Videos about Danny Haiphong, China

Geopolitics update – January 2025 (Red Note, and much more …)

Red Note, Trump, BRICS, and much more ..

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YT comments :

"If a government is elected, but acts against the interests of the people, why should you call it democratic? If a government that is not elected works in the interests of the people, why should you consider it undemocratic?"

“The US is not scared of other countries getting your information, they’re scared that you’ll get information from other countries”.

  Plus more videos ...


Scott Ritter on how the US sees China, and how it sees itself – don’t miss it !

Hard-hitting truth-telling. Why the US political elite / military industrial complex (MIC) / main-stream media (MSM) is not rational. Facts don't matter to this elite; the lies they tell, that they know are lies are just for the sheep, who are also victims ...

On how the transition to multi-polarity is as dangerous as it is welcome (and inevitable) ...

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US (and vassals) world hegemony versus world development (what the rest of the world wants, has been denied, and needs); the conflict we are in is win-lose trying to conquer the possibility of win-win.

"The problem with China is that it exists".

The billionaire / corporation class need the little people to believe that it's all 'freedom and democracy'.

YT comment : "China is not your enemy. The people who told you that China is your enemy are the real enemy".

  Plus more videos ...


The US prepares for war on China

Because China will not become another US slave state.

World domination has long been the intention of the US. Hundreds of coups and wars have shown this. So much of the world has been kept down by the US. And the intention re China is clear from all the MIC backed 'think tanks' (tanks to control your mind).

With Danny HaiPhong ...

[video v=K063yYzBY94]

US puppet states (slaves) = the 'free world'. China's rising economy is about to 'collapse' (has been for for decades, they say).

With Scott Ritter - on how the transition to multi-polarity is as dangerous as it is welcome (and inevitable) ...

  Plus more videos ...


The truth on how the violent Hong Kong riots were indeed a US / UK coup attempt

As in Tibet, BeiJing (89), and XinJiang, violent separatists have been created, aided and spurred on by the West. Rational protests were hijacked by foreign powers and their proxies. This is all about trying to undermine China, to keep it down. None worked, but now they are doubling down. This is what the US has and still does the world over. Central and south america, Africa and Asia, never allowed to fulfill their potential; coups and wars always snuffing out the possibilities. Even in Europe and the Middle East, as we see today.

Fact : Hong Kong people never had the right to vote for their leaders under UK rule; not until China took back the reign from British colonial power.

Thanks to the National Security Law, peace has finally returned to Hong Kong after a year of destructive riots and terror that wrecked Hong Kong's international image and economy.

To China, the people of Hong Kong are family. To the West, they are just pawns in trying to bring down all of China and its people.

With Cyrus Janssen ...

[video v=S7GrnP2XzLw]

YT comment : "The colonizer not only colonizes territory, they also colonize the local people's minds, through promoting their own culture over theirs, and also by devising education systems to inculcate their values into the local children. Even after the colonizer leaves, the minds of the people often remain enslaved and loyal to their former masters. This "colonial mentality" remains predominate in Hong Kong, India, the Philippines and other former colonies. Many in Hong Kong (though not all) tend to have the colonial mentality. Colonial mentality is the internalized perception of ethnic or cultural inferiority felt by people as a result of colonization. Such people tend to display a preference for the cultures of the Anglo-Saxons, while harboring a disdain for any "non-Anglo" culture, including their own! Hong Kong people had to bow to the British and stand for their National Anthem. They were treated as second rate citizens."

"'You are free to agree, but not free to differ on the official truth'."

"The ultimate hypocrisy is the UK supporting 'democracy' for HK when they never introduced it in all the 152 years of colonial rule. In 1967, HK anti colonial protests ended in the shooting of civilians, and I remember being teargassed in our apartment as a child. Young HK people need to learn from history. Foreign interference is anathema to any country."

"'Any country that is not a slave is our enemy' - the US"

Bonus films -

With Danny HaiPhong ...

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Geopolitics update – January 2024

The West has a win-lose mindset. It is very different from China's win-win.

The West aims, and has done for many decades, to keep all other countries down, by inciting wars and installing compliant puppet regimes.

Containing China has been the policy all along - and the real reason for the Vietnam and Korea wars. It is not something new. This is why the Phillipines has never reached its potential, and why all the propaganda (lies) and meddling in China's outskirts - notably, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and XinJiang.

With Brian Berletic and Danny HaiPhong ...

[video v=xW2K8Mo8E3Q]

With Liu Xin and Jeffrey Sachs ...

  Plus more videos ...


Geopolitics – December 2023- don’t miss it

With Brian Berletic and Danny Haiphong ...

[video v=0Dc5K9ZjKyM]

* In China, the people are family.

* In the West, the people are livestock.

With Angelo Giuliano - on Myanmar, the Philippines and Taiwan; how the West is trying to burn down south-east Asia to contain China to maintain its hegemony over the world (keep it down and plunder its resources) ...

  Plus more videos ...


Geopolitics update - October / November 2023

Video : China : Geopolitics update - October / November 2023

With Ben Norton ... With Tings Chak ... Tings Chak 翟庭君, the art director and a researcher of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and co-founding editor of Dongsheng, joins Ileana Chan and Fiona Edwards for Episode 2 on the No Cold War Britain Podcast. With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... With Alex / Reportify Media, Carl Zha and Angelo Giuliano ... With Ben Norton ... With Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges ... With Andy Boreham ... With Danny HaiPhong ... With Larry C Johnson ... With Alastair Crooke ... With John J Mearsheimer ... With Douglas MacGregor ... With Jeffrey Sachs ... With Scott Ritter ... With Ray McGovern ...

On the US desperation to use Taiwan to attack the rest of China

Video : China : On the US desperation to use Taiwan to attack the rest of China

With Danny Haiphong and Brian Berletic ...

Geopolitics update August / September 2023 - don't miss it !

Video : China : Geopolitics update August / September 2023 - don't miss it !

With Brian Berletic ... With Cyrus Janssen .. With Reportify Media ... Imperialism versus development - with Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson ... With Garland Nixon ... With Danny HaiPhong and Angelo Giuliano ...

US planning the destruction of Taiwan

Video : China : US planning the destruction of Taiwan

With Redacted ... With Brian Berletic, Angelo Giuliano and Danny HaiPhong ... With Reportify Media and George Galloway ...

Planning war on China - the West is ramping up

Video : China : Planning war on China - the West is ramping up

The insane rhetoric and absurdity - that China, under constant attack by the West, is the 'aggressor'.

China and the US - geopolitics with Jeffrey Sachs, April 9th 2023

Video : China : China and the US - geopolitics with Jeffrey Sachs, April 9th 2023

Bonus films ...

Multipolarity - the new reality

Video : China : Multipolarity - the new reality

With Michael Hudson and Danny HaiPhong ...

Who really is the aggressor ? (geopolitics)

Video : China : Who really is the aggressor ?  (geopolitics)

With Double Down News ... With Danny HaiPhong and Brian Berletic ...

Jeffrey Sachs on geopolitics (how the US drive for hegemony could end the world via WW3) - 7th March, 2023 - don't miss it !

Video : China : Jeffrey Sachs on geopolitics (how the US drive for hegemony could end the world via WW3) - 7th March, 2023 - don't miss it !

The US doesn't have allies - it has slaves; and all - slaves or 'others' - must be crushed for its supremacy. Bonus film - with Danny HaiPhong, Carl Zha and Garland Nixon ...

The US war on China (and everyone else)

Video : China : The US war on China (and everyone else)

The 'and everyone else' is the part most don't get. And it is true even if you are in the US. Everyone 'else'. Weather balloons, earthquakes, pipelines and more, with George Galloway, Bryce Greene and Jamie Wright ... With Garland Nixon on the pipeline ... With Danny HaiPhong ... With The New Atlas and Angelo Giuliano on the US war plans to enforce its hegemony ... Hegemony - keeping everyone else down; divide and rule.

Official racism. Reality is so very different from the 'official' / MSM narrative / fairy tale - DON'T MISS THIS !

Video : China : Official racism. Reality is so very different from the 'official' / MSM narrative / fairy tale - DON'T MISS THIS !

Planning War On China part 40 (the encore). From now, all similar content will be on the new Geopolitics page, so do check that out and bookmark. Something Different, health, and psychology videos are likely to also move to their own pages. So we will still cover all these aspects of life, but have more time to focus on Chinese culture and China travel. *************************** Official racism is a very important fact to consider, and because it is is based on propaganda, can be easily missed for what it really is. Yet once seen, it is all so clear. Us and Them - is the sales pitch of supremacists and bomb companies. That is ALL it is. There is no 'us and them'; that is just a scam to fool you into obedience / subservience / enslavement. The real schism is that there are real / open-eyed people, and then there are the brainwashed / believers people. Simple as that. Puppets at the top; puppets at the bottom. One life, one world, one family. One has love, or one does not. Real love doesn't have targets; real love is a light that shines in all directions. Onto the video film ... With George Galloway in conversation with Jerry's Take on China ... Bonus films ... George at his very best - don't miss it ... What is more important - life or money (power) ? Simply believe ? Or be free to see reality ?? No longer puppet. Live more ... Because it is not about 'me' (that is the scam / fantasy, and a big topic in itself - 'your problems are all your fault', is part of it); it is really about 'WE'. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. And that is the 'threat'. [ video v=fIxPv2Dn_P0 ] Oliver Stone interviews Vladimir Putin ... Taiwan the next Ukraine ? ... Lee Camp ... [ video v=OSkpIq3T-Zc ] Racism is racism is racism. There is NO excuse, no matter how 'official' it is sold to you. Something like 3 million died in the Vietnam war (not including the carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia), alone. This is what racism entails. How many times will this lie play out ? Meanwhile ... Peace.

Planning war on China - part 31

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 31

With Danny HaiPhong and Brian Berletic ... *** Meanwhile ...

The US tries to undermine ASEAN

Video : China : The US tries to undermine ASEAN

With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano with Brian Berletic - the latest geo-politics ... Bonus film - Daniel Dumbrill in conversation with Danny Haiphong ... Western media is merely propaganda - with The Grayzone ... A rationale for subjugation - of those abroad, and you at home.

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