Planning war on China – part 36 – Don’t miss it !!

With The New Atlas - Inflection - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ...


After Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and on and on and on - this time the western media is telling the truth ? LOL

Don't get fooled again.


2022 - human civilisation ? - the West's rulers just cannot be human, be part of the human family. And not a deranged thug. A dying empire = dangerous times. We don't need supremacist tyranny, we need real civilisation. Or we are doomed ...

One must speak out wherever injustice occurs; one day it might be you; but above all, if one doesn't stand for truth, why be alive ?

Not pro China, or pro Russia, or pro socialism, or pro you-name-it; it is very simple - pro truth (reality, not official story).

It is not about 'me', it is about 'we' ...

One world; one family. One life; one chance to be real.

Human rights - a roof, and affordable food; transportation, education and healthcare. Or, being scammed by just a right to complain; can you eat a vote (Biden or Trump, etc. - lol); into S&M ?

Brian, Angelo, Alex, Patrick - real people.

In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock.

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Meanwhile ...

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