Videos about Guilin, China

GuiLin 桂林 photo tour : cormorant fishing, river rafting and landscape photography

Video : China : GuiLin 桂林 photo tour : cormorant fishing, river rafting and landscape photography

Very beautiful scenes - don't miss it ...

Beautiful YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林 from the air

Video : China : Beautiful YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林 from the air

The beautiful karst landscape around GuiLin 桂林

Video : China : The beautiful karst landscape around GuiLin 桂林

Around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林

Video : China : Around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林

GuangXi province.

The Li River and YuLong River, between YangShuo and Guilin, GuangXi province

Video : China : The Li River and YuLong River, between YangShuo and Guilin, GuangXi province

Beautiful GuiLin 桂林

Video : China : Beautiful GuiLin 桂林

The famous karst peaks of GuangXi province. Countryside views ... YuLong River bamboo rafting ... Li River cruise ...

A wonderful family trip through China 中国

Video : China : A wonderful family trip through China 中国

A must see, beautiful film if you're thinking of traveling to China - one of the very best films of its type : great adventures, lovely family. Places visited include BeiJing, Xi'An, ZhangJiaJie, GuiLin, Hong Kong, HuaShan, the LongJi rice terraces, and more ...

China 中国 from the air - a breathtaking journey ...

Video : China : China 中国 from the air - a breathtaking journey ...

These amazing films capture the beauty of nature and city ... Don't miss it ! The best videographers. The best music. Turn up the volume; relax; let's go ... Hong Kong The Great Wall (JinShanLing / SiMaTai, close to Beijing) QingHai province JiuZhaiGou and HuangLong, SiChuan province Crescent Moon Spring / Lake, 6 km from DunHuang, GanSu province, north west China Guilin and YangShuo, GuangXi province The Tibetan Plateau, far south west China HuiZhou, GuangDong province, south east China TianShan Mountain area, XinJiang province, far west China MoGao Grotto, YuMenGuan, YangGuan, JiaYuGuan, YaDan, DanXia; all in GanSu province Tian Tan Giant Buddha, Hong Kong GuangZhou, provincial capital of GuangDong and close to Hong Kong Various places in China

Impressions of GuiLin 桂林

Video : China : Impressions of GuiLin 桂林

印象桂林 GuangXi province, south China. Awesome, beautiful landscapes and culture ... Amazing CGI.

The magical scenery of GuangXi 广西 - from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔

Video : China : The magical scenery of GuangXi 广西 - from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔

Sailing along the Li River and YuLong River, among beautiful karst mountain peaks ... Bonus films - starting with 'Let life be beautiful' ... Sung by Alu Azhou and the Mountain Wind Group 阿鲁阿卓, 山风组合 生如夏花. Inspired by Stray Birds by famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, 1916 (生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美 --飞鸟集, 泰戈尔, 1916). Lyrics and Music by PU Shu (朴树). "In this life, we can not stay so long ..." Plus, heading to the northern grasslands, Song of the Surging Water - title song of the 2015 movie Wolf Totem 汪峰 沧浪之歌(《狼图腾》主题曲). Sung by Wang Feng. Lyrics by WANG Feng (汪峰); music by Adam HUANG (HUANG Yong, 黄勇); with Alianuul (Morin Khuur solo) and NING FangLiang (violin solo). "I am broken, but I love flying ..." We are not here so long - let each day be full of love and beauty ...

'A chance meeting in GuiLin 桂林' - and more micro movies 微电影

Video : China : 'A chance meeting in GuiLin 桂林' - and more micro movies 微电影

Grab some popcorn and enjoy a night-in at the BeiJingBuzzz cinema. New love, love perturbed, love re-found, love passed ... 'Fate ?' 《天目湖漫生活》 远离喧嚣 追寻宁静 世外桃园 浪漫生活 风景片 'Love More' Bii 畢書盡 《LOVEMORE CuBii 愛神降臨》 微電影全球首播 《连云港渔湾》微电影 山上的特别美丽魅力风景(爱情) 'Let's Get Married' (2015) Title song by Jane Zhang 張靚穎 《咱們結婚吧》 電影版主題曲《終於等到你》 (短版 MV) We cannot decide all that happens in life, but we can control how we react. Love is there, if we are ready and open the door. Love is not hard to find (to be); but it is easy to lose. In the end, what we get counts for nothing; it is what we give (leave behind) that matters - and every moment leaves a ripple in the ocean of life. Sneakers are fine; but the bare-foot memories will be most chrished. Love doesn't just flow to the naturally beautiful; it is those with love in their hearts who shine ; it is love that creates beauty.

Li River 漓江 boat trip : Guilin to YangShuo; GuangXi province

Video : China : Li River 漓江 boat trip : Guilin to YangShuo; GuangXi province

Beautiful bamboo rafting on the YuLong River 遇龙河

Video : China : Beautiful bamboo rafting on the YuLong River 遇龙河

The peaceful YùLóng Hé between YangShuo and GuiLin, GuangXi province, south China ...

The beautiful YuLong River 遇龙河, YangShuo to Guilin

Video : China : The beautiful YuLong River 遇龙河, YangShuo to Guilin

The YuLong River, YùLóng Hé, starts in YangShuo County near Litang and flows for over 35 kilometers (22 miles) to the Li River near the town of Ping Le; GuangXi province. The YuLong River is relatively shallow at around 5 meters (16 feet) maximum depth and is an average of 25 meters (82 feet) across. Unlike the deeper Li River, it has no motorized boat traffic and bamboo rafts, paddle boats and swimming are popular. The bamboo raft journey begins at the YuLong Bridge, which is 400 years old. Hiking and biking are also popular as there are many quaint villages along the river, some offering bed and breakfast accommodation. The YuLong River Valley is very fertile, and its low-lying terrain is excellent for rice fields. In recent years, farmers have also planted more cash crops such as pomelos, tangerines and mandarin oranges.

A 'spiritual' trip to GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

Video : China : A 'spiritual' trip to GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

Beautiful moments in GuiLin 桂林

Video : China : Beautiful moments in GuiLin 桂林

GuangXi province, south China ...

Beautiful GuiLin 桂林 countryside drive

Video : China : Beautiful GuiLin 桂林 countryside drive

A late afternoon trip through the famous karst peaks, plus views of the Li River at sunset. GuangXi province.

Guilin 桂林 YuLong River - boating and bamboo rafting

Video : China : Guilin 桂林 YuLong River - boating and bamboo rafting

Relax on peaceful rides along beautiful winding rivers through lush vegetation and karst peaks. GuangXi province, south China.

The unforgettable Li River 漓江 cruise from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔

Video : China : The unforgettable Li River 漓江 cruise from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔

GuangXi province. The four hour Li River cruise from GuiLin to YangShuo passes through spectacular karst peaks scenery, making it one of the top tourist attractions in China. The film also includes views over YangShuo and a short boat trip from FuLi (down river from YangShuo) before sunset. Very beautiful ...

GuiLin 桂林 scenery, GuangXi province

Video : China : GuiLin 桂林 scenery, GuangXi province

Things to see and do in YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林

Video : China : Things to see and do in YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林

Join Samuel and Audrey on their backpacking tour of this beautiful part of GuangXi province, south China. Includes YuLong River rafting and nearby rice terraces ...

An evening stroll through GuiLin 桂林 city

Video : China : An evening stroll through GuiLin 桂林 city

GuiLin, in GuangXi province, is famous for the surrounding karst peaks and rivers, but the city itself is also beautiful ...

A boat cruise along the Li River 漓江, GuiLin to YangShuo

Video : China : A boat cruise along the Li River 漓江, GuiLin to YangShuo

GuangXi province. With a great song too :)

The two rivers, four lakes cruise, GuiLin 桂林

Video : China : The two rivers, four lakes cruise, GuiLin 桂林

In GuangXi province. Beautiful ...

Scenes from the Li River 漓江, between YangShuo and GuiLin, GuangXi province

Video : China : Scenes from the Li River 漓江, between YangShuo and GuiLin, GuangXi province

Aerial scenes of YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

Video : China : Aerial scenes of YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

Beautiful ...

GuiLin 桂林 - beautiful rivers and terraced rice fields

Video : China : GuiLin 桂林 - beautiful rivers and terraced rice fields

GuiLin, the Li and YuLong rivers, Elephant Trunk Hill, Ping'An village, and the rice terraces of LongSheng and LongJi, GuangXi province ...

A boat ride along the beautiful Li River 漓江

Video : China : A boat ride along the beautiful Li River 漓江

Between GuiLin and YangShuo, GuangXi province.

Sailing along the beautiful Li River 漓江

Video : China : Sailing along the beautiful Li River 漓江

Between YangShuo and GuiLin, GuangXi province.

Bamboo rafting along the YuLong River 遇龙河 ...

Video : China : Bamboo rafting along the YuLong River 遇龙河 ...

Between YangShuo and GuiLin, GuangXi province, south China.

Sailing along the Li River 漓江

Video : China : Sailing along the Li River 漓江

From GuiLin to YangShuo, GuangXi province ...

The Li River 漓江 and GuiLin 桂林 night cruise

Video : China : The Li River 漓江 and GuiLin 桂林 night cruise

The Li River between YangShuo and GuiLin, plus the '2 rivers, 4 lakes GuiLin night cruise', GuangXi province ...

Scenic China 中国 ...

Video : China : Scenic China 中国 ...

The first film features KunMing and ShiLin (YunNan province), GuiLin and YangShuo (GuangXi province); the second LiJiang, Shangri-la and DaLi (YunNan province); and the third ZhouZhuang and SuZhou (JiangSu province) ...

The BeijingBuzzz video awards 2011 - special mention 1 - video

Video : China : The BeijingBuzzz video awards 2011 - special mention 1 - video

bjkina - Li River and YuLong River - Guilin and YangShuo, GuangXi province, and the HuangPu River, ShangHai

GuiLin 桂林, YangShuo 阳朔 and the Li River 漓江

Video : China : GuiLin 桂林, YangShuo  阳朔 and the Li River 漓江

GuangXi province

Beer factory dance fun - video

Video : China : Beer factory dance fun - video

江南 style. GuiLin, GuangXi province.

2010 China 中国 trip - video

Video : China : 2010 China 中国 trip - video

Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'An, Guilin, YangShuo, LongJi rice terraces, and Hong Kong

A trip through central and south China 中国

Video : China : A trip through central and south China 中国

Including PingYao, Xi`An, GuiLin, the Dragon`s Backbone Rice Terraces, a Yao minority village, and the Li River ...

Beautiful scenery around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林 - video

Video : China : Beautiful scenery around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林 - video

GuangXi province, in south China

Li River 漓江 scenes : YangShuo to GuiLin

Video : China : Li River 漓江 scenes : YangShuo to GuiLin

GuangXi province. Filmed in December 2011 ...

YangShuo 阳朔, GuiLin 桂林 and XingPing 兴平 - video

Video : China : YangShuo 阳朔, GuiLin 桂林 and XingPing 兴平 - video

Filmed in 2011. 1) A visit to the YangShuo countryside. The scenery and landscape are so beautiful and breathtaking. Strolling by a bamboo raft along the YuLong River; watching the fabulous cormorant birds catching fish, the YuLong Bridge and the village is well worth the visit. Overall the scenes are picturesque and awesome. 2) The most beautiful scenery of karst mountains from GuiLin to XingPing, YangShuo by bamboo raft along the Li River. 3) Friday morning walk along Li River bank at YangShuo to a small village, than back to West Street to watch the local activities and see what people mostly do - fishing, photography and exercising.

The YuZi 面对 Sculpture Park, Guilin, GuangXi province

Video : China : The YuZi 面对 Sculpture Park, Guilin, GuangXi province

A look at the delightful open-air sculpture park of The Hotel of Modern Art (Hotel Homa Chateau) ...

Night-time river cruise in GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

Video : China : Night-time river cruise in GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

With Sticker Travel ...

Around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

Video : China : Around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province

With Sticker Travel ...

A trip to GuangXi 广西 province - video

Video : China : A trip to GuangXi 广西 province - video

Ping'An, GuiLin and YangShuo ...

Sailing along the Li River from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔

Video : China : Sailing along the Li River from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔

In beautiful GuangXi province ...

Bamboo rafting on the YuLong River 玉龙河 from GuiLin to YangShuo

Video : China : Bamboo rafting on the YuLong River 玉龙河 from GuiLin to YangShuo

GuangXi province ...

A trip to Guilin and YangShuo - video

Video : China : A trip to Guilin and YangShuo - video

Filmed in April 2011. Places include the Elephant Trunk rock, Red Flute cave, the Sun and Moon pagodas, Moon Hill, Li River, and the ancient town of XinPing.

Dancing around China 中国 (2) - video

Video : China : Dancing around China 中国 (2) - video

24 teens travel to Beijing, Ya'An, Xi'An, ChengDu, YangShuo, Guilin and Shanghai ...

Li River 漓江 boating, GuangXi province - video

Video : China : Li River 漓江 boating, GuangXi province - video

Filmed in autumn 2010.

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