Videos about Daniel Dumbrill, China

On the West’s mainstream media’s incessant anti-China propaganda

Anyone who has visited China immediately knows that they have been lied to.

With FridayEveryday ...

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Bonus film - on the best 'democracy' that money can buy (the people don't matter) - with Ben Norton ...

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Planning war on China – part 24

Neither Russia nor China are warmongers, neither seek some kind of world domination, only protection; hegemony is very much only a fantasy of the West (the neo-feudal elites, not the people).

If either did not assist the other in time of war, they would go down soon after.

Russia has the nukes, China has the manpower and manufacturing. Only together can they withstand the imminent war.

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Planning war on China – part 21

On Myanmar - with The New Atlas ...

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Planning war on China – part 17

Just what is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - and what is it really up to ?

With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano / The New Atlas ...

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Bonus films :

YChina attacked by the New York Times ...

  Plus more videos ...


Planning war on China - part 12

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 12

An example of how the western MSM (main stream media) tries to convince you of their lies (hate). The real aim is to destroy the Chinese economy. In reality, it is the viewers who are being coerced / exploited. Mind control is controlling what one 'knows'. Demonisation of the 'other' is the first act of war. All about hegemony - colonialism rebranded as 'freedom and democracy'. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic, dissecting what you are supposed to believe ... Because truth is sacred. Ben Norton of the Moderate Rebels on Intersectional Imperialism ...

The US tries to undermine ASEAN

Video : China : The US tries to undermine ASEAN

With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano with Brian Berletic - the latest geo-politics ... Bonus film - Daniel Dumbrill in conversation with Danny Haiphong ... Western media is merely propaganda - with The Grayzone ... A rationale for subjugation - of those abroad, and you at home.

Planning war with China - part 9

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 9

With Daniel Dumbrill ... Because truth is sacred. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. THAT is the 'threat', to 'democracy' (rebranded slavery, both people and countries). The elite believe that the idea that all lives matter should not be allowed, ever. Deception and misdirection. Switch off the propaganda and open one's eyes ... Bonus film ... Bonus film 2 - how in the Obama years war was rebranded, but nothing really changed - Samuel Moyn in conversation with Aaron Mate - 'the Humane war' ...

Planning war with China - part 7

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 7

With The New Atlas ... US sanctions on Cambodia, for declining US interference ... Australian Puppets of American Empire - with Daniel Dumbrill and Robbie Barwick ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film 2 - with The Moderate Rebels ... Bonus film 3 ... Bonus film 4 ... Bonus film 5 ...

Planning war with China - part 6

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 6

What is going on in geo-politics, including Ben Norton and Daniel Dumbrill ...

Planning war with China - part 3

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 3

Bonus film - Biden's UN speech, with The GrayZone ... Bonus film 2 - with Going Underground, RT...

American empire and global propaganda - part 5

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda - part 5

With Daniel Dumbrill and The New Atlas - on the South China Sea ... Bonus film - Daniel Dumbrill with Nury Vittachi, on the lessons of HK ... Bonus film 2 - on Vietnam - with The New Atlas ... Bonus film 3 - on the UN food summit, with The Grayzone ...

American empire and global propaganda – part 4

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda – part 4

With Daniel Dumbrill and The New Atlas ... Bonus film - Uighur separatists funded by the US - with the Moderate Rebels ... Bonus film 2 - Chris Hedges discusses the work of political philosopher Sheldon Wolin with Professor Wendy Brown ...

American empire and global propaganda - part 3

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda - part 3

With Daniel Dumbrill and The New Atlas ...

Planning war on China - part 8

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 8

With The New Atlas ... Bonus film - with Daniel Dumbrill ... Bonus film 2 - with NuMuves ... Bonus film 3 - with Professor Michael Hudson ... Bonus film 4 - with George Galloway and Afshin Rattansi ... Bonus film 5 - propaganda theater ...

American empire and global propaganda - part 2

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda - part 2

Illusion and control. 'Democracy' allows elite rule, with your consent; its about empire. Don't you just hate being lied to ? With The New Atlas - don't miss it ... "A relentless propaganda war is being waged by the US and its allies against China in a desperate bid to maintain Western hegemony and obstruct the rise of China and Eurasia."

American empire and global propaganda

Video : China : American empire and global propaganda

How the Western MSM is fake news. Many seemingly independent vlogs are also employed. 'Exporting democracy (your consent for the elite's rule)' is really about empire. Don't miss it. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic ... Bonus film - with the Moderate Rebels - Western MSM is the MIC's mouthpiece ...

How the West builds consent for new wars

Video : China : How the West builds consent for new wars

With Daniel Dumbrill - don't miss it ... Ultimately, ignorance is a choice - the decision to ignore truth / reality. Plus, some pertinent reflections from Living in China ... Bonus film from The New Atlas ...

Richard Wolff on the dangers of a new Cold War

Video : China : Richard Wolff on the dangers of a new Cold War

Bonus film - with the Moderate Rebels and Daniel Dumbrill ...

US foreign policy : meddling, propaganda and (much) worse

Video : China : US foreign policy : meddling, propaganda and (much) worse

Daniel Dumbrill in conversation with Max Blumenthal ... Hmm : planning for the well-being of all is 'totalitarian', while a billionaire elite rule is 'democracy' - hmmmmm. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock. Either truth is reality, or it is merely a cult-think. Bonus film - Eric Li on the keys to China's success ... Cuba ...

More on XinJiang - lies and reality (and why)

Video : China : More on XinJiang - lies and reality (and why)

With Daniel Dumbrill ...

The West's information firewall

Video : China : The West's information firewall

With Daniel Dumbrill ... 'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free' — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. More generally, belief is the end of truth - BB. In the West, slavery never ended - it became the whole flock. Metal chains were replaced by mental chains. 'Mind control' - control the people by controlling what they 'know'. The 'cold war' is an info war. Simply look at what is being done rather than what is said is being done. Else a firewall will be constructed in your mind, beyond which you cannot see reality. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock, to benefit the elite. This really is not a wild exaggeration - it is the truth and the real reason for the cold war - elite rule versus everyone should prosper and be happy. The idea that 'all lives matter', is the threat to neo-feudalists, who wave slogans of freedom and human rights and democracy, while redistributing wealth to themselves.

Daniel Dumbrill talks with Max Blumenthal of Moderate Rebels - XinJiang and the US empire's war drive

Video : China : Daniel Dumbrill talks with Max Blumenthal of Moderate Rebels - XinJiang and the US empire's war drive

Important information on today's geopolitics. Do not miss it. XinJiang and the US empire's war drive ... More from the Moderate Rebels channel ... The 'threat' is that of a good example. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock. In the West, it is government by and for the elite (though wrapped in the candyfloss of elections). The Military Industrial Complex plays a part, but the biggest part is the western elites' superiority complex - colonialism never went away, it just became more subtle (but no less brutal).

The West's true goal and propaganda war

Video : China : The West's true goal and propaganda war

With Daniel Dumbrill ... Daniel talks with Max Blumenthal of Moderate Rebels ... More from the Moderate Rebels channel ... The 'threat' is that of a good example. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock. In the West, it is government by and for the elite (though wrapped in the candyfloss of elections). The Military Industrial Complex plays a part, but the biggest part is the western elites' superiority complex - colonialism never went away, it just became more subtle (but no less brutal).

The Hong Kong 'protests' in context

Video : China : The Hong Kong 'protests' in context

A great discussion with Daniel Dumbrill and Dan Cohen ... More from Daniel Dumbrill (January 2021) - but you will need to watch it on YouTube due to their censorship policy ...

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