Videos about Angelo Giuliano, China

Geopolitics – December 2023- don’t miss it

With Brian Berletic and Danny Haiphong ...

[video v=0Dc5K9ZjKyM]

* In China, the people are family.

* In the West, the people are livestock.

With Angelo Giuliano - on Myanmar, the Philippines and Taiwan; how the West is trying to burn down south-east Asia to contain China to maintain its hegemony over the world (keep it down and plunder its resources) ...

  Plus more videos ...


Geopolitics update – October / November 2023

With Ben Norton ...

[video v=Vph4YDi17Ps]

With Tings Chak ...

Tings Chak 翟庭君, the art director and a researcher of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and co-founding editor of Dongsheng, joins Ileana Chan and Fiona Edwards for Episode 2 on the No Cold War Britain Podcast.

  Plus more videos ...


The US war on China (and everyone else)

The 'and everyone else' is the part most don't get. And it is true even if you are in the US. Everyone 'else'.

Weather balloons, earthquakes, pipelines and more, with George Galloway, Bryce Greene and Jamie Wright ...

[video v=lmMBzJRa9mo]

With Garland Nixon on the pipeline ...

  Plus more videos ...


Geopolitics update (3rd February 2023) with The New Atlas and Angelo Giuliano

Video : China : Geopolitics update (3rd February 2023) with The New Atlas and Angelo Giuliano

The 'social credit system' - reality

Video : China : The 'social credit system' - reality

With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... Real freedom versus the illusion of freedom ...

Jeffrey Sachs, Scott Ritter, Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano on Ukraine, XinJiang, Tibet and more

Video : China : Jeffrey Sachs, Scott Ritter, Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano on Ukraine, XinJiang, Tibet and more

Bonus films on geopolitics with The New Atlas - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ...

On Taiwan (August 2022)

Video : China : On Taiwan (August 2022)

With The New Atlas, Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... With Carl Zha ...

On Taiwan, China's rise and Western hegemony

Video : China : On Taiwan, China's rise and Western hegemony

August 1st 2022. With The New Atlas - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Orsis Rutherford The problem with the US is that 90% of the population could not find Taiwan or The Ukraine on a map. I went to China in 2015 and I discovered an amazing country with a blend of tradition and modernity. People looked happy and I felt safe. AloofMicrobe "Be humble. Admit you know nothing about China. Start from zero and start building up a real understanding." Probably the best advice I've had my entire life - and I'm 63 years old! Thank you so much, both of you. Love and peace, from London. ashley mistletoe As a Taiwaneses, I can vouch for everything you said about Taiwan, history, politics.. very surprised that you nailed so much details. To add a few more facts: 1. Right now in Taiwan it's a hostage situation: people don't want to go to war with China but this government is doing america bidding and for us it's just disgusting, hateful yet there's nothing much we can do... 2. This government brainwashes the less informed population, controls media and public opinions with a massive cyber force that's silencing and suppressing opposition. It's despicable that they have the shame to brag about democracy. 3. NO ONE IN TAIWAN WANTS A WAR, not even the heavily propagandized, except the very few brainwashed extremists. Those in power such as Ms. Tsai never mind bleeding our blood but trust me they will be the first to fly away the moment smell of war approaches. 4. I've heard over and over again that parents told their kids to surrender when the war breaks out. I remember vividly one of them said, "Who are we fighting for? Tsai Yinwen?" followed with an angry sneer. THIS GOVERNMENT IS A DISGRACE. Nancy Barra Brian, you represent the best of young Americans. Your critical thinking and analytical skills are amazing and I hope people like you can lead the United States to a new era in the future. In the meantime you are helping a lot of people to think beyond what mass media is proyecting. Angelo Giluino is also a great thinker and analyst. Gav Munro As a Brit in China I agree with Angelo 100% about the sense of humility that we should have. I was someone who questioned why things were the way they were in China, thankfully the more I tried to understand China the quicker I grew out of it. There's a much said phrase here that 'When I landed in China I could write a book about it, after 10 years I could write a leaflet on it, after 15 years I can barely write half a page about it'. That's the reality. China is an enigma, it's not to be 'advised' but to be respected and studied. It's brought it's poorest into a middle class at a rate of knots. The west is vilifying China not to China's determent but to their own. They could learn so much from China's rise. Their elites choose not to tell the people the real story. That's the real tragedy. Bonus film - with Richard Wolff ... Bonus film - with Garland Nixon ...

Geopolitics and China; July 2022

Video : China : Geopolitics and China; July 2022

With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... STEM = science, technology, engineering, mathematics.

Ukraine, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and Japan - update, July 15th 2022

Video : China : Ukraine, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and Japan - update, July 15th 2022

With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ...

25 years on - Hong Kong celebrates its return home and to real freedom

Video : China : 25 years on - Hong Kong celebrates its return home and to real freedom

25 years free of colonial rule by the West. The US-backed anti-China 'useful idiots' thugs have been defeated; now there is real independence. With The New Atlas ... Bonus film - Pacific islands - US aggression ...

Official racism. Reality is so very different from the 'official' / MSM narrative / fairy tale - DON'T MISS THIS !

Video : China : Official racism. Reality is so very different from the 'official' / MSM narrative / fairy tale - DON'T MISS THIS !

Planning War On China part 40 (the encore). From now, all similar content will be on the new Geopolitics page, so do check that out and bookmark. Something Different, health, and psychology videos are likely to also move to their own pages. So we will still cover all these aspects of life, but have more time to focus on Chinese culture and China travel. *************************** Official racism is a very important fact to consider, and because it is is based on propaganda, can be easily missed for what it really is. Yet once seen, it is all so clear. Us and Them - is the sales pitch of supremacists and bomb companies. That is ALL it is. There is no 'us and them'; that is just a scam to fool you into obedience / subservience / enslavement. The real schism is that there are real / open-eyed people, and then there are the brainwashed / believers people. Simple as that. Puppets at the top; puppets at the bottom. One life, one world, one family. One has love, or one does not. Real love doesn't have targets; real love is a light that shines in all directions. Onto the video film ... With George Galloway in conversation with Jerry's Take on China ... Bonus films ... George at his very best - don't miss it ... What is more important - life or money (power) ? Simply believe ? Or be free to see reality ?? No longer puppet. Live more ... Because it is not about 'me' (that is the scam / fantasy, and a big topic in itself - 'your problems are all your fault', is part of it); it is really about 'WE'. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. And that is the 'threat'. [ video v=fIxPv2Dn_P0 ] Oliver Stone interviews Vladimir Putin ... Taiwan the next Ukraine ? ... Lee Camp ... [ video v=OSkpIq3T-Zc ] Racism is racism is racism. There is NO excuse, no matter how 'official' it is sold to you. Something like 3 million died in the Vietnam war (not including the carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia), alone. This is what racism entails. How many times will this lie play out ? Meanwhile ... Peace.

Planning war on China - part 37 - Don't miss it !!

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 37 - Don't miss it !!

With The New Atlas - Inflection - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Bonus film - with Mark Sleboda - don't miss this either ...

Planning war on China - part 36 - Don't miss it !!

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 36 - Don't miss it !!

With The New Atlas - Inflection - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... After Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and on and on and on - this time the western media is telling the truth ? LOL Don't get fooled again. 2022 - human civilisation ? - the West's rulers just cannot be human, be part of the human family. And not a deranged thug. A dying empire = dangerous times. We don't need supremacist tyranny, we need real civilisation. Or we are doomed ... One must speak out wherever injustice occurs; one day it might be you; but above all, if one doesn't stand for truth, why be alive ? Not pro China, or pro Russia, or pro socialism, or pro you-name-it; it is very simple - pro truth (reality, not official story). It is not about 'me', it is about 'we' ... One world; one family. One life; one chance to be real. Human rights - a roof, and affordable food; transportation, education and healthcare. Or, being scammed by just a right to complain; can you eat a vote (Biden or Trump, etc. - lol); into S&M ? Brian, Angelo, Alex, Patrick - real people. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 34

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 34

With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 32 - don't miss it

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 32 - don't miss it

With Michael Hudson ... Geopolitics and economics (plus neo-liberalism, World Bank, IMF, ...) - finance capitalism over industrial capitalism - human rights turned into commodities - why the West seeks to keep all others poor - professor Michael Hudson lays it out - don't miss it ... Meanwhile ...

Planning war on China - part 30

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 30

With The New Atlas ... Meanwhile ... BBC - after each Olympic video shows a 'Hate will not win" message (relating to endemic racism in the UK). WHY then, are they endlessly promoting hatred of China ? WHY the incessant stories denigrating China right up to the eve of the opening (and doubtless throughout) ? 2008 - BBC says that the the one and a half lines of subway added for the summer Olympics was simply 'white elephant propaganda show-boating'; YET, now BeiJing has added a further some 20 lines of subway (as was always the plan) to become the world's largest subway metro system. And still the lies go on and on and on. A disgrace to humanity. At least, now that the hype is so obvious, more and more can see it for what it really is. Time for this relic of empire to be scrapped. But don't expect "fight for your right, to paaaartyyy" to change anything; or the fake 'opposition'; the elite all know that it is essential in a propaganda war (even if just as a distraction).

Planning war on China - part 23 - Angelo and Brian - 2021 to 2022 - don't miss it

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 23 - Angelo and Brian - 2021 to 2022 - don't miss it

Geo-politics - 2021 review, and what might be in 2022. With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic ... Anything one hears on MSM, or social media, is probably BS. Real freedom is when there is a pause between propaganda and reaction - when one stops to first think (am I being duped?) ... Keep being real and sane is this crazy world. The world is full of richness. But insanely imbalanced in distribution. That's the reality, so long as the many are duped into believing that that is how it should be ! Into 2022, cherish what you have and love all around you. Always be above division and manipulation. In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. While China acts to build a better world, the West only strives to try to preserve its dominance. Sad, but true. Bonus film - with Pascal Coppens ...

Planning war on China - part 20

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 20

With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... On the US drone strike in Syria that killed many civilians - with Democracy Now ... On Cambodia ... On China and the U.S. ... On Iran, with Democracy Now ... A documentary on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963 ... On the 'diplomatic boycott' of the Beijing Winter Olympics by the 5-eyes imperialists ... On Julian Assange and the Uk to US extradition ... On Syria, with The Grayzone ... On Canada's 'boycott' of the BeiJing Winter Olympics - with numuves ... Meanwhile ... ShenZhou-13 - 1st space lecture from the TianGong Space Station 中国空间站天宫课堂第一课 ... High speed rail link to the BeiJing Winter Olympics ... ... more to come, as ever; so check back on this post later, and see all the updates in earlier parts ...

Planning war on China - part 18

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 18

What is called 'democracy' is elite rule; money buys power / fool the people that they have significance. 'Democracy' is the subterfuge that is capture / takeover by other means. In the West, you don't have any real say, other than which side of the same coin is to 'represent' you. To keep one from seeing the bigger picture, and a sense of being part of humanity, the West focuses you on personal identity (misdirection), and that you are 'free'. This is the mix of 'divide and rule', plus mental chains (beliefs) over physical chains, as the new slavery. Anyone who opens their eyes can see it, right in front of them; how one is constantly programmed. Another aspect of the control is money; that is what limits your real freedom; and refocuses your life on the material / survival. The walls and bars of our prison are internalized. To add to the confusion, these elements are projected onto the 'others'. The bigger picture, the full reality, is kept hidden, while the focus remains on endless little bits that are easily construed a certain way. Once one sees reality, the purpose behind all the little steps that make up the 'news' becomes clear. In the end, the West's elite can only rule with the acquiescence of the vast majority. With The Gravel Institute ... In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. Hence, China is a 'threat' to the Western elite; the threat of a good example. On how the US rules Taiwan ... On Iran - sanctions and the 'nuclear deal' ... On the Laos - China high speed rail link ...

Planning war on China - part 17

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 17

Just what is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - and what is it really up to ? With Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano / The New Atlas ... Bonus films : YChina attacked by the New York Times ... BreakThrough News talks with Tings Chak ... The West's (willing) failure to understand China's history - The Geopolitics In Conflict Show talks with Dr. Ken Hammond ... On Google ... On Palestine ... US torture horrors at Guantanamo ... On Africa and China ... On empire / colonialism (and 'world currency') ... On Cuba ... On Ukraine ... On the genocide of native Americans ... On US dystopia ... With Cyrus Janssen ...

China and South-East Asia can rise together

Video : China : China and South-East Asia can rise together

With Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... With Jeffrey Sachs ... Oliver Stone on JFK ... Glenn Greenwald talks with Vincent Bevins - the CIA, coups and dictatorships, 'anti-communism'. The threat of a good example - taking care of ALL the people - is a major motivation for a Western elite that desires to retain its extreme privilege ... Bonus film - with The Geopolitics In Conflict Show ... In China, the people are family. In The West, the people are livestock.

Planning war on China - part 13

Video : China : Planning war on China - part 13

With The New Atlas. Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano cut through the propaganda and shine light on realities ... Bonus films ... On Thailand ... On Nicaragua ... On Palestine ... On Syria ... On Cuba ... On Yemen ... On Taiwan ... On Western propaganda puppets ...

The US tries to undermine ASEAN

Video : China : The US tries to undermine ASEAN

With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano with Brian Berletic - the latest geo-politics ... Bonus film - Daniel Dumbrill in conversation with Danny Haiphong ... Western media is merely propaganda - with The Grayzone ... A rationale for subjugation - of those abroad, and you at home.

Planning war with China - part 4

Video : China : Planning war with China - part 4

Planned for 50 years. Expected by 2025. With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic - don't miss it ... Bonus film - on Myanmar - with The New Atlas ... Bonus film 2 - on Thailand - with The New Atlas ... Bonus film 3 - with Professor Michael Hudson ... Bonus film 4 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with The GrayZone ... Bonus film 5 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with Going Underground / RT ... Bonus film 6 - the US / UK plot to assassinate Julian Assange - with The Moderate Rebels ... Bonud film 7 - How will AUKUS impact the ASEAN countries - with The New Atlas ...

Planning for war with China

Video : China : Planning for war with China

"This week we discuss the roll out of “AUKUS” and how it fits into long-standing plans to encircle and contain China as well as set the stage for what US war planners call a limited conflict with China aimed at destroying its economy, setting it and Asia back decades, and ensuring Western hegemony for years to come." With The New Atlas - Don't miss it ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film - Myanmar : US-backed NUG opposition declares war on its own country ... Bonus film 2 - US CENCOM Admits Afghan "Revenge" Drone Strike Killed Only Civilians, Including 7 Children ... Bonus film 3 - On manufactured ignorance, with Chris Hedges, On Contact RT ...

The West's use of proxy forces in Asia

Video : China : The West's use of proxy forces in Asia

The US empire employs the same playbook wordwide. With The New Atlas ... Including Thailand ... And Myanmar ... And Cambodia ... And TaiWan ... And China itself ...

XinJiang - the real truth ...

Video : China : XinJiang - the real truth ...

With Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic. They also discuss China's infrastructure and the development of XinJiang, Tibet, etc. ... In depth ... The West likes to trumpet 'individualism' - but is this really for the elite to divide the people, an excuse for the lack of infrastructure, and that if one is poor, it is your fault ? Compared to China's development and poverty alleviation, what has the West achieved over recent decades ? There are around 200,000 Chinese students in UK alone. China has 120 million outbound overseas tourists each year. There are 850,000 expats living and working in China. XiaoMi sells more smart phones than Apple. Etc. - Reality versus fake news. As for Western MSM, the more ridiculous the bias, the more obvious it becomes. In China, the people are family; in the West, the people are merely livestock.

US hegemony - in south and central America, and the encirclement / 'containment' of China

Video : China : US hegemony - in south and central America, and the encirclement / 'containment' of China

YT comment : "If America really does not want to contain China, why would they build so many military bases around China and constantly instigate chaos either in China or in the countries around it?" Geo-politics explained - don't miss it ... Bonus film - Cuba's Ambassador : 6 Decade-Long US Embargo is a Genocidal Policy! Plus, western subversion of Cuba, China, and more ...

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