GuiLin 桂林 photo tour : cormorant fishing, river rafting and landscape photography

Very beautiful scenes - don't miss it ...

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BeiJing 北京 trip, in September – video
The beautiful blue-sky city ...
JianKou 万里 Great Wall 长城, BeiJing from the air
Quick fact – CO2 emissions per capita
Canada : 18.6 Australia : 17.1 US : 15.5 Russia : 11.4 ... China : 7.4 That is, twice the CO2 emissions in the US versus China. Source :
Studying in ShangHai 上海
A film by the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) ... Shanghai is one of the world's great cities. Its night skyline boasts thousands of colorful high rises, revealing the modern face of China—one of sophistication, big business, vibrant art and culture, and fine cuisine. At night, it becomes a spectacular cacophony of 60-story neon canvases where high-tech graphic artists try to outdo each other with dazzling displays. Armani, Sony-Erickson, Starbucks, Canon, Ikea, Dell, IBM, Hitachi, and Toshiba are just some of the businesses competing with gargantuan high definition plasma screens. They serve as a constant reminder and visual testimony of Shanghai's startling transformation from heavy industry to services, logistics, and high technology. Since market restrictions were lifted, ShangHai has embraced the forces of business and design, shaping a fresh, new city that is sophisticated and innovative, defying the stereotypical notions of China.
Why China is different
A talk by Martin Jacques; October 2020.
Impression LiuSanJie 印象刘三杰, YangShuo
A wonderful performance just 2 kilometers along the Li River from YangShuo. The show incorporates local traditions, and around 600 performers combine with the beautiful setting to poetically elucidate the harmony of people and nature.
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The ShangHai 上海 Acrobatics Troupe
A selection of scenes ...
Snow in NanJing
With Middle Kingdom Productions ...

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