preserved structures, and stunning views make it a must-visit destination for any traveler. Use this guide to plan your visit and enjoy the incredible beauty and historical significance of SiMaTai. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a photography lover, or an avid hiker, SiMaTai promises an unforgettable adventure.

The awesome ChaoYang Park (Sun Park) in BeiJing

With MisterVaughn ...

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ChaoYang Park (Sun Park) visitor guide


ChaoYang Park, also known as Sun Park, is one of Beijing's largest and most popular parks. Located in the bustling ChaoYang District, this expansive green space offers a perfect retreat for both locals and tourists. The park features beautiful landscapes, recreational facilities, cultural attractions, and numerous activities for visitors of all ages.

ChaoYang Park


ChaoYang Park was opened to the public in 1984 and has since become a significant recreational area in Beijing. The park's development aimed to provide a green oasis in the city and offer a variety of leisure activities. Over the years, it has hosted numerous cultural and sporting events, further enhancing its popularity and importance.

Main Attractions

Sunken Garden

The Sunken Garden is a beautifully landscaped area featuring a variety of flowers, shrubs, and trees. This tranquil spot is perfect for leisurely walks and offers a peaceful escape from the city's hustle and bustle. The garden is especially stunning during the spring and summer months when the flowers are in full bloom.

Sunken Garden

Lake and Boat Rides

The park's central lake is a popular spot for boating and water activities. Visitors can rent paddle boats, rowboats, and even electric boats to explore the serene waters. The lake is surrounded by scenic walking paths and is a great place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty.

Lake and Boat Rides

ChaoYang Theater

ChaoYang Theater is famous for its traditional Chinese acrobatic performances. The theater offers daily shows that showcase the incredible skills and talents of Chinese acrobats. These performances are a must-see for visitors interested in Chinese culture and entertainment.

ChaoYang Theater

Children's Amusement Park

The children's amusement park within ChaoYang Park features a variety of rides and attractions designed for younger visitors. From carousels to roller coasters, the amusement park offers plenty of fun and excitement for kids and families.

Children's Amusement Park

Fitness and Sports Facilities

ChaoYang Park offers numerous sports facilities, including tennis courts, basketball courts, and a running track. There are also several outdoor fitness areas with exercise equipment. These facilities are popular among fitness enthusiasts and provide a great way to stay active while enjoying the park's beautiful surroundings.

Fitness and Sports Facilities

Culture and Traditions

ChaoYang Park is a hub of cultural activities and events. Throughout the year, the park hosts various festivals, exhibitions, and performances that celebrate Chinese culture and traditions. Visitors can experience traditional music, dance, and art, as well as modern cultural events.

Activities and Experiences


Rent a boat and enjoy a relaxing ride on the park's central lake. Boating is a popular activity in ChaoYang Park, offering a peaceful way to take in the scenic views and enjoy the fresh air.


The park's expansive lawns and shaded areas make it an ideal spot for picnicking. Visitors can bring their own food or purchase snacks from the park's vendors and enjoy a meal surrounded by nature.

Walking and Jogging

ChaoYang Park features numerous walking and jogging paths that wind through its diverse landscapes. Whether you're looking for a leisurely stroll or a vigorous jog, the park offers a variety of routes to explore.


The park's beautiful landscapes, vibrant flowers, and serene lake make it a perfect destination for photography enthusiasts. Capture the natural beauty and the lively atmosphere of ChaoYang Park through your lens.

Attending Events

Check the park's event calendar for upcoming cultural events, festivals, and performances. Attending these events is a great way to experience local culture and enjoy unique entertainment.


While there are no accommodations within ChaoYang Park itself, the park is located in a bustling district with numerous hotels and guesthouses nearby. Visitors can choose from a range of options to suit different preferences and budgets, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels.

Travel Tips

  • Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit ChaoYang Park is during spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is pleasant, and the park is at its most beautiful.
  • Getting There: ChaoYang Park is easily accessible by public transportation. The nearest subway station is Tuanjiehu Station on Line 10. The park is also well-served by several bus routes.
  • Opening Hours: The park is open daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
  • Entrance Fees: There is a nominal entrance fee for the park. Additional fees may apply for specific attractions and activities, such as boat rentals and amusement park rides.
  • Dress Comfortably: Wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for walking and outdoor activities. The park is quite large, and you'll likely spend several hours exploring.
  • Stay Hydrated: Carry water, especially during the summer months. There are also several vendors and kiosks throughout the park where you can purchase drinks and snacks.
  • Respect the Environment: Help keep the park clean by disposing of litter properly and respecting the natural surroundings. Avoid disturbing wildlife and follow park regulations.

Scenic China : cities

Video : China : Scenic China : cities

With MeetWorld ... ShangHai ... BeiJing ... Xi'An ... ChongQing ... ChengDu ... GuangZhou ...

Good morning BeiJing ! : BeiHai Park

Video : China : Good morning BeiJing !  :  BeiHai Park

With Beijing Walking ...

The awesome and beautiful Summer Palace in BeiJing

Video : China : The awesome and beautiful Summer Palace in BeiJing

With WestChinaGo ... With BeijingBuzzz ... With Ross ... With China Walking Tour ... With Chris ... Summer Palace Visitor Guide - BeiJing Overview The Summer Palace, located in the HaiDian district of Beijing, is a vast ensemble of lakes, gardens, and palaces. It served as a royal garden and retreat for the Qing Dynasty emperors and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Getting There Location: 19 XinJianGongMen Road, HaiDian District, Beijing, China. Public Transport: Subway: Line 4, Beigongmen Station (North Palace Gate), Exit D. Alternatively, Line 10, Xiyuan Station, Exit C2. Bus: Several bus lines stop near the Summer Palace, including routes 303, 330, 331, 332, 346, 508, 579, and 584. Opening Hours April 1 to October 31: 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM (ticket sales and last entry at 4:00 PM) November 1 to March 31: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM (ticket sales and last entry at 3:00 PM) Tickets April 1 to October 31: Entrance Fee: ¥30, Through Ticket (includes Dehe Garden, Tower of Buddhist Incense, Suzhou Street, and Wenchang Hall): ¥60 November 1 to March 31: Entrance Fee: ¥20, Through Ticket: ¥50 Main Attractions The Summer Palace is rich with historical and cultural sites. Here are some of the main attractions: Kunming Lake: This large lake dominates the Summer Palace and is ideal for boating. It covers about three-quarters of the park's area. Longevity Hill: Standing 60 meters high, it provides excellent views of the lake and surrounding area. Important buildings such as the Tower of Buddhist Incense are located here. Seventeen-Arch Bridge: A long, beautiful bridge that connects the eastern shore of Kunming Lake to Nanhu Island. Long Corridor: A 728-meter-long covered walkway decorated with intricate paintings, connecting the Hall of Dispelling Clouds to the Marble Boat. Marble Boat: A lakeside pavilion built from marble and wood, symbolizing stability and the enduring nature of the Qing Dynasty. Hall of Benevolence and Longevity: The administrative center of the Summer Palace, where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs. Suzhou Street: A charming area designed to resemble the canals and traditional shops of Suzhou, complete with waterways and bridges. Activities Visitors to the Summer Palace can engage in various activities: Boating: Rent a paddleboat or take a dragon boat tour on Kunming Lake. Walking and Hiking: Stroll along the scenic paths, the Long Corridor, or hike up Longevity Hill for panoramic views. Photography: Capture the stunning architecture, landscapes, and historical sites. Guided Tours: Join a guided tour to learn more about the history and significance of the Summer Palace. Dining and Refreshments Several cafes and snack stalls are available within the Summer Palace, offering light refreshments, drinks, and local snacks. For a more substantial meal, visitors can dine at restaurants near the park entrances. Visitor Tips Best Time to Visit: Spring and autumn are the best times to visit due to the pleasant weather. Summer can be very hot, and winter can be quite cold. Wear Comfortable Shoes: The Summer Palace is vast, and exploring it involves a lot of walking. Stay Hydrated: Bring water, especially during the hotter months. Respect the Site: The Summer Palace is a cultural heritage site. Avoid touching artifacts, stay on marked paths, and do not litter. Plan Your Visit: Due to its size, plan which sections you want to visit in advance to make the most of your time. Nearby Attractions Old Summer Palace (Yuanmingyuan): Located nearby, this former imperial garden offers ruins and beautiful landscapes to explore. Beijing University: One of China’s most prestigious universities, known for its beautiful campus and Weiming Lake. Tsinghua University: Another top university in China, with an expansive and scenic campus. Conclusion The Summer Palace in Beijing is a magnificent site rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you're interested in Chinese history, stunning architecture, or beautiful landscapes, the Summer Palace offers a memorable and enriching experience.

The Solana lifestyle shopping park mall and Sanlitun in BeiJing

Video : China : The Solana lifestyle shopping park mall and Sanlitun in BeiJing

With Walk For You ... Bonus film - with Seiu Travel ... Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park Guide - Beijing Overview Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park is designed to resemble a European town, complete with cobblestone streets and a picturesque lake. It covers a vast area and offers a diverse mix of international and local brands, restaurants, cafes, and entertainment options. Getting There Location: No. 6 Chaoyang Park Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. Public Transport: Subway: Line 14, Zaoying Station, Exit A. Walk about 10 minutes to reach the mall. Bus: Multiple bus lines stop near the mall, including 419, 621, 671, 984, and 985. Shopping Solana hosts a variety of stores ranging from luxury brands to more affordable options. Some popular retail categories include: Fashion: Zara, H&M, Uniqlo, and high-end brands like Michael Kors and Guess. Beauty: Sephora, The Body Shop. Home Decor: Muji, Zara Home. Electronics: Apple Store, Xiaomi. Dining The mall offers an extensive selection of dining options, catering to diverse tastes: Western Cuisine: Blue Frog, Element Fresh, and Wagas. Asian Cuisine: Din Tai Fung for dumplings, Haidilao for hotpot. Cafes: Starbucks, Costa Coffee, and local favorites like Pacific Coffee. Specialty Food: Bakeries, ice cream parlors, and specialty tea shops. Entertainment Solana is not just about shopping and dining; it also provides various entertainment options: Cinema: A state-of-the-art cinema showing the latest movies, including IMAX screens. Kids' Activities: Indoor playgrounds, toy stores, and seasonal events for children. Outdoor Spaces: The park surrounding the mall is great for a stroll, with picturesque views and seasonal decorations. Special Events Throughout the year, Solana hosts various events and festivals, such as: Holiday Decorations: Elaborate Christmas and Chinese New Year decorations. Music and Cultural Festivals: Live music performances, art exhibitions, and cultural shows. Sales and Promotions: Seasonal sales, especially during Chinese New Year and Golden Week holidays. Tips for Visitors Best Time to Visit: Weekdays are generally less crowded than weekends. Language: While many staff members speak basic English, having a translation app can be handy. Payment: Most stores accept major credit cards, but having some cash or using mobile payment apps like WeChat Pay or Alipay can be useful. Nearby Attractions Chaoyang Park: Adjacent to the mall, offering additional recreational activities. Sanlitun: A vibrant area with nightlife, shopping, and dining options, just a short drive away. Conclusion Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park offers a comprehensive shopping experience with its blend of retail, dining, and entertainment in a beautifully designed environment. Whether you're looking to shop, eat, or just enjoy a leisurely day out, Solana is an ideal destination in Beijing.

A guide to the magnificent Forbidden City (Palace Museum) in BeiJing

Video : China : A guide to the magnificent Forbidden City (Palace Museum) in BeiJing

With Lulu's Daily In China ... Welcome to the Forbidden City Explore the imperial palace and ancient architecture of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Introduction The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is a vast imperial palace complex in Beijing, China. It served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government for almost 500 years. Location The Forbidden City is located in the Dongcheng District in the heart of Beijing, directly north of Tiananmen Square. History The construction of the Forbidden City began in 1406 and was completed in 1420. It was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty, housing 24 emperors. The complex covers 72 hectares (178 acres) and consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,886 rooms. In 1925, the Forbidden City was transformed into the Palace Museum, showcasing extensive collections of artwork and artifacts from the imperial collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. Attractions Meridian Gate (Wu Men): The main entrance to the Forbidden City, known for its grand architecture and historical significance. Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe Dian): The largest hall in the Forbidden City, used for major ceremonial occasions. Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghe Dian): A smaller, intimate hall where the emperor prepared and rested before ceremonies. Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohe Dian): Used for banquets and later for imperial examinations. Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqing Gong): The emperor's residence, representing his supreme authority. Hall of Union (Jiaotai Dian): A hall connecting the emperor's and empress's palaces, symbolizing their union. Palace of Earthly Tranquility (Kunning Gong): The residence of the empress and the site for imperial weddings. Imperial Garden: A serene garden area with ancient trees, rockeries, and pavilions, used by the imperial family for leisure. Clock and Watch Gallery: Displays a vast collection of timepieces from the imperial collection. Treasure Gallery: Houses valuable artifacts, including jade, gold, and other treasures from the imperial era. Activities Exploring historical buildings and courtyards Visiting museum exhibitions Photography Participating in guided tours Attending cultural performances and events Facilities Visitor Center Restrooms Gift Shops Cafes and Restaurants Parking Lots Audio Guide Rentals Guided Tour Services Visitor Tips Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and snacks, especially if you plan to stay for several hours. Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds. Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Respect the cultural and historical significance of the site; behave appropriately and follow all rules and guidelines. Plan your visit to include the main attractions and leave time for exploring lesser-known areas.

The awesome BeiHai Park 北海公园 in BeiJing

Video : China : The awesome BeiHai Park 北海公园 in BeiJing

With MisterVaughn ... With ABingYOLO ... With Downtown China ... Welcome to BeiHai Park Explore the historical and cultural wonders of BeiHai Park in Beijing. Introduction Beihai Park is one of the oldest, largest, and best-preserved ancient imperial gardens in China. It is located in the heart of Beijing and offers visitors a beautiful blend of traditional Chinese architecture, gardens, and waterways. Location Beihai Park is situated in the Xicheng District of central Beijing, just north of the Forbidden City. History Beihai Park has a history of over 1,000 years, dating back to the Liao Dynasty. It was extensively renovated and expanded during the Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, with significant contributions from Emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty. The park has served as an imperial garden and a place of worship for several Chinese dynasties. Attractions White Dagoba: An iconic white stupa located on Qionghua Island, built in 1651 to honor the visit of the 5th Dalai Lama to Beijing. Qionghua Island: The central island of Beihai Park, featuring beautiful pavilions, halls, and scenic views. Nine-Dragon Screen: A 27-meter-long, 6.65-meter-high glazed-tile wall depicting nine vivid dragons playing in the clouds, built in 1756. Five-Dragon Pavilions: A group of five connected pavilions overlooking the lake, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the scenery. Jade Flowery Islet: An islet with lush vegetation, bridges, and historical buildings, including the Hall of the Heavenly King. Yong'an Temple: A Buddhist temple on Qionghua Island, featuring stunning architecture and peaceful gardens. Round City: A small city within Beihai Park, surrounded by high walls and featuring the Chengguang Hall, which houses a large jade Buddha statue. Eastern Shore Area: Includes attractions like the Hao Pu Creek Garden and the Iron Screen Wall. Western Shore Area: Features the Pavilion of One Thousand Buddhas and the Garden of Tranquil Heart. Jingxin Studio Western Heaven Temple Fangshan Restaurant Activities Boating on Beihai Lake Strolling through the gardens Photography Visiting historical and cultural sites Enjoying traditional Chinese performances Participating in seasonal festivals and events Facilities Visitor Center Restrooms Gift Shops Cafes and Restaurants Parking Lots Boat Rental Services Guided Tour Services Visitor Tips Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and snacks, especially if you plan to stay for several hours. Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds. Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Respect the cultural and historical significance of the site; behave appropriately and follow all rules and guidelines. Take advantage of the boat rental services to explore Beihai Lake from a unique perspective.

The beautiful Temple of Heaven, BeiJing

Video : China : The beautiful Temple of Heaven, BeiJing

With Beijing Old Liu ... Welcome to the Temple of Heaven Explore the ancient beauty and cultural significance of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Introduction The Temple of Heaven is a complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. It is renowned for its architectural beauty and historical significance. Location The Temple of Heaven is located in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, easily accessible from various parts of the city. History The Temple of Heaven was constructed from 1406 to 1420 during the reign of the Yongle Emperor, who also oversaw the construction of the Forbidden City. The temple complex was used by the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for a good harvest. The temple complex was expanded and renovated during the reign of the Jiajing Emperor in the 16th century and again during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor in the 18th century. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998. Attractions Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests: The iconic triple-gabled circular building, used by emperors to pray for good harvests. Imperial Vault of Heaven: A circular building surrounded by a smooth circular wall, famous for its Echo Wall. Circular Mound Altar: An open-air altar platform where the emperor would worship Heaven during the winter solstice. Seven Star Stones: A group of large stones with historical and cultural significance. Ancient Cypress Trees: The garden areas of the complex are home to many ancient cypress trees, some over 600 years old. Activities Historical Tours Cultural Performances Photography Guided Walks Seasonal Festivals and Events Facilities Visitor Center Restrooms Gift Shops Cafes and Restaurants Parking Lots Wheelchair Access Visitor Tips Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and snacks, especially if you plan to stay for several hours. Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds. Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Respect the cultural significance of the site; behave appropriately and follow all rules and guidelines.

BeiJing Botanical Garden and the Reclining Buddha Temple (WoFoSi)

Video : China : BeiJing Botanical Garden and the Reclining Buddha Temple (WoFoSi)

With Beijing Old Liu ... Welcome to Beijing Botanical Garden Explore the rich diversity and stunning beauty of Beijing Botanical Garden. Introduction The Beijing Botanical Garden is a large botanical garden located in the western outskirts of Beijing, China. It covers a vast area and is dedicated to the collection, cultivation, and display of a wide variety of plants. Location The Beijing Botanical Garden is located in the Haidian District of Beijing, near the Western Hills and Xiangshan Park. History The Beijing Botanical Garden was established in 1955 and has since become one of the most significant botanical gardens in China. It was designed to serve both scientific and recreational purposes, providing a space for research, conservation, and public education about plant biodiversity. Attractions Peony Garden: A stunning garden featuring a vast array of peony varieties, particularly beautiful in late spring. Tropical Conservatory: Home to a wide variety of tropical and subtropical plants, including rare and endangered species. Rose Garden: An extensive collection of roses, showcasing both traditional and modern varieties. Plus fountains. Medicinal Herb Garden: Features a variety of plants used in traditional Chinese medicine. Orchid House: Displays a large number of orchid species and hybrids. Activities Guided Tours Educational Workshops Photography Botanical Research Seasonal Festivals and Events Facilities Visitor Center Restrooms Gift Shops Cafes and Restaurants Parking Lots Wheelchair Access Visitor Tips Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and snacks, especially if you plan to stay for several hours. Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds. Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Respect the plants and wildlife; do not pick flowers or disturb animals.

The awesome BeiWangShan Forest Park, BeiJing

Video : China : The awesome BeiWangShan Forest Park, BeiJing

With MisterVaughn ... Welcome to BeiWangShan Forest Park Discover the natural beauty and tranquility of Beiwangshan Forest Park in Beijing. Introduction Beiwangshan Forest Park, located in Beijing, is a beautiful natural retreat offering a peaceful environment away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is known for its lush greenery, scenic views, and diverse wildlife. Location Beiwangshan Forest Park is situated in the north-west part of Beijing, making it easily accessible from the city center. History Beiwangshan Forest Park was established in the late 20th century as part of Beijing's efforts to enhance urban green spaces and promote ecological conservation. The park has since become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a natural escape within the bustling city. The development of the park included extensive tree planting, trail construction, and the establishment of various facilities to support outdoor activities and environmental education. Over the years, it has grown into a mature forest park, celebrated for its biodiversity and scenic beauty. Attractions Scenic Trails: Explore numerous hiking trails that offer stunning views of the forest and surrounding areas. Observation Decks: Enjoy panoramic views from various observation decks situated within the park. Flora and Fauna: Witness a rich diversity of plant and animal species. Picnic Areas: Relax and have a meal in designated picnic spots. Activities Hiking and Nature Walks Bird Watching Photography Picnicking Camping (seasonal) Facilities Visitor Center Restrooms Parking Lots Food Stalls Guided Tour Services Visitor Tips Wear comfortable shoes for hiking. Bring enough water and snacks. Respect the natural environment; do not litter. Check the weather forecast before your visit. Follow park regulations and guidelines.

Yuan DaDu City Wall Park, BeiJing

Video : China : Yuan DaDu City Wall Park, BeiJing

With MisterVaughn ... Welcome to Yuan Dadu City Wall Park Discover the ancient walls of Beijing About Yuan Dadu City Wall Park Yuan Dadu City Wall Park is a historical park located in the northern part of Beijing, encompassing the remnants of the city walls from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). The park preserves a section of the ancient city walls and provides visitors with a glimpse into the rich history of Beijing. The park stretches for several kilometers and is a popular spot for both locals and tourists to relax, exercise, and learn about the city's past. Main Attractions Ancient City Walls The park features well-preserved sections of the ancient Yuan Dynasty city walls. These walls, originally built to protect the capital, now stand as a testament to the architectural prowess and historical significance of the Yuan Dynasty. City Wall Relics Museum Located within the park, the City Wall Relics Museum offers an in-depth look at the history of the Yuan Dadu city walls. The museum displays artifacts, historical documents, and detailed models of the ancient city. Scenic Walkways The park features beautifully landscaped walkways that run alongside the ancient walls. These walkways are perfect for leisurely strolls and provide visitors with picturesque views of the park's greenery and historical structures. Peony Garden The Peony Garden, located in the park, is a must-visit during the blooming season in spring. The garden showcases a stunning variety of peonies and is a popular spot for photography and relaxation. Activities Morning Exercises Yuan Dadu City Wall Park is a popular spot for locals to perform morning exercises such as tai chi, dancing, and jogging. Visitors can join in or simply enjoy watching these traditional Chinese activities. Photography The park offers excellent opportunities for photography, especially around the ancient city walls and gardens. Capture the historical essence and natural beauty of the park in your photos. Seasonal Festivals Yuan Dadu City Wall Park hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Peony Festival in spring and traditional Chinese cultural performances. These events provide a deeper understanding of the local culture and history. Transport Yuan Dadu City Wall Park is easily accessible from various parts of Beijing. Here are some ways to get there: By Subway: Take Line 10 to Jiandemen Station, then walk north for about 10 minutes to reach the park. By Bus: Multiple bus routes stop near Yuan Dadu City Wall Park, including routes 27, 55, and 305. Get off at the Dadu Ruins Park stop. By Taxi: Taxis are a convenient option, especially if you are traveling with a group or have heavy luggage. Just ask the driver to take you to Yuan Dadu City Wall Park (元大都城垣遗址公园).

The wonderful JingShan Park, central BeiJing

Video : China : The wonderful JingShan Park, central BeiJing

With MisterVaughn ... Welcome to JingShan Park Explore the historic heart of BeiJing About Jingshan Park Jingshan Park, located in the center of Beijing, is a historic and scenic park with a rich cultural heritage. Originally an imperial garden during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the park is famous for its artificial hill, Jingshan, which offers panoramic views of the Forbidden City and central Beijing. The hill was created from the soil excavated to build the moats of the Forbidden City and nearby canals. Main Attractions Wanchun Pavilion The Wanchun Pavilion, located at the summit of Jingshan Hill, is the highest point in central Beijing. It offers breathtaking views of the Forbidden City to the south, Beihai Park to the west, and modern Beijing's skyline. Five Pavilions Jingshan Hill features five pavilions aligned along its central axis. Each pavilion offers unique perspectives of the surrounding area and houses a Buddhist statue, reflecting the park's historical significance. Shouhuang Hall The Shouhuang Hall was used by emperors for ancestral worship. Recently renovated, it now serves as an exhibition hall showcasing the history and cultural heritage of Jingshan Park. Peony Garden The Peony Garden, located in the park's southeast corner, is renowned for its stunning collection of peonies. It is a popular spot during the blooming season in late spring when the flowers are in full bloom. Activities Morning Exercises Jingshan Park is a popular spot for locals to perform morning exercises such as tai chi, dancing, and jogging. Visitors can join in or simply enjoy watching these traditional Chinese activities. Photography The park offers excellent opportunities for photography, especially from the summit of Jingshan Hill. Capture panoramic views of the Forbidden City and the surrounding cityscape, or the beautiful gardens and pavilions within the park. Seasonal Festivals Jingshan Park hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Peony Festival in spring and the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in autumn. These events showcase the park's horticultural beauty and traditional Chinese culture. Transport Jingshan Park is easily accessible from various parts of Beijing. Here are some ways to get there: By Subway: Take Line 8 to Shichahai Station, then walk south for about 10 minutes to reach the park's north gate. By Bus: Multiple bus routes stop near Jingshan Park, including routes 5, 58, and 101. Get off at the Jingshan East Gate stop. By Taxi: Taxis are a convenient option, especially if you are traveling with a group or have heavy luggage. Just ask the driver to take you to Jingshan Park (景山公园).

Five days in and around ShangHai

Video : China : Five days in and around ShangHai

With Millie Liao ... With Saranghoe ... Bonus films - HangZhou trip : with LiVanSi ... And back to ShangHai - with linyi ... ... and BeiJing ... With JustKenna ...

First day in China - BeiJing

Video : China : First day in China - BeiJing

With Sammy and Tommy ...

Three days in BeiJing

Video : China : Three days in BeiJing

Featuring BaDaLing Great Wall, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven. With Camille in China ...

Family fun in BeiJing

Video : China : Family fun in BeiJing

With TimGloAdventures ...

Spring in BeiJing : Purple bamboo park to the Summer Palace

Video : China : Spring in BeiJing : Purple bamboo park to the Summer Palace

The Purple Bamboo Park (ZiZhuYuan), a national AAAA-level scenic spot, was founded in 1953 and is open to the public free of charge. The park has natural landscaping and lush bamboos, making it perfect for exercise and and relaxation. The Summer Palace (YiHeYuan), a royal garden during the Qing Dynasty, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. The Summer Palace is a large-scale landscape garden built around KunMing Lake and WanShou Mountain and based on the design techniques of the south of the YangTze River style gardens. It is also the most complete royal palace garden in China and is known as the "Royal Garden Museum" and is a National AAAAA level scenic spot. The boat ride along the canal between the two parks (ChangHe River) takes about 25 minutes. With Seiu Travel ...

FunFancie in BeiJing - incl. the Great Wall and Forbidden City

Video : China : FunFancie in BeiJing - incl. the Great Wall and Forbidden City

Highlights of the BeiJing 北京 2008 Paralympics Opening Ceremony (HD)

Video : China : Highlights of the BeiJing 北京 2008 Paralympics Opening Ceremony (HD)

Still searching for the Bolero, but these two clips are also awesome. 16 years ago already. Magic moments ...

China 中国 trip, BeiJing, ShangHai, Xi'An, GuiLin - don't miss it

Video : China : China 中国 trip, BeiJing, ShangHai, Xi'An, GuiLin - don't miss it

With MyWorldAt5feet ... Bonus film - diabolo around China ...

Day trip to MuTianYu Great Wall of China, BeiJing

Video : China : Day trip to MuTianYu Great Wall of China, BeiJing

With Cheese Diary ... With Footprint ...

The awesome Lantern Festival in WenYuHe Park, BeiJing

Video : China : The awesome Lantern Festival in WenYuHe Park, BeiJing

With The China Traveler ... With China Culture ... With CGTN ... With Seiu Travel ...

Grand View Garden, BeiJing

Video : China : Grand View Garden, BeiJing

Grand View Garden (DaGuanYuan) is a large imperial style garden; a recreation of the famous garden described in the classic Chinese novel "Dream of the Red Chamber" (also known as "A Dream of Red Mansions" or "The Story of the Stone"), written by Cao Xueqin during the Qing dynasty. The construction of Grand View Garden began in 1984 and was completed in 1986. It covers an area of about 12 hectares (30 acres) and is designed to resemble the garden as described in the novel, with pavilions, corridors, artificial hills, ponds, and lush vegetation. Visitors to Grand View Garden can explore various scenic spots and cultural attractions that are inspired by the characters and events from "Dream of the Red Chamber." Some of the highlights include: Grand View Tower (Daguanyuanlou): This central pavilion serves as the main entrance to the garden and offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is a popular spot for visitors to take photos and admire the scenery. Baochai Hall (Baochaifang): Named after one of the principal characters in the novel, Baochai Hall is a traditional Chinese-style building where visitors can learn about the life and culture of the Qing dynasty elite. Jia Baoyu's Room (Jiabaojuyuan): This recreation of the protagonist's living quarters gives visitors a glimpse into the daily life of the fictional Jia family. The room is furnished with antique furniture and decorations reminiscent of the Qing dynasty. Peach Blossom Island (Taoyuandong): Inspired by the idyllic setting described in the novel, Peach Blossom Island features winding paths, lush vegetation, and a tranquil pond surrounded by peach trees. It is a peaceful retreat within the garden where visitors can relax and enjoy nature. The Eighteen Scenes of the Grand View Garden: These scenic spots are based on the poetic descriptions found in "Dream of the Red Chamber" and include attractions such as the Lotus Fragrance Pavilion, the Mountain of Toads, and the Three Wisdoms Hall. In addition to its historical and cultural significance, Grand View Garden also hosts various cultural events, performances, and exhibitions throughout the year, including traditional Chinese opera performances, calligraphy demonstrations, and art exhibitions. Overall, Grand View Garden offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of "Dream of the Red Chamber" and experience the beauty and elegance of traditional Chinese garden design. It is a popular destination for both tourists and locals alike, providing a tranquil escape from the bustling city of Beijing.

BeiJing 北京 and ShangHai 上海 - winter trip

Video : China : BeiJing 北京 and ShangHai 上海 - winter trip

China in the snow; all in just 3 minutes ... Bonus film ...

Drum meet-up in HouHai, BeiJing 北京

Video : China : Drum meet-up in HouHai, BeiJing 北京

Morning in central Beijing ...

Beautiful BeiJing in the snow

Video : China : Beautiful BeiJing in the snow

Including the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China and JingShan Park. With Seiu Travel ...

BeiJing's hutongs

Video : China : BeiJing's hutongs

With Aaron and Char ... With Beyond A to B ... With DS Travel ... With Travelogue ...

GuBei Water Town, MiYun, BeiJing

Video : China : GuBei Water Town, MiYun, BeiJing

At the foot of the awesome SiMaTai section of the Great Wall of China. A family trip in autumn. With TimGloAdventures ... Bonus films - JinShanLing Great Wall ... The Forbidden City, JingShan Park and MuTianYu Great Wall ...

*** Seasons greetings from BeijingBuzzz - 2023 / 2024 ***

Video : China : *** Seasons greetings from BeijingBuzzz - 2023 / 2024 ***

Keep warm; share the love; and see you in 2024 ! Featuring guests from Korea and the UK. Traditional Chinese music flash mob; BeiJing - China together for the coming New Year - many favorite traditional songs, at the New World Trade Center Mall in Beijing ... Bonus film - the XiaMen City Singers - Mr Q ... Bonus film 2 - The Barberettes (from Korea; a la the Ronettes) - Be My Baby ... Rock guitar goddess – YO YO (PinXi Liu) ... JoySide with MiuMiu - DongDongDong / Can You Feel My Love ... Angela Chang - A Diao 阿刁 ... G.E.M. ... DaiingTana and HAYA Band ... A little but awesome busking from Taiwan island ... 'Big Fish' 大鱼, from the awesome film 'Big Fish and Begonia' ...

Hiking the Great Wall 长城 of China in the snow

Video : China : Hiking the Great Wall 长城 of China in the snow

A great film of the Great Wall north of Beijing, including 'wild wall', accompanied by great music (踏古 (Ta Gu) by Lin Hai, 'Walking into Ancientry', with Chinese lute (pipa)). We [mum, dad - videographer - and son and daughter, from Singapore] hiked 3 sections of the Great Wall in winter, without any guides after studying blogs and posts by fellow hikers. All these sections are different. From the unrestored GuBeiKou Great Wall where we were the only people around, to the wonderful JinShanLing, where the climb is steep and every direction gives you good photo opportunities, to the restored MuTianYu where we hiked in heavy snowfall. We stayed at local farmhouses on both nights, dined with the locals and hitched rides to nearby bath-houses. Temperature ranged from -5 deg C (day) to -12 deg C (night). Winter daybreak is at 7am and the sky becomes dark by 5pm so one has only 10 hours of daylight, so plan your travelling and hiking schedules carefully. This once-in-a-lifetime experience was captured on video and we would like to share it with you. The feelings just can't be described - you need to experience it first hand. Take only memories, leave only footprints and kindness ... A wonderful animation combining traditional Chinese painting and dance - don't miss it ! 踏古-林海 作曲:林海 视频作者:中国传媒大学动画学院

The Forbidden City 紫禁城 in Ultra HD / 4K

Video : China : The Forbidden City 紫禁城 in Ultra HD / 4K

See the architectural marvel that is the Palace Museum in the heart of the blue sky city of BeiJing ...

BeiJing walking tour

Video : China : BeiJing walking tour

With Walk East ...

BeiJing 北京 Vibe - summer 2011 - the real BeiJing

Video : China : BeiJing 北京 Vibe - summer 2011 - the real BeiJing

Inline skating contest 'Battle Masters Beijing'. The second film is from a pairs contest in Germany, 2011.

Beijing 北京 Swing !

Video : China : Beijing 北京 Swing !

Awesome feel-good dance video ... Locations: The Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the "Bird's Nest" Beijing National Stadium, QianHai - HouHai, the Temple of Heaven, ZhongShan Park and The Place mall. Music:the fantastic Pink Martini - "Wo Yao Ni De Ai  我要你的爱"  (I Want You, To Be My Baby)

Now you're in Beijing 北京 ... (Flashback - almost 10 years !)

Video : China : Now you're in Beijing 北京 ... (Flashback - almost 10 years !)

Original posting - December 2014. Starting with 'Now you're in Beijing (commie jungle mix)', music video. Plus Beijing's popular attractions, a trip to the blue sky city, QianHai Lake (in central Beijing), the BeiJing to ShangHai sleeper train, and The Forbidden City (documentary; in English) bonus films ... 'Now you're in Beijing ...' - think about it - you're in Beijing, China - it might be different but that is here and not there; sure some things could be better - such as rights and protections for migrant workers, but Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say. A few words on the Hu JinTao / Wen JiaBao era - definately one of China's most successful jumps forward; a major rise in prosperity for all, the growth of great infrastructure, such as the high-speed rail system, and much more, the Beijing Olympics, the Shanghai World Expo, space exploration, and the list goes on ... A happy retirement to two leaders who helped guide China back to greatness ! Mao ZeDong unified the country and helped defeat the Japanese invaders, and for that is a national hero. But things didn't go so well subsequently and on his death the 'Gang of Four' were arrested and China took a new path, though slowly at first following the courageous efforts of Deng XiaoPing. But it was not until circa 1990 that China really began to take off. So its rise to greatness, once more, is remarkable for having been achieved, from so little, in just 25 years. Obviously, they have done most things very right.

BaDaChu (Eight Great Sites) park, BeiJing

Video : China : BaDaChu (Eight Great Sites) park, BeiJing

Eight Buddhist temples on a slope of the Western Hills, nearby XiangShan park (Fragrant Hills Park).

BeiJing night and day, 2023

Video : China : BeiJing night and day, 2023

798 Art Zone, WangJing SOHO, and CBD. With Walk East ... BeiJing CBD area. With BeiJing Walking ...

The BeiJing Olympic Park in summer - lotuses and sunflowers

Video : China : The BeiJing Olympic Park in summer - lotuses and sunflowers

Just north of the Birds Nest lies a huge park. Don't forget to visit here this coming summer ...

WanShou Temple and the BeiJing Art Museum

Video : China : WanShou Temple and the BeiJing Art Museum

Bonus film - The WuTa Temple in BeiJing ...

Autumn in BeiJing : YanQi Lake, HuaiRou

Video : China : Autumn in BeiJing : YanQi Lake, HuaiRou

Bonus film - autumn in BeiJing ...

BeiJing in autumn : MuTianYu Great Wall of China

Video : China : BeiJing in autumn : MuTianYu Great Wall of China

Autumn in BeiJing - a tour of GuBei Water Town and the wonderful SiMaTai Great Wall of China

Video : China : Autumn in BeiJing - a tour of GuBei Water Town and the wonderful SiMaTai Great Wall of China

Autumn in the Olympic Forest Park, BeiJing

Video : China : Autumn in the Olympic Forest Park, BeiJing

The Great Wall of China at night - JuYongGuan, BeiJing

Video : China : The Great Wall of China at night - JuYongGuan, BeiJing

BeiJing bicycle ride

Video : China : BeiJing bicycle ride

JieTai Temple, in the mountains west of BeiJing

Video : China : JieTai Temple, in the mountains west of BeiJing

ZiZhuYuan (Purple Bamboo Park) in BeiJing

Video : China : ZiZhuYuan (Purple Bamboo Park) in BeiJing

July lotuses and the boat to the Summer Palace ... With MisterVaughn ... Boating the ancient canal route from downtown BeiJing to the Summer Palace (YiHeYuan) ... The LiangMa River ...

A walk through the lakeside gardens of the Summer Palace, BeiJing

Video : China : A walk through the lakeside gardens of the Summer Palace, BeiJing

Bonus film ...

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