Videos about trip, China

Day trips from ShenZhen

Day Trips from Shenzhen, China

  1. Guangzhou 广州 (Guǎngzhōu): Explore the vibrant capital of Guangdong Province, known for its rich history, delicious Cantonese cuisine, and modern skyscrapers. Visit iconic landmarks such as the Canton Tower, stroll along the historic Shamian Island, and sample local delicacies at the bustling Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street.    ... more ...

ZhangZhou trip, FuJian province

Video : China : ZhangZhou trip, FuJian province

Hong Kong family explore their ancestral origins, including the awesome Hakka tulou. With Cynny Goes To China ...

ShangHai - a place to love

Video : China : ShangHai - a place to love

With RealSamanthaBrown ... Bonus film, with Ken Abroad ...

10 reasons why people love to visit China - don't miss it

Video : China : 10 reasons why people love to visit China - don't miss it

In 2019, the 145-million inbound tourists. Many visitors return again and again. Here's why. With Chron Ten ...

Family trip to China - ShangHai, BeiJing, Xi'An, ChengDu, YangShuo ...

Video : China : Family trip to China - ShangHai, BeiJing, Xi'An, ChengDu, YangShuo ...

A fun trip to WuHan, HuBei province

Video : China : A fun trip to WuHan, HuBei province

With Busola Deborah ... Indeed - happiness is a choice. Why would one not be extremely grateful to be alive, and live with passion ? Dance, smile, laugh ! Good vibes resonate around the world. PS : wonder why you never ever see real China on Western MSM ? ; )

Exploring China 中国 - a solo backpacking adventure ...

Video : China : Exploring China 中国 - a solo backpacking adventure ...

An (English-speaking) Italian explores the mountains and cities of China ... Part 1 : GuangZhou (GuangDong) | ShangHai | HangZhou (ZheJiang) Part 2 : HuangShan (AnHui) | JiuHuaShan (AnHui) | Xi'An (ShaanXi) Part 3 : Xi'An (ShaanXi) | HuaShan (ShaanXi) | HohHot (Inner Mongolia) Bonus film ... BeiJing, ShangHai, Xi'An, GuiLin ... Plus, even more bonus films, starting with - Diabolo around China ...

Family adventure trip to China 中国

Video : China : Family adventure trip to China 中国

Off the beaten track ... featuring sand-dunes, an amazing salt lake, and much more. Beautiful - don't miss it ...

A Canadian couple in ChongQing 重庆

Video : China : A Canadian couple in ChongQing 重庆

Sky bars, hot springs and more ..

Awesome SiChuan 四川 province

Video : China : Awesome SiChuan 四川 province

[xvideo v=QRafITNPXIE][xvideo v=JKkr9qgsRNc]

Beijing 北京 trip - places, food, fashion and more ...

Video : China : Beijing 北京 trip - places, food, fashion and more ...

Mostly food ; ) The Forbidden City (Palace Museum) and more in this China travel and culture vlog. A masterclass of video editing and use of music. A vlog that is 'show, don't tell'. A trip around the sights and tastes of BeiJing, China. With Dear Nessie (and Hannah) ... Bonus film look-book ...

21 amazing days in China ...

Video : China : 21 amazing days in China ...

With ClaireTrips ...

Beautiful HuaShan 华山 trip

Video : China : Beautiful HuaShan 华山 trip

Mount Hua mountain is located near the city of HuaYin in ShaanXi province, about 120 kilometers east of Xi'A, and one of the Five Great Mountains of China.

China 中国 trips 2013 (4)

Video : China : China 中国 trips 2013 (4)

The film covers BeiJing, Xi`An, SuZhou, HangZhou and ShangHai ...

China 中国 family trip

Video : China : China 中国 family trip

ShangHai (including Disney), BeiJing, Xi'An, ChengDu, YangShuo, Hong Kong ...

Lhasa, Tibet (西藏), China trip

Video : China : Lhasa, Tibet (西藏), China trip

School field trip to China

Video : China : School field trip to China

In 2016, 100 students from low-income Lincoln high school, Tacoma, Washington State, embarked on a journey of a lifetime, following a personal invitation by president Xi JinPing. Travel expands one's horizons, and creates the real understanding ... Bonus film - Chinese president Xi JinPing's trip to Lincoln high school in 2015 ...

Winter trip to Harbin and the Ice Festival

Video : China : Winter trip to Harbin and the Ice Festival

The Snow and Ice Festival runs mid-January to the end of February, approximately, each year.

28 great days in China 中国 !

Video : China : 28 great days in China 中国 !

7,000 kilometers of backpacking to 14 locations ...

China travel adventure - 40 minute version

Video : China : China travel adventure - 40 minute version

Intrepid Italians live more ...

A wonderful family trip through China 中国

Video : China : A wonderful family trip through China 中国

A must see, beautiful film if you're thinking of traveling to China - one of the very best films of its type : great adventures, lovely family. Places visited include BeiJing, Xi'An, ZhangJiaJie, GuiLin, Hong Kong, HuaShan, the LongJi rice terraces, and more ...

Beautiful China 中国 trips

Video : China : Beautiful China 中国 trips

Sublime natural scenery; amazing ancient culture, yet future looking; exquisite food; friendly people ... China, 2019. Welcome to the good life. Something you won't forget ..... Live more !

Explore beautiful XinJiang 新疆 province ...

Video : China : Explore beautiful XinJiang 新疆 province ...

An awesome film - don't miss it ... September trip, in 2017; charming couple. XinJiang, north west China, includes the Tien Shan and Kunlun Shan mountains, the Taklimakan Desert, and the Tarim Basin.

24 hours in HangZhou 杭州 ...

Video : China : 24 hours in HangZhou 杭州  ...

ZheJiang province.

Awesome YunNan 云南 province

Video : China : Awesome YunNan 云南 province

First, a beautiful time-lapse film by KevinWK. Don't miss it ... Plus, A trip to LiJiang (and Shangrila), YunNan ...

A winter trip to HuangShan 黄山

Video : China : A winter trip to HuangShan 黄山

AnHui province.

China trip video series

Video : China : China trip video series

Hong Kong, Shanghai, the Great Wall and much more. With Ryan and Emma / One Shot Adventures ... [videogallery type=playlist id=PLIHYvA1qSN5P1hZGrHh418MUuols6OfPS c=2]

Our China trip, 2017

Video : China : Our China trip, 2017

Winter wonderland in JiLin province

Video : China : Winter wonderland in JiLin province

Around China trip

Video : China : Around China trip

Including BeiJing, Hong Kong, MuTianYu Great Wall, HuaShan mountain, Xi'An, ZhangJiaJie, TianMen mountain, FengHuang, the LongShen rice terraces, YangShuo, GuiLin ...

A trip to Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 province

Video : China : A trip to Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 province

A beautiful film - don't miss it ...

30 days trip to GuangZhou 广州 and ShenZhen 深圳

Video : China : 30 days trip to GuangZhou 广州 and ShenZhen 深圳

GuangDong province ... Bonus film - 广州花城广场延时摄影Timelapse & Hyperlapse of HuaCheng Square

China 中国 travel trip, with drone

Video : China : China 中国 travel trip, with drone

Filmed, edited and produced by : Maarten de Haas. Places include GuiLin, YangShuo, The Great Wall of China, the 'Avatar mountains' of ZhangJiaJie, DeQin, ShangRiLa, Tibet and Tiger Leaping Gorge.

China 中国 travel trip, with drone (2)

Video : China : China 中国 travel trip, with drone (2)

Harbin 哈尔滨 winter trip

Video : China : Harbin 哈尔滨 winter trip

HeiLongJiang province in north east China. Lots to see and do ... life well below zero ...

Winter trip to BeiJing 北京 and ShangHai 上海

Video : China : Winter trip to BeiJing 北京 and ShangHai 上海

Li River 漓江 boat trip : Guilin to YangShuo; GuangXi province

Video : China : Li River 漓江 boat trip : Guilin to YangShuo; GuangXi province

A trip to the sacred HuangShan Mountain 黃山, AnHui province

Video : China : A trip to the sacred HuangShan Mountain 黃山, AnHui province

HuangShan is well known for its beautiful scenery, sunsets and sunrises, unusually shaped granite peaks, ancient pine trees, hot springs, winter snow, and views of the clouds from above. Some of the peaks rise more than 1,800 meters (6,000 feet). HuangShan is a frequent subject in traditional Chinese paintings and literature. HuangShan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of China's most popular tourist destinations. The HuangShan area is also noted for Chinese teas of high quality. In the first film, a group of photographers spend a week on the Yellow Mountain and show that patience and dedication pays off ...

China 中国 trips, 2016; part 2

Video : China : China 中国 trips, 2016; part 2

The Li River 漓江 and YangShuo 阳朔 trip

Video : China : The Li River 漓江 and YangShuo 阳朔 trip

The town 'where nobody is a stranger' ...

China 中国 trip, August 2016 - feature length (4K)

Video : China : China 中国 trip, August 2016 - feature length (4K)

Including YunNan and GuangXi provinces ...

'I remember you' - China 中国 tour ...

Video : China : 'I remember you' - China 中国 tour ...

Get up, get up, get up (and go). With a cool drum and bass mix, and some snazzy editing ...

China 中国 trips, 2016

Video : China : China 中国 trips, 2016

A trip to TianZiShan 天子山 and TianMenShan 天門山, ZhangJiaJie

Video : China : A trip to TianZiShan 天子山 and TianMenShan 天門山, ZhangJiaJie

Part of WuLingYuan National Park and Nature Reserve, Hunan province Bonus film - Tim and Glo in ShangHai ...

A motorcycle trip through Inner Mongolia 内蒙古

Video : China : A motorcycle trip through Inner Mongolia 内蒙古

The beautiful, wide-open grasslands of north China ... Bonus film - Mongolian music : 'Silent Sky' by the HAYA Band with DaiQing TaNa ...

Fun trip to HaiNan 海南 and YunNan 云南 provinces

Video : China : Fun trip to HaiNan 海南 and YunNan 云南 provinces

University exchange to SanYa University 三亚 大学 (SānYà DàXué), HaiNan, plus a trip to south YunNan ...

West Lake 西湖 boat trip, HangZhou 杭州

Video : China : West Lake 西湖 boat trip, HangZhou 杭州

ZheJiang province. Xī Hú is a fresh water lake with the city on side. There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens, bridges and artificial islands within and around the lake. West Lake is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as an outstanding example of Chinese garden arts and the guiding principle of harmony between human and nature.

Winter trip to LiJiang 李江 YunNan province

Video : China : Winter trip to LiJiang 李江 YunNan province

Good times in China 中国 ...

Video : China : Good times in China 中国 ...

BeiJing and ShangHai ...

A few days in ShangHai 上海

Video : China : A few days in ShangHai 上海

BeiJing 北京 trip vlog

Video : China : BeiJing 北京 trip vlog

Follow Inês (from Portugal) in her week long trip to China's capital city ...

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