Videos about destabilization, China

Economist John Ross on China’s continuing rise

Don't miss it.

With No Cold War ...

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Bonus films - with Rise of Asia ...

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Geopolitics update – January 2024

The West has a win-lose mindset. It is very different from China's win-win.

The West aims, and has done for many decades, to keep all other countries down, by inciting wars and installing compliant puppet regimes.

Containing China has been the policy all along - and the real reason for the Vietnam and Korea wars. It is not something new. This is why the Phillipines has never reached its potential, and why all the propaganda (lies) and meddling in China's outskirts - notably, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and XinJiang.

With Brian Berletic and Danny HaiPhong ...

[video v=xW2K8Mo8E3Q]

With Liu Xin and Jeffrey Sachs ...

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Planning war on China – part 39 – the very last part – so don’t miss it

With Brian Berletic, Ben Norton, Aaron Mate, DDN, George Galloway ...

[video v=un6rADlDYdM]   Plus more videos ...


Planning war on China – part 23 – Angelo and Brian – 2021 to 2022 – don’t miss it

Geo-politics - 2021 review, and what might be in 2022.

With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic ...

[video v=utaze5XbU4I]   Plus more videos ...


American empire and global propaganda – part 2

Illusion and control. 'Democracy' allows elite rule, with your consent; its about empire.

Don't you just hate being lied to ?

With The New Atlas - don't miss it ...

[video v=P1cqwICjRuo]

"A relentless propaganda war is being waged by the US and its allies against China in a desperate bid to maintain Western hegemony and obstruct the rise of China and Eurasia."

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