Videos about China, China

Beautiful China !

With Scenic Relaxation ...

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The beautiful natural landscapes of China



Location: Southwestern China, bordering Nepal and Bhutan.

Highlights: Home to Mount Everest (Qomolangma), the world's highest peak, and numerous other towering peaks. The region is known for its dramatic landscapes, deep gorges, and rich cultural heritage.

Yellow Mountain (HuangShan)

Location: Anhui Province.

Highlights: Famous for its granite peaks, hot springs, and ancient pine trees. The iconic sea of clouds and picturesque sunrises attract photographers and hikers.


Location: Hunan Province.

Highlights: Known for its towering sandstone pillars, lush forests, and deep ravines. The landscape inspired the floating mountains in the movie "Avatar."

Rivers and Lakes

Yangtze River

Location: Flows from the Tibetan Plateau to the East China Sea.

Highlights: The longest river in Asia, featuring the Three Gorges, which offer stunning cliffs, dense forests, and cultural sites along its banks.

Li River

Location: Guangxi Province.

Highlights: Famous for its karst mountain scenery and crystal-clear waters. A boat cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo is a popular way to enjoy the breathtaking landscapes.

Qinghai Lake

Location: Qinghai Province.

Highlights: The largest saltwater lake in China, surrounded by mountains and grasslands. It's a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.

Deserts and Plateaus

Gobi Desert

Location: Northern China and southern Mongolia.

Highlights: Known for its vast, barren landscapes, sand dunes, and unique rock formations. The desert is rich in dinosaur fossils and ancient Silk Road sites.

Tibetan Plateau

Location: Southwestern China.

Highlights: Often referred to as the "Roof of the World," it's the highest and largest plateau in the world. The region features expansive grasslands, glacial lakes, and the sacred Mount Kailash.

Forests and Grasslands

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Location: Sichuan Province.

Highlights: Known for its multi-colored lakes, waterfalls, and snow-capped peaks. The valley is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a paradise for hikers and nature lovers.

Hulunbuir Grassland

Location: Inner Mongolia.

Highlights: One of the most beautiful and well-preserved grasslands in China, known for its vast, rolling green plains, rivers, and traditional nomadic culture.

Coastal and Island Landscapes

Hainan Island

Location: South China Sea.

Highlights: Known for its tropical climate, sandy beaches, and clear blue waters. The island is a popular destination for beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts.

Zhoushan Archipelago

Location: Zhejiang Province.

Highlights: Comprising over a thousand islands, it offers beautiful beaches, rocky coastlines, and traditional fishing villages.

Caves and Karst Formations

Reed Flute Cave

Location: Guilin, Guangxi Province.

Highlights: A natural limestone cave known for its stunning stalactites, stalagmites, and colorful lighting.

Stone Forest (ShiLin)

Location: Yunnan Province.

Highlights: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this area features towering limestone pillars that resemble a forest made of stone.

Unique Natural Wonders

Danxia Landform

Location: Several provinces including Gansu, Guangdong, and Hunan.

Highlights: Characterized by red sandstone formations and steep cliffs, the Danxia landscapes are known for their vibrant colors and unique rock shapes.

Rainbow Mountains (Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park)

Location: Gansu Province.

Highlights: Famous for its colorful, layered rock formations that create a stunning "rainbow" effect across the mountains.


China's natural landscapes are incredibly varied and offer a wealth of experiences for travelers. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the serene waters of the Li River, and from the vast expanses of the Gobi Desert to the lush valleys of Jiuzhaigou, there is something for everyone to explore and admire. These diverse environments not only showcase the natural beauty of the country but also reflect its rich cultural heritage and deep connection to the land.

Ten enduring fundamentals of China’s culture

1. Harmony and Balance (和谐 Héxié)

Philosophical Roots: Derived from Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, the concept of harmony emphasizes balance in social relationships, nature, and the universe. It promotes peaceful coexistence and cooperation.    ... more ...

Tourists reveal the real China

The West's MSM's lies are being increasingly exposed.

Visitors to China are usually 'shocked' to find out the reality of life in China, and that they had been lied to by their own governments.

The people are friendly; because they are happy; because China is harmonious and successful and builds infrastructure and takes care of all of the people.

With Trip Bitten ...

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An introduction to China

Video : China : An introduction to China

With Nation Nibbles ... With BRIGHT SIDE ...

The sound of China 中国 ... Don't miss it !

Video : China : The sound of China 中国 ...  Don't miss it !

The amazing panoply of sights and sounds that is the incredibly diverse and both naturally and culturally beautiful country that makes it a travel destination top pick. With Cee-Roo ...

A beautiful day, in the good life, China 中国 trip, 2013 (10 year flashback)

Video : China : A beautiful day, in the good life, China 中国 trip, 2013 (10 year flashback)

Filmed in November 2013. Places featured: Hong Kong *, Li River (GuangXi) *, LiJiang (YunNan), Tiger Leaping Gorge *, ChengDu (pandas), Tibet *, ShangHai, BeiJing (wild Great Wall *); * indicates most footage. With Jaap Barneveld ... ( : BeijingBuzzz - 20 years of the best China travel and culture videos : )

Night time city-scapes from around China 中国

Video : China : Night time city-scapes from around China 中国

Featuring DaLian, ShenZhen, ChongQing, BeiJing, TianJin, QingDao, GuangZhou, ShangHai, HangZhou, Xi'An and ChengDu. With Vivid Destinations ... With Reporterfy Media ...

China trip - 10 great places to visit

Video : China : China trip - 10 great places to visit

With One Shot Adventures ...

China - democracy that delivers

Video : China : China - democracy that delivers

With CGTN ... Trade versus coups and invasion. Long term benefits (for all) versus short term profits (for some). Bonus films - on MSM propaganda : With FridayEveryday ... With Jerry's Take on China ... When people come first ... How 4% of the world's population keeps trying to suppress the 96% - with Garland Nixon ... China is the true government of the people, by the people, for the people. If only the West would learn from China the way that China learns from the West.

China 中国 trip, BeiJing, ShangHai, Xi'An, GuiLin - don't miss it

Video : China : China 中国 trip, BeiJing, ShangHai, Xi'An, GuiLin - don't miss it

With MyWorldAt5feet ... Bonus film - diabolo around China ...

China's awesome metro systems - don't miss it

Video : China : China's awesome metro systems - don't miss it

This shows what can be done when the government works for the people. Infrastructure enhances both individual freedom and quality of life. Not only super functional but also artistically beautiful. With Flying Dumplings ... Bonus film : HangZhou West railway station - with Gecko Walks ...

China - 75 years of development

Video : China : China - 75 years of development

With Martin Jacques ...

Coming together - the Chinese New Year 中国新年

Video : China : Coming together - the Chinese New Year 中国新年

Also known as the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year on the mainland lasts one week. Preparations will already be under way and include a spring clean and adding festive decorations. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are a time for family reunions, and for many this means travelling home from the city to the countryside. Chinese New Year is celebrated in many countries and China-towns around the World. GōngXǐ FāCái 恭喜发财 ! The first film, 'Coming Together', is from Malaysia - enjoy ... The Spring Festival is about a new year, a new beginning. A time of renewal, and hope and a fresh start, a time of good-will. For example, fireworks, apart from being a joy to all, are to scare away bad spirits. One can see this symbolize the breaking of old habits of thought – a spring clean of the mind. A new year is a new chance for a better life – if you will take it. Keep your eyes open, heart abundant, and strive for a better world. Help others on their journey whenever you can and always share a smile. It may help another, but it will certainly be good for you. As the second film says, it is love that brings us closer to happiness. Above all, the Spring Festival is a time for family. Next 4 films : 1: 'Going Home' ... 2: A touching song about life and friendship (forget the sub-titles, just watch the video). 'Beautiful Snow County is my Home' ... 3: 'Family Portrait' (from Malaysia) - a wry look at family life in the digital age ... 4: 'Don't be tied to the past, but don't tear it up' ... Two 2017 CNY songs from the M Girls (Malaysia). They have released a CNY album every year since 2001 ... 2011 flash-back - CNY fireworks in BeiJing ... Lion Dance in Malaysia (2017) ...

Tucker Carlson's trip to Russia - what was the real agenda ?

Video : China : Tucker Carlson's trip to Russia - what was the real agenda ?

With Ben Norton ... With Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson ... With Jan Oberg ...

China cities light up for Chinese New Year

Video : China : China cities light up for Chinese New Year

Bonus film - Spring Festival Gala 2024 from HeNan TV - some really great parts, including the start ...

Twenty cities aerial view

Video : China : Twenty cities aerial view

Shanghai Beijing Shenzhen Guangzhou Chongqing Suzhou Chengdu Hangzhou Wuhan Nanjing Tianjin Ningbo Qingdao Wuxi City Changsha Zhengzhou Nantong Foshan Quanzhou Hefei City

China's economic rise through planned industrial policy

Video : China : China's economic rise through planned industrial policy

China's industrial output is #1 and greater than the next nine countries combined. The US's military spending is #1 and greater than the next nine countries combined. To the 'past' colonial powers of the West, China was supposed to remain just their factory to power their hegemony, not become a peer. Hence the anti-China 'threat'. With Ben Norton ...

The Belt and Road Initiative shows China's win-win cooperation vision for world development

Video : China : The Belt and Road Initiative shows China's win-win cooperation vision for world development

With BRIX Sweden and Stephen Brawer ...

China travel scenes

Video : China : China travel scenes

With Travels in China ...

Harmony vs discord - how China and the US are distinct

Video : China : Harmony vs discord - how China and the US are distinct

In China the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. -- Why 'livestock' ? Because in an 'individualistic' society (rather than a communal one), the government will be composed of the elite and above the people (employ divide and rule, and keep the people in dreams and poverty). Bonus film - with Willene Business & Lifestyle ... Why China is the future while the West is stuck in (and trying to preserve) the past. Bonus film - with Jason / Living in China - the suspended monorail in WuHan ... With Jerry's Take on China ...

Tram journey through NanJing's CBD area

Video : China : Tram journey through NanJing's CBD area

JiangSu province. With CN Walking ... Bonus film - 10 things the West should learn from China (but probably will not) - with Because I'm Lizzy ...

Real democracy - government by, for, and of the people

Video : China : Real democracy - government by, for, and of the people

The true measure is : does the government work for the people, or vice versa. Is it a sham / illusion / deception 'democracy' - elections, where one is forced to choose between elite factions, that are basically the same ideology? 'Pick a card, any card ...' Or is there a better way based on merit and that is bottom up - a system that truly responds to, and cares for, the people? With Jerry's Take on China ... In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. -- Recently, out of the hundreds of countries in the world, three decided to suicide, to serve their puppet masters : the Philippines, Argentina and Italy. Will Taiwan (not a country) be next? Are they Chinese or just fodder on a US missile base ??? -- China has defended itself (hence the Great Wall), but never been expansionist ... YT comment : George-rj4fj : "They who point fingers at China, failed to notice the huge expansionism of the Euro-Caucasians throughout the world so that some 2/3 of the world speaks not only English and Spanish but have also been forced into adopting Western cultures, religion, history and clothing. Talk about "cultural genocide"! They who accuses China of "expansionism" are also ignorant of history. Mongolia and Manchuria became part of China not from Chinese Han expansionism of conquest but because China was conquered by the Mongols and the Manchus and became part of THEIR empires. So too did Tibet when it ran wars into China in an expanding of the Tibetan Empire - and was defeated and absorbed in turn. Chinese culture is an amalgamation of all the different cultures that were absorbed into the greater Chinese diaspora. They who do not know history and are content in creating their own versions from western propaganda make themselves foolish by opening their mouths on topical subjects that they have absolutely no idea about." Bonus film - Jerry Grey in conversation with Ben Norton ... With Reports on China ...

China and geopolitics (2), January 2024

Video : China : China and geopolitics (2), January 2024

With Li JingJing and Ben Norton ...

China and geopolitics : the MSM lies that fool us - don't miss it

Video : China : China and geopolitics : the MSM lies that fool us - don't miss it

The 'threat' of being a good example, that threatens the uni-polar supremacist hegemony goal of the West's elites. While China aims to build up the world (win-win), the West wants to keep it down (to be merely plundered). In China, the people are family; in the West, the people are livestock. The West's mainstream media (and countless shills) churns out an endless stream of lies. Don't be fooled again ! Mind control is nothing other than controlling what you 'know'. MSM news is nothing other than mass hypnosis. It is not there to 'report', it is there to direct / shape / frame / push an agenda. It is there to fool you and get your 'consent'. It is deception / propaganda / front-line warfare. With Jerry's Take on China ...

Hiking the Great Wall 长城 of China in the snow

Video : China : Hiking the Great Wall 长城 of China in the snow

A great film of the Great Wall north of Beijing, including 'wild wall', accompanied by great music (踏古 (Ta Gu) by Lin Hai, 'Walking into Ancientry', with Chinese lute (pipa)). We [mum, dad - videographer - and son and daughter, from Singapore] hiked 3 sections of the Great Wall in winter, without any guides after studying blogs and posts by fellow hikers. All these sections are different. From the unrestored GuBeiKou Great Wall where we were the only people around, to the wonderful JinShanLing, where the climb is steep and every direction gives you good photo opportunities, to the restored MuTianYu where we hiked in heavy snowfall. We stayed at local farmhouses on both nights, dined with the locals and hitched rides to nearby bath-houses. Temperature ranged from -5 deg C (day) to -12 deg C (night). Winter daybreak is at 7am and the sky becomes dark by 5pm so one has only 10 hours of daylight, so plan your travelling and hiking schedules carefully. This once-in-a-lifetime experience was captured on video and we would like to share it with you. The feelings just can't be described - you need to experience it first hand. Take only memories, leave only footprints and kindness ... A wonderful animation combining traditional Chinese painting and dance - don't miss it ! 踏古-林海 作曲:林海 视频作者:中国传媒大学动画学院

Awesome Chinese cities by drone - don't miss it

Video : China : Awesome Chinese cities by drone - don't miss it

With Exploropia ... 1:29 - (10) Chonqing 2:27 - (9) Hong Kong 4:12 - (8) Suzhou 5:57 - (7) Shenzhen 7:35 - (6) Guangzhou 8:32 - (5) Xi'an 10:46 - (4) Chengdu 12:17 - (3) Hanzhou 14:18 - (2) Beijing 16:41 - (1) Shanghai Bonus film - Hong Kong by drone ...

Why it is far better to live in China - don't miss it

Video : China : Why it is far better to live in China - don't miss it

Real prosperity. With Rafa Goes Around! ...

18 years in China

Video : China : 18 years in China

With Flow Food Tea Repeat, in ShangHai ... Bonus film - with Jason / Living in China ...

Geopolitics - December 2023- don't miss it

Video : China : Geopolitics - December 2023- don't miss it

With Brian Berletic and Danny Haiphong ... * In China, the people are family. * In the West, the people are livestock. With Angelo Giuliano - on Myanmar, the Philippines and Taiwan; how the West is trying to burn down south-east Asia to contain China to maintain its hegemony over the world (keep it down and plunder its resources) ... The US goal of world hegemony dates from at least the 1960s ... The 'threat' of China is simply that it is a good example; 'no country should be other than our slave'. With Willene Business & Lifestyle ... On hegemony / dominance, with Jeffrey Sachs ... Latest news on China - with Wave Media ... On the EV car market - with Cyrus Janssen ... Italy, a basket case with a tendency to fascism, has buckled to US pressure and left the BRI; but three countries line up to replace it - Turkey, Greece and Spain ... Ciao Italia. Video was deleted by YT. On the Chinese island of Taiwan ... On Jimmy Lai, Apple Daily and the attempted HK overthrow ... Now, some positive videos : KunMing city, YunNan province ... ShangHai trip - with Sophie Kim ... A room with a view - YangShuo, with Darby Alex ... LiJiang, YunNan province, with Fel Thommy ...

Beautiful Chinese dance 中国古典舞

Video : China : Beautiful Chinese dance 中国古典舞

With EastCultures ...

China and sovereignty

Video : China : China and sovereignty

With Ben Norton and Li JingJing ...

US hypocrisy

Video : China : US hypocrisy

With Jeffrey Sachs ... With Wave Media ...

How China developed from one of the world's poorest countries to economic powerhouse

Video : China : How China developed from one of the world's poorest countries to economic powerhouse

How Deng XiaoPing set in motion the industrialization that grew the economy by 600% in just 30 years. With Ben Norton ...

10 years in China - how is it ?

Video : China : 10 years in China - how is it ?

Bonus films ...

China from above - with Stef Hoffer

Video : China : China from above - with Stef Hoffer

War or peace ? US or China

Video : China : War or peace ? US or China

Don't miss it. With Cyrus Janssen ... With Cyrus and Alex ...

A trip to hospital in China - what is it like ?

Video : China : A trip to hospital in China - what is it like ?

An eye-opener. Modern, efficient and inviting. With really low (at cost) prices; e.g. $30 / £20 for a CT scan. With Middle Kingdom Productions in NanJing ... With Sabrina in China ... Plus a look at the local metro system ...

China - the world's happiest country : )

Video : China : China - the world's happiest country  : )

People in China are the happiest, with 91% feeling upbeat about life, says a new study by multinational research group IPSOS of Paris. Chinese values ...

China's metro systems

Video : China : China's metro systems

The world's largest. This is what one can do if invest in one's own country rather than trying to plunder the world. A look at the ShangHai metro system, with Barrett ...

Planning war on China - the West is ramping up

Video : China : Planning war on China - the West is ramping up

The insane rhetoric and absurdity - that China, under constant attack by the West, is the 'aggressor'.

China and healthcare

Video : China : China and healthcare

With WaveMedia ...

China - science and technology

Video : China : China - science and technology

With Barrett ... Why latin america / south america chose China ...

China and the space race

Video : China : China and the space race

China and India - the West tries divide and rule

Video : China : China and India - the West tries divide and rule

With Einar Tangen, CGTN ...

The supremacist US heads to war with China - don't miss it

Video : China : The supremacist US heads to war with China - don't miss it

Unhinged hysteria in the US belies the truth that it is the US that is the aggressor. It is the US that has a long history of war, and it is the US that has many hundreds of military bases all around the world. It has a military budget greater than all other countries combined. While China has never in its history been an aggressor. With Cyrus Jannsen, The Duran and Reporterfy Media ...

The US panic as China escapes Western enslavement

Video : China : The US panic as China escapes Western enslavement

Billions of dollars are spent by Western governments to manufacture negative stories (propaganda) about about China that one sees daily in the Western MSM, and online (there many agents out there). With Cyrus Janssen ... If you are Chinese, and thinking about studying in the US or UK, our advice is think again. These countries have openly declared China as a 'threat' and you would be putting yourself in danger.

China - US tensions : with KeYu Jin

Video : China : China - US tensions : with KeYu Jin

The 'threat' of China is that it says 'no' to being a slave of the West

Video : China : The 'threat' of China is that it says 'no' to being a slave of the West

The US is blaming China for its own decline. Alan Freeman, the co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group discusses why the US's decline is not China's fault. Bonus films, with Jeffrey Sachs ... Bonus film, with Cyrus Janssen ... Bonus film, with Yanis Varoufakis and Wongel Zelalem ... Africa owes about 12% of its total external debt to China. The rest is owed to you know who. People on the continent can see what the 12% has been used to develop but can hardly point to what has been done with the rest of the external debt. What is clear is bank accounts that have swindled that unaccounted for money are in the collective west. These are the very countries that go around talking about corruption in Africa. It is in China's interest that trading partners also grow, to conduct healthy trade relations. It is a WIN WIN partnership.

China and the US - geopolitics with Jeffrey Sachs, April 9th 2023

Video : China : China and the US - geopolitics with Jeffrey Sachs, April 9th 2023

Bonus films ...

On democracy and China

Video : China : On democracy and China

Geopolitics with Li JingJing, Lee Camp, George Galloway ... Bonus film with Judge Napolitano and Larry Johnson ...

8 years in China - 'why I love being here'

Video : China : 8 years in China - 'why I love being here'

With Rafa Goes Around! ... Bonus films - With Cyrus Janssen ... With Neel in China ... With KING KWESI ...

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