Videos about UN, China

How the ‘rules based international order’ is in reality a neo-colonial world order

How the 'West' subjugates the 'Rest' of the world (the great majority : 86% + many in the west who do not agree with the neo-colonial agenda) with sanctions, debt and vetoes, coups and puppets.

This is the insane reality - a handful of supremacists in the West impoverish their own people in order to subjugate the rest of the world. And almost all of humanity is the loser. All the wars and famines that have resulted, and continue to this day.

As for Western 'democracy' (it's all about the money), one only gets to choose between two puppets pre-chosen by the elite. Trump vs Biden - need one say more. Behind the theatrics, it is us and them (poverty equals 'freedom').

With Ben Norton ...

[video v=VHBIfmxkHh4]

Rogue Nation US

US history includes the Native American genocide, slavery, and has continued with involvement in 147 conflicts since World War 2 (when the US tested its atomic weapons on civilians), including Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many more. The US has held the world hostage for many decades and sought supremacy (hegemony) by keeping all others down and under its control, to just be used. This, of course, is the policy of the US elite, who control all the political parties to the detriment of the American people as much as the world's population.

Planning war on China – part 23 – Angelo and Brian – 2021 to 2022 – don’t miss it

Geo-politics - 2021 review, and what might be in 2022.

With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic ...

[video v=utaze5XbU4I]   Plus more videos ...


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