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Happy in Shanghai … and Macau … and Hong Kong … and ShenZhen …  :  )(  :
With a great song by Pharrell Williams Bonus film ... Family and friends from the Philippines on a trip to Beijing ...
The Great Wall : JinShanLing 金山岭 to SiMaTai 司马台, BeiJing
A beautiful hike. The journey takes about 4 to 5 hours at a reasonably relaxing pace. With LimeWave Media ...
Beginner / post beginner general practice / vocabulary building
Fast paced and fun ...
Seasons Greeting from BeiJingBuzzz (2/?)
Chinese music song favorites - flash mob in the CBD, BeiJing ...
GuangZhou 广州 night drone flight
GuangDong province ...
Skyline ShangHai 上海
A trip to XiaMen 厦门
XiaMen is a beautiful coastal city in FuJian province, south east China ...
The BeiJing Botanical Gardens 北京植物园
At the foot of the Western Hills in west BeiJing lies the large and beautiful Botanical Gardens ... Also well worth a visit is the nearby XiangShan Park, which is actually on the slopes of the Western Hills, with many scenic spots and quite a climb !
The magical scenery of GuangXi 广西 – from GuiLin 桂林 to YangShuo 阳朔
Sailing along the Li River and YuLong River, among beautiful karst mountain peaks ... Bonus films - starting with 'Let life be beautiful' ... Sung by Alu Azhou and the Mountain Wind Group 阿鲁阿卓, 山风组合 生如夏花. Inspired by Stray Birds by famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, 1916 (生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美 --飞鸟集, 泰戈尔, 1916). Lyrics and Music by PU Shu (朴树). "In this life, we can not stay so long ..." Plus, heading to the northern grasslands, Song of the Surging Water - title song of the 2015 movie Wolf Totem 汪峰 沧浪之歌(《狼图腾》主题曲). Sung by Wang Feng. Lyrics by WANG Feng (汪峰); music by Adam HUANG (HUANG Yong, 黄勇); with Alianuul (Morin Khuur solo) and NING FangLiang (violin solo). "I am broken, but I love flying ..." We are not here so long - let each day be full of love and beauty ...

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