Videos about Willene Business & Lifestyle, China

Geopolitics update – January 2024

The West has a win-lose mindset. It is very different from China's win-win.

The West aims, and has done for many decades, to keep all other countries down, by inciting wars and installing compliant puppet regimes.

Containing China has been the policy all along - and the real reason for the Vietnam and Korea wars. It is not something new. This is why the Phillipines has never reached its potential, and why all the propaganda (lies) and meddling in China's outskirts - notably, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and XinJiang.

With Brian Berletic and Danny HaiPhong ...

[video v=xW2K8Mo8E3Q]

With Liu Xin and Jeffrey Sachs ...

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Harmony vs discord – how China and the US are distinct

In China the people are family.

In the West, the people are livestock.

-- Why 'livestock' ? Because in an 'individualistic' society (rather than a communal one), the government will be composed of the elite and above the people (employ divide and rule, and keep the people in dreams and poverty).

[video v=FBeZg-FVRdk]   Plus more videos ...


Geopolitics – December 2023- don’t miss it

With Brian Berletic and Danny Haiphong ...

[video v=0Dc5K9ZjKyM]

* In China, the people are family.

* In the West, the people are livestock.

With Angelo Giuliano - on Myanmar, the Philippines and Taiwan; how the West is trying to burn down south-east Asia to contain China to maintain its hegemony over the world (keep it down and plunder its resources) ...

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