Videos about war, China

The West’s ongoing economic (and technology) war on China

The West wants no peers, only slaves.

With Ben Norton ...

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Bonus film : What is the West's mindset today ? - with Michael Brenner and Neutrality Studies ...

  Plus more videos ...


The US prepares for war on China

Because China will not become another US slave state.

World domination has long been the intention of the US. Hundreds of coups and wars have shown this. So much of the world has been kept down by the US. And the intention re China is clear from all the MIC backed 'think tanks' (tanks to control your mind).

With Danny HaiPhong ...

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US puppet states (slaves) = the 'free world'. China's rising economy is about to 'collapse' (has been for for decades, they say).

With Scott Ritter - on how the transition to multi-polarity is as dangerous as it is welcome (and inevitable) ...

  Plus more videos ...


Geopolitics update, February 2024

With Ben Becker ...

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With Vijay Prashad ...

  Plus more videos ...


Geopolitics update – January 2024

The West has a win-lose mindset. It is very different from China's win-win.

The West aims, and has done for many decades, to keep all other countries down, by inciting wars and installing compliant puppet regimes.

Containing China has been the policy all along - and the real reason for the Vietnam and Korea wars. It is not something new. This is why the Phillipines has never reached its potential, and why all the propaganda (lies) and meddling in China's outskirts - notably, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and XinJiang.

With Brian Berletic and Danny HaiPhong ...

[video v=xW2K8Mo8E3Q]

With Liu Xin and Jeffrey Sachs ...

  Plus more videos ...


Russell Brand on the US war plans for Taiwan – DON’T MISS IT

The world wants to be free of Western slavery, and its propaganda and bombs.

Even just the far east, think of the hundreds of thousands of bombs dropped on Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia. The hundreds of military bases encircling China. And the trade war.

The West plans the destruction of Taiwan. The West is not going to 'save' Taiwan; it is going to destroy it. The US never has any other country's interest at heart; it is solely about keeping them down, to be merely a slave. It is never about peace; it is only ever about dominion; think 'protection racket'.

Don't be fooled again !

A must see ...

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In China, the people are family.

In the West, the people are merely livestock.

  Plus more videos ...


US rushes to war with China, with the Chinese island of Taiwan the excuse

Video : China : US rushes to war with China, with the Chinese island of Taiwan the excuse

The deluded separatists in Taiwan (a breakaway province aided by the US as a missile base) risk destroying their home. With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas, Angelo Giuliano and Carl Zha ... Bonus film - with Jeffrey Sachs ...

World War 3 - now just a matter of when, as US pushes on with utter madness ?

Video : China : World War 3 - now just a matter of when, as US pushes on with utter madness ?

Kim Iverson talks with retired army colonel Richard Black ... Puppet clowns getting people to boo and cheer, like a kids panto. Not enough adults in the room yet. YT comment (wtf_usa5597) : Calling our current "leaders" shameless liars is an insult to shameless liars.

Rage against the war machine

Video : China : Rage against the war machine

With Anya Parampil ... With Max Blumenthal ... With Roger Waters ...

The US war on China (and everyone else)

Video : China : The US war on China (and everyone else)

The 'and everyone else' is the part most don't get. And it is true even if you are in the US. Everyone 'else'. Weather balloons, earthquakes, pipelines and more, with George Galloway, Bryce Greene and Jamie Wright ... With Garland Nixon on the pipeline ... With Danny HaiPhong ... With The New Atlas and Angelo Giuliano on the US war plans to enforce its hegemony ... Hegemony - keeping everyone else down; divide and rule.

Japan as the new Ukraine ?

Video : China : Japan as the new Ukraine ?

The US is encircling China to maintain its hegemony, and Japan is one key 'useful idiot' proxy / expendable missile base. Will the US be fighting China to the last Japanese ? With The Grayzone ... With The New Atlas ... With Geopolitics In Conflict ...

The West's neocon war for hegemony (world domination)

Video : China : The West's neocon war for hegemony (world domination)

With Garland Nixon ...

Colonel Douglas MacGregor debunks Ukraine / Russia war lies - don't miss it

Video : China : Colonel Douglas MacGregor debunks Ukraine / Russia war lies - don't miss it

With Jackson Hinkle .... Bonus films ...

Official racism. Reality is so very different from the 'official' / MSM narrative / fairy tale - DON'T MISS THIS !

Video : China : Official racism. Reality is so very different from the 'official' / MSM narrative / fairy tale - DON'T MISS THIS !

Planning War On China part 40 (the encore). From now, all similar content will be on the new Geopolitics page, so do check that out and bookmark. Something Different, health, and psychology videos are likely to also move to their own pages. So we will still cover all these aspects of life, but have more time to focus on Chinese culture and China travel. *************************** Official racism is a very important fact to consider, and because it is is based on propaganda, can be easily missed for what it really is. Yet once seen, it is all so clear. Us and Them - is the sales pitch of supremacists and bomb companies. That is ALL it is. There is no 'us and them'; that is just a scam to fool you into obedience / subservience / enslavement. The real schism is that there are real / open-eyed people, and then there are the brainwashed / believers people. Simple as that. Puppets at the top; puppets at the bottom. One life, one world, one family. One has love, or one does not. Real love doesn't have targets; real love is a light that shines in all directions. Onto the video film ... With George Galloway in conversation with Jerry's Take on China ... Bonus films ... George at his very best - don't miss it ... What is more important - life or money (power) ? Simply believe ? Or be free to see reality ?? No longer puppet. Live more ... Because it is not about 'me' (that is the scam / fantasy, and a big topic in itself - 'your problems are all your fault', is part of it); it is really about 'WE'. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. And that is the 'threat'. [ video v=fIxPv2Dn_P0 ] Oliver Stone interviews Vladimir Putin ... Taiwan the next Ukraine ? ... Lee Camp ... [ video v=OSkpIq3T-Zc ] Racism is racism is racism. There is NO excuse, no matter how 'official' it is sold to you. Something like 3 million died in the Vietnam war (not including the carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia), alone. This is what racism entails. How many times will this lie play out ? Meanwhile ... Peace.

Planning war on China - part 39 - the very last part - so don't miss it

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 39 - the very last part - so don't miss it

With Brian Berletic, Ben Norton, Aaron Mate, DDN, George Galloway ... * A comment from the dEVIL : "In the West, I have freedom - to do whatever I feel like. Wherever big money and privilege rule, I can trample and destroy whoever I like; and fool you however I wish ! So easy : ) Resist me, and you are my projection (the 'evil one' - lol; you're just trash). I am me, the greatest and noblest, and you are my slave, er, 'equal' (trust me); but I am your master, well, I am superior; I am the Ministry of Truth. I control everything you know. Just believe. Don't mess with reality when I can protect you with my fantasies." * ** Reply to dEVIL : You are nothing but a fake memory. On awakening, you are gone. The dEVIL has no clothes. ~~~ Save this link - before it disappears, in the name of free speech ; ) ~~~ : It is not about 'me'; it is about 'we'. That is oneness; i.e. love. : Only fear keeps us separate. : Love is the absence of fear. MEANWHILE (back in the civilized world) : The ShangHai metro ... SanLiTun night walk, BeiJing ... The 'China threat' - the 'threat' of a good example - a better path, better life. : In China, the people are family; and the people of the world are all family. : In the West, the 'people', are merely livestock to an elite. Final thought : in this series of posts we have looked at many places around the globe, yet hopefully it is clear by now that it all is part of a master plan to subjugate China. And all of Asia / the 'South'. And you, wherever you are. A tiny, tiny minority subjugating the people of Earth, suffocating their development and well-being; their joy and happiness and dreams. Wish this to be the last in the series. Let's see. UPDATE : Yes, part 39 will be the last. But your favorite voices will continue in a new page called Geopolitics, similar to Expat Voices (to be renamed Travel Voices). Brian, Ben, Angelo, Daniel ... will all be there; auto-updated. Here soon ... (It was actually planned months ago, that's why the geopolitics people disappeared from the Expat Voices page - to move to a new page, but till now has not been constructed. But it will be now - BB has said all we can say and wish to concentrate on travel and culture hence). We also want to say a thank you to the contributors for all their hard work and suggest that if you can do support their invaluable input. Let's hope there is a tomorrow - see you then.

Planning war on China - part 36 - Don't miss it !!

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 36 - Don't miss it !!

With The New Atlas - Inflection - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... After Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and on and on and on - this time the western media is telling the truth ? LOL Don't get fooled again. 2022 - human civilisation ? - the West's rulers just cannot be human, be part of the human family. And not a deranged thug. A dying empire = dangerous times. We don't need supremacist tyranny, we need real civilisation. Or we are doomed ... One must speak out wherever injustice occurs; one day it might be you; but above all, if one doesn't stand for truth, why be alive ? Not pro China, or pro Russia, or pro socialism, or pro you-name-it; it is very simple - pro truth (reality, not official story). It is not about 'me', it is about 'we' ... One world; one family. One life; one chance to be real. Human rights - a roof, and affordable food; transportation, education and healthcare. Or, being scammed by just a right to complain; can you eat a vote (Biden or Trump, etc. - lol); into S&M ? Brian, Angelo, Alex, Patrick - real people. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 31

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 31

With Danny HaiPhong and Brian Berletic ... *** Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 30

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 30

With The New Atlas ... Meanwhile ... BBC - after each Olympic video shows a 'Hate will not win" message (relating to endemic racism in the UK). WHY then, are they endlessly promoting hatred of China ? WHY the incessant stories denigrating China right up to the eve of the opening (and doubtless throughout) ? 2008 - BBC says that the the one and a half lines of subway added for the summer Olympics was simply 'white elephant propaganda show-boating'; YET, now BeiJing has added a further some 20 lines of subway (as was always the plan) to become the world's largest subway metro system. And still the lies go on and on and on. A disgrace to humanity. At least, now that the hype is so obvious, more and more can see it for what it really is. Time for this relic of empire to be scrapped. But don't expect "fight for your right, to paaaartyyy" to change anything; or the fake 'opposition'; the elite all know that it is essential in a propaganda war (even if just as a distraction).

Planning war on China - part 28

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 28

If Afghans are starving, it's not because of the Taliban; it's because of Western sanctions; disinfo / crocodile tears ...

Planning war on China - part 27

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 27

With The New Atlas ... With NuMuves ... With The New Atlas ... Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 25

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 25

With Aaron Mate ... YT comments : * "Promoting democracy is an easy way to take over other countries. Simple as that. Pawns and 'big money'." * "Democracy is a scam which dupes the people to support elite rule." * "A story about democracy : A farmer asked his son before he died, "Pigs complain about poor feed, cows complain about heavy work, and chickens complain about dirty nests. What should you do?". The son said: "Change to good feed, buy more cows, clean up chicken coop." The farmer shook his head and said. "No, don't do anything. Let them vote, let them choose you or your wife to take care of them, and let them think they are the boss”." With Carl Sagan ... Poverty in the US ... Meanwhile ... Lemon Tree, with MiuMiu GuitarGirl ... New on the ShangHai metro ... KunMing, YunNan ...

Planning war on China - part 24

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 24

Neither Russia nor China are warmongers, neither seek some kind of world domination, only protection; hegemony is very much only a fantasy of the West (the neo-feudal elites, not the people). If either did not assist the other in time of war, they would go down soon after. Russia has the nukes, China has the manpower and manufacturing. Only together can they withstand the imminent war. On Roosevelt's notion of economic freedom - with The Gravel Institute ... Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 23 - Angelo and Brian - 2021 to 2022 - don't miss it

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 23 - Angelo and Brian - 2021 to 2022 - don't miss it

Geo-politics - 2021 review, and what might be in 2022. With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic ... Anything one hears on MSM, or social media, is probably BS. Real freedom is when there is a pause between propaganda and reaction - when one stops to first think (am I being duped?) ... Keep being real and sane is this crazy world. The world is full of richness. But insanely imbalanced in distribution. That's the reality, so long as the many are duped into believing that that is how it should be ! Into 2022, cherish what you have and love all around you. Always be above division and manipulation. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. While China acts to build a better world, the West only strives to try to preserve its dominance. Sad, but true. Bonus film - with Pascal Coppens ...

Planning war on China - part 22

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 22

The mainstream media in the West is a key part of the 'defense' (offence) department - it's all about hegemony / imperialism. Disinformation is always the first act of war. These 'journalists' are simply sycophants of an elite that wants total control; they think they are a part of the 'winners'. Totally disgusting. With Daniel Dumbrill ... With The New Atlas ... With Living In China ... With the Moderate Rebels ... On Desmond Tutu, with Democracy Now ... (Ignoring the lack of understanding China, and the climate change hysteria) ... YT comment : China today is committed to being more green. Her programs on Solar, Wind and Hydro power is advanced. President Xi has compared clean waters and forests as the real gold. YT comment : China has sought hegemony; never colonized; even when it could easily have done so. China id all about trade and building, not conquest. The China threat - the threat of a good example. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock.

Planning war on China - part 21

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 21

On Myanmar - with The New Atlas ... On Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Cuba - with the Moderate Rebels ... On Central America, Biden ... On Australia - with Geopolitics In Conflict... On XinJiang and the Uyghurs - with Pivot to Peace / Professor Ken Hammond ... On Hong Kong ... On Julian Assange ... On the post-western world - with Martin Jacques ... With YChina re the New York Times ... With Daniel Dumbrill ...

Planning war on China - part 20

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 20

With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... On the US drone strike in Syria that killed many civilians - with Democracy Now ... On Cambodia ... On China and the U.S. ... On Iran, with Democracy Now ... A documentary on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963 ... On the 'diplomatic boycott' of the Beijing Winter Olympics by the 5-eyes imperialists ... On Julian Assange and the Uk to US extradition ... On Syria, with The Grayzone ... On Canada's 'boycott' of the BeiJing Winter Olympics - with numuves ... Meanwhile ... ShenZhou-13 - 1st space lecture from the TianGong Space Station 中国空间站天宫课堂第一课 ... High speed rail link to the BeiJing Winter Olympics ... ... more to come, as ever; so check back on this post later, and see all the updates in earlier parts ...

Planning war on China - part 19

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 19

'An Outrage' : House passes largest military budget in generations - with Democracy Now / William Hartung ... Preparing you for war - with The New Atlas ... On the phony 'Uyghur Tribunal', with The New Atlas ... On the China - Laos high speed railway ... On the new national highway in Cambodia ... Is Russia really planning a war in Ukraine - or is Washington? - with The Grayzone and Scott Ritter ... With YChina ... With Martin Jacques talking with Jie Qiong ... On 'Russian aggression' ... On Nicaragua ... China 2021 review - with Pascal Coppens ... With Martin Jacques ... The critical need for independent media - with Glenn Greenwald ... 'Who rules America? The dangerous concentration of power and wealth in the American elite', with George Domhoff (and this is from the late sixties); the reality behind 'democracy'. Don't miss it ...

Planning war on China - part 18

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 18

What is called 'democracy' is elite rule; money buys power / fool the people that they have significance. 'Democracy' is the subterfuge that is capture / takeover by other means. In the West, you don't have any real say, other than which side of the same coin is to 'represent' you. To keep one from seeing the bigger picture, and a sense of being part of humanity, the West focuses you on personal identity (misdirection), and that you are 'free'. This is the mix of 'divide and rule', plus mental chains (beliefs) over physical chains, as the new slavery. Anyone who opens their eyes can see it, right in front of them; how one is constantly programmed. Another aspect of the control is money; that is what limits your real freedom; and refocuses your life on the material / survival. The walls and bars of our prison are internalized. To add to the confusion, these elements are projected onto the 'others'. The bigger picture, the full reality, is kept hidden, while the focus remains on endless little bits that are easily construed a certain way. Once one sees reality, the purpose behind all the little steps that make up the 'news' becomes clear. In the end, the West's elite can only rule with the acquiescence of the vast majority. With The Gravel Institute ... In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. Hence, China is a 'threat' to the Western elite; the threat of a good example. On how the US rules Taiwan ... On Iran - sanctions and the 'nuclear deal' ... On the Laos - China high speed rail link ...

Planning war on China - part 17

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 17

Just what is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - and what is it really up to ? With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano / The New Atlas ... Bonus films : YChina attacked by the New York Times ... BreakThrough News talks with Tings Chak ... The West's (willing) failure to understand China's history - The Geopolitics In Conflict Show talks with Dr. Ken Hammond ... On Google ... On Palestine ... US torture horrors at Guantanamo ... On Africa and China ... On empire / colonialism (and 'world currency') ... On Cuba ... On Ukraine ... On the genocide of native Americans ... On US dystopia ... With Cyrus Janssen ...

The War Party : Jeremy Scahill on how U.S. militarism unifies democrats and republicans

Video : China : The War Party : Jeremy Scahill on how U.S. militarism unifies democrats and republicans

With Democracy Now ... On 'Western Civilization', with ShangGuan JieWen ...

Planning war on China - part 16

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 16

How we are brain-washed by propaganda / told what we believe. How war is peace, and aggression is the face being punched. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic ... On Thailand ... On Cuba and China ...

Something different - nuclear winter

Video : China : Something different - nuclear winter

With Brian Toon ... With Carl Sagan (1985) ...

Planning war on China - part 15

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 15

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” ― John Steinbeck On the 'China threat' scam - with The Geopolitics In Conflict Show ... A talk with historian Alfred McCoy - don't miss it (though he seems not seem to realize that China's South China Sea actions are defensive, countering Western aggression and encirclement) ... With Professor Richard Wolff (exaggerates China's problems but otherwise worth a listen) ... On the BBC's Uyghur propaganda BS ... US semi-boycott of the BeiJing Winter Olympics ? Infantile ? Xi (and Putin) outclass Biden again and again ... Just 90 seconds to THE END (doomsday clock) - can we stop the madness - not sure, but we must try - (musical interlude, with Roger Walters and band) ... There is no 'them'. It is only a scam that the elite uses to convince you of your subservience.

Planning war on China - part 13

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 13

With The New Atlas. Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano cut through the propaganda and shine light on realities ... Bonus films ... On Thailand ... On Nicaragua ... On Palestine ... On Syria ... On Cuba ... On Yemen ... On Taiwan ... On Western propaganda puppets ...

Planning war on China - part 12

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 12

An example of how the western MSM (main stream media) tries to convince you of their lies (hate). The real aim is to destroy the Chinese economy. In reality, it is the viewers who are being coerced / exploited. Mind control is controlling what one 'knows'. Demonisation of the 'other' is the first act of war. All about hegemony - colonialism rebranded as 'freedom and democracy'. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic, dissecting what you are supposed to believe ... Because truth is sacred. Ben Norton of the Moderate Rebels on Intersectional Imperialism ...

*** Planning war on China - part 11 - don't miss it ***

Video : China : *** Planning war on China - part 11 - don't miss it ***

"US-sponsored separatist groups, backed by Washington for decades, are being mobilized to attack and undermine activities related to the BeiJing 2022 Olympics, starting with the torch relay in Greece. I explain the background of the “Free Tibet” movement and how the US government, through the CIA, backed it as early as the 1950s and transferred its operations to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) [or 'Dominion' / enslavement]." With The New Atlas ... Bonus films - terror activities by US-backed 'opposition' in Myanmar ... Bonus film 2 - subverting the 'left' ... Bonus film 3 - on Ecuador ... Bonus film 4 - on Cambodia ... They say : "How dare you put your face in front of my fist ! Serve your master. Or else." More ... On the US plan to nuke Chinese cities - as revealed by Daniel Ellsberg, famous for the 'Pentagon Papers', with NuMuves ... On the Falun Gong cult ...

*** Planning war with China - part 10 - don't miss it ***

Video : China : *** Planning war with China - part 10 - don't miss it ***

Max : "Rules based world order = we make the rules, and we make the orders". Economic imperialism. With The GrayZone - professor Michael Hudson talks with Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal (3 very wise brains) ... Bonus film - on 'humane war'; rebranded war ('war is peace') - Aaron Maté talks with Samuel Moyn ... Bonus film 2 - on Hunter Biden's laptop ... Bonus film 3 - John Bolton challenged on Iran regime change, Afghanistan, US sanctions, bombing of Syria - with Afshin Rattansi ... Bonus film 4 - why Hillary Clinton smeared Tulsi Gabbard ...

Planning war with China - part 9

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 9

With Daniel Dumbrill ... Because truth is sacred. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. THAT is the 'threat', to 'democracy' (rebranded slavery, both people and countries). The elite believe that the idea that all lives matter should not be allowed, ever. Deception and misdirection. Switch off the propaganda and open one's eyes ... Bonus film ... Bonus film 2 - how in the Obama years war was rebranded, but nothing really changed - Samuel Moyn in conversation with Aaron Mate - 'the Humane war' ...

Planning war with China - part 7

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 7

With The New Atlas ... US sanctions on Cambodia, for declining US interference ... Australian Puppets of American Empire - with Daniel Dumbrill and Robbie Barwick ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film 2 - with The Moderate Rebels ... Bonus film 3 ... Bonus film 4 ... Bonus film 5 ...

Planning war with China - part 6

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 6

What is going on in geo-politics, including Ben Norton and Daniel Dumbrill ...

Something different - It's all over now, baby blue (60s blues music)

Video : China : Something different - It's all over now, baby blue (60s blues music)

The Animals - blues / rock from the 60s (blues music) ...

*** Nefarious US aggression plans for Taiwan (breakaway province) and China (don't miss it) ***

Video : China : *** Nefarious US aggression plans for Taiwan (breakaway province) and China (don't miss it) ***

Hybrid war is well underway. Plans for a shooting war are being implemented with ever greater speed. With The Grayzone - don't miss it ... Bonus film - with The New Atlas / Brian Berletic ...

The de-facto occupation of Taiwan by the US

Video : China : The de-facto occupation of Taiwan by the US

With The New Atlas ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film 2 - with Martin Jacques ... Bonus film 3 - 'whistleblowers' and censorship push - with The Moderate Rebels ... 'Mind control' is nothing more than controlling people by controlling what they 'know'. Bonus film 4 - neo-con Iraq War architect Bill Kristol in debate with anti-war writer Scott Horton - with The GrayZone ...

More on the West's war on China plans

Video : China : More on the West's war on China plans

The true meaning of 'conservative' lies in the first syllable 'con' - which is, that you go along with elite rule. The 'left' in the West is best understood as 'departed'; gone from any meaningful social principles, it is merely alt-right - same con, with some glitter. You only have the illusion of choice, of a say; that illusion is your consent. 'Pick a card, any card ...' In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. Bonus film ... Bonus film 2 (Malaysia) ... Bonus film 3 (Thailand) (warning - gruesome) ... Bonus film 4 (Myanmar) ... Bonus film 5 ... Bonus film 6 (Nicaragua) ... BeiJingBuzzz - where truth is sacred.

How the US tried to undermine Hong Kong (and thereby China)

Video : China : How the US tried to undermine Hong Kong (and thereby China)

Divide and rule. Distract and rule. With RT America ... Bonus film - on the World Bank and IMF - The Moderate Rebels with Michael Hudson ...

Planning war with China - part 4

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 4

Planned for 50 years. Expected by 2025. With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic - don't miss it ... Bonus film - on Myanmar - with The New Atlas ... Bonus film 2 - on Thailand - with The New Atlas ... Bonus film 3 - with Professor Michael Hudson ... Bonus film 4 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with The GrayZone ... Bonus film 5 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with Going Underground / RT ... Bonus film 6 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with The Moderate Rebels ... Bonud film 7 - How will AUKUS impact the ASEAN countries - with The New Atlas ...

Planning war with China - part 3

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 3

Bonus film - Biden's UN speech, with The GrayZone ... Bonus film 2 - with Going Underground, RT...

Planning war with China - part 2

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 2

With The New Atlas - don't miss it ...

90% of US drone strike deaths are civilians

Video : China : 90% of US drone strike deaths are civilians

Sometimes, 100%. With The New Atlas ... Bonus film - UK outcasts half of the world's COVID vaccinated ...

Planning for war with China

Video : China : Planning for war with China

"This week we discuss the roll out of “AUKUS” and how it fits into long-standing plans to encircle and contain China as well as set the stage for what US war planners call a limited conflict with China aimed at destroying its economy, setting it and Asia back decades, and ensuring Western hegemony for years to come." With The New Atlas - Don't miss it ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film - Myanmar : US-backed NUG opposition declares war on its own country ... Bonus film 2 - US CENCOM Admits Afghan "Revenge" Drone Strike Killed Only Civilians, Including 7 Children ... Bonus film 3 - On manufactured ignorance, with Chris Hedges, On Contact RT ...

Planning war on China - part 8

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 8

With The New Atlas ... Bonus film - with Daniel Dumbrill ... Bonus film 2 - with NuMuves ... Bonus film 3 - with Professor Michael Hudson ... Bonus film 4 - with George Galloway and Afshin Rattansi ... Bonus film 5 - propaganda theater ...

How the West builds consent for new wars

Video : China : How the West builds consent for new wars

With Daniel Dumbrill - don't miss it ... Ultimately, ignorance is a choice - the decision to ignore truth / reality. Plus, some pertinent reflections from Living in China ... Bonus film from The New Atlas ...

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