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A trip to ZhangJiaJie 张家界, HuNan province
A beautiful National Forest park and renowned scenic area. Includes the world's longest cable car ride (7 km), up through the clouds ...
Beautiful BeiJing 北京 city
The West’s information firewall
With Daniel Dumbrill ... 'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free' — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. More generally, belief is the end of truth - BB. In the West, slavery never ended - it became the whole flock. Metal chains were replaced by mental chains. 'Mind control' - control the people by controlling what they 'know'. The 'cold war' is an info war. Simply look at what is being done rather than what is said is being done. Else a firewall will be constructed in your mind, beyond which you cannot see reality. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock, to benefit the elite. This really is not a wild exaggeration - it is the truth and the real reason for the cold war - elite rule versus everyone should prosper and be happy. The idea that 'all lives matter', is the threat to neo-feudalists, who wave slogans of freedom and human rights and democracy, while redistributing wealth to themselves.
NingBo 宁波 …
ZheJiang province.
Dancing in the park – YuYuanTan, BeiJing
By the West Gate. The TV tower, which one can ascend, is nearby, across the third ring road. With MisterVaughn ...
Fun adventures in DunHuang 敦煌, western GanSu province
DunHuang is situated in a rich oasis within the Gobi Desert that includes Crescent Lake. DunHuang held a strategic position at the crossroads of the ancient Southern Silk Route and the main road leading from India via Lhasa to Mongolia and Southern Siberia, as well as the entrance to the narrow HeXi Corridor, which led straight to the heart of the northern China plains and the ancient capitals of Chang'An (known today as Xi'An) and LuoYang. The Gobi Desert is a 'rain shadow desert', formed by the Himalayan mountain range blocking rain-carrying clouds from the Indian Ocean.
With Einzelgänger ... The less one desires, the more one has.
Evening, dinner-time walk in ShangHai
With Wei's Travel ... Bonus film - with Walk East - Bund night walk, looking across the HuangPu river to PuDong ... Bonus film 2 - with Gecko Walks - LuJiaZui ...
Coming together – the Chinese New Year 中国新年
Also known as the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year on the mainland lasts one week. Preparations will already be under way and include a spring clean and adding festive decorations. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are a time for family reunions, and for many this means travelling home from the city to the countryside. Chinese New Year is celebrated in many countries and China-towns around the World. GōngXǐ FāCái 恭喜发财 ! The first film, 'Coming Together', is from Malaysia - enjoy ... The Spring Festival is about a new year, a new beginning. A time of renewal, and hope and a fresh start, a time of good-will. For example, fireworks, apart from being a joy to all, are to scare away bad spirits. One can see this symbolize the breaking of old habits of thought – a spring clean of the mind. A new year is a new chance for a better life – if you will take it. Keep your eyes open, heart abundant, and strive for a better world. Help others on their journey whenever you can and always share a smile. It may help another, but it will certainly be good for you. As the second film says, it is love that brings us closer to happiness. Above all, the Spring Festival is a time for family. Next 4 films : 1: 'Going Home' ... 2: A touching song about life and friendship (forget the sub-titles, just watch the video). 'Beautiful Snow County is my Home' ... 3: 'Family Portrait' (from Malaysia) - a wry look at family life in the digital age ... 4: 'Don't be tied to the past, but don't tear it up' ... Two 2017 CNY songs from the M Girls (Malaysia). They have released a CNY album every year since 2001 ... 2011 flash-back - CNY fireworks in BeiJing ... Lion Dance in Malaysia (2017) ...

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