Videos about Xinjiang, China

50 places to visit in XinJiang

XinJiang: 20 Kid-Friendly Places to Visit

  1. Heavenly Lake (Tianchi) (天池 Tiānchí): A stunning alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks, offering boat rides and hiking trails suitable for families.
  2. Kanas Lake (喀纳斯湖 Kānàsī Hú): A picturesque alpine lake with clear blue waters, surrounded by forests and mountains, offering boat rides and nature walks.    ... more ...

XinJiang update - UN visit

Video : China : XinJiang update - UN visit

With The New Atlas ...

Beautiful XinJiang

Video : China : Beautiful XinJiang

Wonderful landscapes ...

Planning war on China - part 31

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 31

With Danny HaiPhong and Brian Berletic ... *** Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 22

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 22

The mainstream media in the West is a key part of the 'defense' (offence) department - it's all about hegemony / imperialism. Disinformation is always the first act of war. These 'journalists' are simply sycophants of an elite that wants total control; they think they are a part of the 'winners'. Totally disgusting. With Daniel Dumbrill ... With The New Atlas ... With Living In China ... With the Moderate Rebels ... On Desmond Tutu, with Democracy Now ... (Ignoring the lack of understanding China, and the climate change hysteria) ... YT comment : China today is committed to being more green. Her programs on Solar, Wind and Hydro power is advanced. President Xi has compared clean waters and forests as the real gold. YT comment : China has sought hegemony; never colonized; even when it could easily have done so. China id all about trade and building, not conquest. The China threat - the threat of a good example. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock.

Planning war on China - part 21

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 21

On Myanmar - with The New Atlas ... On Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Cuba - with the Moderate Rebels ... On Central America, Biden ... On Australia - with Geopolitics In Conflict... On XinJiang and the Uyghurs - with Pivot to Peace / Professor Ken Hammond ... On Hong Kong ... On Julian Assange ... On the post-western world - with Martin Jacques ... With YChina re the New York Times ... With Daniel Dumbrill ...

The 'Uyghur Tribunal' : predictable and dangerous propaganda

Video : China : The 'Uyghur Tribunal' : predictable and dangerous propaganda

Brian Berletic : "It is no coincidence that the so-called 'Uyghur Tribunal's 'final ruling' coincided with a dump of supposedly 'leaked' documents and the US-led 'diplomatic boycott' of the BeiJing 2022 Olympics. This is a massive propaganda campaign aimed at building hatred for China and justification for conflict with China." Circus, lies, propaganda, theater, kangaroo court. Manufacturing consent. And the mainstream media play their role as war propagandists; a disgrace to the human race. With The New Atlas ...

Planning war on China - part 13

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 13

With The New Atlas. Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano cut through the propaganda and shine light on realities ... Bonus films ... On Thailand ... On Nicaragua ... On Palestine ... On Syria ... On Cuba ... On Yemen ... On Taiwan ... On Western propaganda puppets ...

Planning war on China - part 12

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 12

An example of how the western MSM (main stream media) tries to convince you of their lies (hate). The real aim is to destroy the Chinese economy. In reality, it is the viewers who are being coerced / exploited. Mind control is controlling what one 'knows'. Demonisation of the 'other' is the first act of war. All about hegemony - colonialism rebranded as 'freedom and democracy'. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic, dissecting what you are supposed to believe ... Because truth is sacred. Ben Norton of the Moderate Rebels on Intersectional Imperialism ...

*** Planning war on China - part 11 - don't miss it ***

Video : China : *** Planning war on China - part 11 - don't miss it ***

"US-sponsored separatist groups, backed by Washington for decades, are being mobilized to attack and undermine activities related to the BeiJing 2022 Olympics, starting with the torch relay in Greece. I explain the background of the “Free Tibet” movement and how the US government, through the CIA, backed it as early as the 1950s and transferred its operations to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) [or 'Dominion' / enslavement]." With The New Atlas ... Bonus films - terror activities by US-backed 'opposition' in Myanmar ... Bonus film 2 - subverting the 'left' ... Bonus film 3 - on Ecuador ... Bonus film 4 - on Cambodia ... They say : "How dare you put your face in front of my fist ! Serve your master. Or else." More ... On the US plan to nuke Chinese cities - as revealed by Daniel Ellsberg, famous for the 'Pentagon Papers', with NuMuves ... On the Falun Gong cult ...

Planning war with China - part 7

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 7

With The New Atlas ... US sanctions on Cambodia, for declining US interference ... Australian Puppets of American Empire - with Daniel Dumbrill and Robbie Barwick ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film 2 - with The Moderate Rebels ... Bonus film 3 ... Bonus film 4 ... Bonus film 5 ...

Planning war with China - part 4

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 4

Planned for 50 years. Expected by 2025. With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic - don't miss it ... Bonus film - on Myanmar - with The New Atlas ... Bonus film 2 - on Thailand - with The New Atlas ... Bonus film 3 - with Professor Michael Hudson ... Bonus film 4 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with The GrayZone ... Bonus film 5 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with Going Underground / RT ... Bonus film 6 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with The Moderate Rebels ... Bonud film 7 - How will AUKUS impact the ASEAN countries - with The New Atlas ...

American empire and global propaganda - part 2

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda - part 2

Illusion and control. 'Democracy' allows elite rule, with your consent; its about empire. Don't you just hate being lied to ? With The New Atlas - don't miss it ... "A relentless propaganda war is being waged by the US and its allies against China in a desperate bid to maintain Western hegemony and obstruct the rise of China and Eurasia."

On the road to happiness : XinJiang

Video : China : On the road to happiness : XinJiang

The real XinJiang - don't miss it. With CGTN ...

XinJiang - the real truth ...

Video : China : XinJiang - the real truth ...

With Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic. They also discuss China's infrastructure and the development of XinJiang, Tibet, etc. ... In depth ... The West likes to trumpet 'individualism' - but is this really for the elite to divide the people, an excuse for the lack of infrastructure, and that if one is poor, it is your fault ? Compared to China's development and poverty alleviation, what has the West achieved over recent decades ? There are around 200,000 Chinese students in UK alone. China has 120 million outbound overseas tourists each year. There are 850,000 expats living and working in China. XiaoMi sells more smart phones than Apple. Etc. - Reality versus fake news. As for Western MSM, the more ridiculous the bias, the more obvious it becomes. In China, the people are family; in the West, the people are merely livestock.

This is the real XinJiang

Video : China : This is the real XinJiang

With YChina! ...

More on XinJiang - lies and reality (and why)

Video : China : More on XinJiang - lies and reality (and why)

With Daniel Dumbrill ...

Daniel Dumbrill talks with Max Blumenthal of Moderate Rebels - XinJiang and the US empire's war drive

Video : China : Daniel Dumbrill talks with Max Blumenthal of Moderate Rebels - XinJiang and the US empire's war drive

Important information on today's geopolitics. Do not miss it. XinJiang and the US empire's war drive ... More from the Moderate Rebels channel ... The 'threat' is that of a good example. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock. In the West, it is government by and for the elite (though wrapped in the candyfloss of elections). The Military Industrial Complex plays a part, but the biggest part is the western elites' superiority complex - colonialism never went away, it just became more subtle (but no less brutal).

China 中国 from the air - a breathtaking journey ...

Video : China : China 中国 from the air - a breathtaking journey ...

These amazing films capture the beauty of nature and city ... Don't miss it ! The best videographers. The best music. Turn up the volume; relax; let's go ... Hong Kong The Great Wall (JinShanLing / SiMaTai, close to Beijing) QingHai province JiuZhaiGou and HuangLong, SiChuan province Crescent Moon Spring / Lake, 6 km from DunHuang, GanSu province, north west China Guilin and YangShuo, GuangXi province The Tibetan Plateau, far south west China HuiZhou, GuangDong province, south east China TianShan Mountain area, XinJiang province, far west China MoGao Grotto, YuMenGuan, YangGuan, JiaYuGuan, YaDan, DanXia; all in GanSu province Tian Tan Giant Buddha, Hong Kong GuangZhou, provincial capital of GuangDong and close to Hong Kong Various places in China

Explore beautiful XinJiang 新疆 province ...

Video : China : Explore beautiful XinJiang 新疆 province ...

An awesome film - don't miss it ... September trip, in 2017; charming couple. XinJiang, north west China, includes the Tien Shan and Kunlun Shan mountains, the Taklimakan Desert, and the Tarim Basin.

Beautiful scenery around WuSu 乌苏 in XinJiang province

Video : China : Beautiful scenery around WuSu 乌苏 in XinJiang province

Far north west China ...

Cycling the Karakoram Highway, from Kashgar to the Pakistan border

Video : China : Cycling the Karakoram Highway, from Kashgar to the Pakistan border

There are beautiful mountains, lakes and grasslands along one of the world's highest modern roads - XinJiang province ...

This is XinJiang 新疆 ...

Video : China : This is XinJiang 新疆 ...

FuKang 阜康, XinJiang province

Video : China : FuKang 阜康, XinJiang province

FuKang was an important stopover on the ancient Silk Road ...

Kashgar, KaShi in Chinese 喀什, XinJiang province

Video : China : Kashgar, KaShi in Chinese 喀什, XinJiang province

Kashgar is the western-most city in China, located near the borders with Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Kashgar has a rich history of over 2,000 years and served as a trading post and strategically important city on the Silk Road between China, the Middle East, and Europe.

XiaMen, FuJian province, Urumqi, XinJiang province, and DunHuang, GanSu province

Video : China : XiaMen, FuJian province, Urumqi, XinJiang province, and DunHuang, GanSu province

A few of the great China videos by Stick2r ...

Urumqi 乌鲁木齐, XinJiang province : along the old Silk Road

Video : China : Urumqi 乌鲁木齐, XinJiang province : along the old Silk Road

With Sticker Travel. The second film shows scenes from the dances at the XinXiang International Bazaar Theater in Urumqi.

XinJiang style dance fun in BeiHai Park 北海公园, BeiJing

Video : China : XinJiang style dance fun in BeiHai Park 北海公园, BeiJing

XinJiang-style dance in BeiHai Park 北海公园, BeiJing

Video : China : XinJiang-style dance in BeiHai Park 北海公园, BeiJing

Filmed in October 2010.

Silk Road travels, including JiaYuGuan and DunHuang - video

Video : China : Silk Road travels, including JiaYuGuan and DunHuang - video

Scenes along the Silk Road in China. Places include Hohhot (Inner Mongolia), YinChuan (NingXia), LanZhou (Gansu), TianShui (Gansu), ZhangYe (Gansu), JiaYuGuan (Gansu), DunHuang (Gansu), Urumqi (XinJiang). Most notably, the western end of the Great Wall at JiaYuGuan and the Grottoes at DunHuang.

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