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Simple Chinese language phrases to enhance your China trip (pinyin and pronunciation)
PinYin - English : pronunciation. ~ is used where there are two sounds in one syllable. Ou[ch] means use the first sound of the word 'ouch'; same sound as ow[l]. *** Greetings Nǐ Hǎo - Hello / Hi (literally, you good?) : nee how Zài Jiàn - Goodbye / bye : z~eye jee~ann HuānYíng (GuāngLín) - Welcome ! (You'll often hear this when enter a restaurant) DaJia Hao ! - Hello everybody ! *** Introductions Nǐ - you / your : nee Wǒ - I / my : woh What is your name? - Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? : Nee j~ou[ch] shen mer ming zuh? My name is ... - Wǒ de míngzì shì ... : Woh der ming zuh sh ... *** XièXiè - : Thanks : shee~air shee~air (second is a little softer/quieter) XièXiè Nǐ ! - Thank you! : shee~air shee~air nee! *** DuìBuQǐ - Excuse me / sorry : der boo chee BúKèQì - No problem / you're welcome : boo ker chee Mei guan xi - No problem / you're welcome : may goo~ann shee Qǐng - Please : ching Mei / MeiHǎo - Beautiful : may / may how *** Interations DuWei - That's right : doo~way (quickly, and often said twice) Yes and no have no direct translations in Chinese, but the following will be fine is answer to common questions, although they are more like 'to be' and 'not to be' if translated literally; however, these are real colloquial uses. Bú shì - no : boo shh Bú shì can also be used in reply to 'Thank you !' with the meaning 'you're welcome' / 'no need to say' / 'it's nothing' Shì de - yes : shh der E.g. LàJiāo ? - lah jee~ou[ch] (chillies ?) : Shì de / Bú shì *** Wǒ - I / me : woh Nǐ - You : nee Tā - He / she : tah *** Shopping and restaurants Wǒ Yào - I want / would like I would like one of these : Wǒ yào Yī ge Zhè ge (woh yow ee guh jay guh) *** ZhèGe - This : jay guh NàGe - That : nay guh *** Yī Ge - One (of) : ee guh Lian Ge - Two (of) : lee~ann guh (Two as a simple number is Er, pronounced 'are') Sān Ge - Three (of) : san guh *** Duō Shǎo Qián? - How much? (price) : doo~or sh~ow[l] chee~ann? Zhège duōshǎo qián? - How much is this? : jay guh Nàgè duōshǎo qián? - How much is that? : nay guh Tài Guì Le! - too expensive! : tie gwee ler! *** nǐhǎo ma? - How are you? : nee how mar ? Hǎo De - ok : how der Hěn Hǎo - Good : hen how Bù Hǎo - Not good : boo how *** ShénMe? - When? : shen mer NǎLi? - Where : nah lee? Nǎr - There (gesturing) : nah Qĭng wèn - Excuse me (before asking a stranger a question) : ching wen Qĭng wèn, weì shēng jiān (zài) nă lĭ? - Where is the restroom? : Ching wen. Way sheng jee~ann z~eye (nah) lee? Qĭng wèn, dìtiě zhàn (zài) nǎ lǐ? - Where is the metro station? : Ching wen, dee tee~air z~eye (nah) lee? You might hear zai nar in norther China (e.g. BeiJing) *** 小 Xiǎo - Small : sh~ow[l] 大 Dà - Big : dah Tai - Too : tie *** Bin De - Ice-cold : bin der Lian De - Cold : lee~ann der Rè de - Hot : rer der Rè chá - hot tea : rer char Bīng píjiǔ - Cold beer : bing pee jee~oh *** La - Spicy : lah Bu La - not spicy : boo lah Xiao La - a little spicy : shee~ow[l] lah Da La - Very spicy : dah lah Tai La! - too spicy! : tie lah! *** Noodles - Miàn : mee~ann Dumplings - JiǎoZi : jee~ow[l] zuh Rice - MiFàn / Fàn : mee fan / fan Eggs - JīDàn : jee dan Beef - NiúRòu 牛肉 : nee~you row Lamb - YángRòu 羊肉 : yang row Chicken - JīRòu 鸡肉 : jee row Pork - ZhūRòu 猪肉 : joo row Fish - YúRòu 鱼肉 : yoo row Tofu - DòuFu 豆腐 : doh foo (See BeijingBuzzz's food cheat sheet for much more) (Wo) Chī bǎole! - (I'm) full! : Woh ch b~ou[ch] ler! (Ni) Chī bǎole ma? - (Are you) full? : (Nee) ch b~ou[ch] ler maa? Ma is appended to change a statement into a question. *** ZhōngGuó - China : jong goo~woh YīngGuó - England : ying goo~woh MěiGuó - America : may goo~woh ZhōngWén - Chinese nationality : jong ren YīngWén - English nationality : ying ren *** Hótel - Hotel FànDiàn - Hotel / Restaurant : fan dee~ann Wǒ Bù ZhīDào - I don't know : woh boo juh~dow Tīng Bù Dǒng - I don't understand : ting boo dong ZhèGe Duōshǎo Qián? / DuōShǎo Qián? - How much is this? : doo~or sh~ow[l} chee~ann? Tài guìle ! - Too expensive ! : tie-gwee lah ! Wo Yao ... - I would like ... : woh yow ... Wǒ Yào ZhèGe - I want this one : woh yow jay~guh *** 5 yuan (kwai) / 2 pieces (items) 5元 / 2个 or 5元 2个 8 折 (bā zhé), which directly translates as '8 discount'. This means that the discounted price is 80% of the original price (20% off). 人 Rén - Person : ren 5元 / 2人 - 5 yuan for 2 people *** For toilet doors / WCs : 男 - Man 女 - Woman *** BúShì - No : boo shh ShìDe - Yes : Shh der Hǎo de - Okay : how der MéiYǒu - none / out of stock : may~oh *** Wǒ ài ... - I love ... : woh eye ... - I love this! : woh eye jay-guh! Wǒ ài ZhōngGuó - I love China : woh eye jong goo~woh *** Hǎo Chī - Delicious (literally good eat) : how ch Bú Hǎo Chī - Not tasty : boo how ch One can think of 'Bú' as meaning 'not' *** Wǒ Bù LiǎoJiě - I don't understand : woh boo lee~ow[l]~jee~air *** Chi - eat : ch Wǒ Xiǎng ... - I would like ... : woh shee~ang ... Wǒ Xiǎng Chī ... - I would like to eat ... : woh she~ang ch ... *** Directions Bei - North : bay Nan - South : nan Xi - West : shee Dong - East : dong *** DìTiě - Subway train : dee tee~air Dìtiě nali ma? - Where is the subway? : dee tee~air nah~lee ma Zhan - Train station : zahn Men - gate : men Yuan / kwai - rmb (currency) : yoo~ann / kw~eye (more common) Gong yuan - Park : gong yoo~ann *** KāFēi - Coffee : kah fay Chá - Tea : chah kěLè - Cola : ker ler PiJiou - Beer : pee jee~oh Shui - Water : shway Wo yao liang ge pijiou liande - I would like two cold beers : woh yow[l] lee~ann guh pee jee~oh lee~ann der *** Jia Yo! - Let's go! / Go! (encouraging) : jee~ah yoh! Wǒ Bù Shuō Hànyǔ / ZhōngWén - I don't speak Chinese (huh?!) Or simply Bù ZhōngWén : boo jong wen *** Numbers Numbers are easy (there are finger position numbers too, but that's not so easy) : 1 - Yī : ee 2 - Èr : are 3 - Sān : san 4 - Sì : si (the sound is the first half of 'soot') (short sound) 5 - Wǔ : woo~oh 6 - Liù : lee~oo 7 - Qī : chee 8 - Bā : bah 9 - Jiǔ : jee~oo 10 - Shí : shhh (longer sound) Example of 11 - 99 : 73 - Qi Shí Sān (7x10) + 3 : chee shhh san (7 10 3) 70 - Qi Shí (7x10) : chee shhh (7 10) 100 - Bǎi : buy Example of 101 - 999 : 357 - Sān Bǎi Wǔ Shí Qī (3x100 + 5x10 + 7) : san buy woo~oh shhh chee (3 100 5 10 7) 300 - Sān Bǎi (3x100) : san buy (3 100) One small complication - two (of) - rather than the number two) is liǎng ge : lee~ang ger *** Cheers! - GānBēi! : gan bey!
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ShanHaiGuan (Mountain Sea Pass) – where the Great Wall of China meets the sea
With Andy see the World ... Visitor Guide to ShanHaiGuan Overview ShanHaiGuan, located in QinHuangDao City, HeBei Province, is a renowned historical site known as the "First Pass Under Heaven." It is one of the most well-preserved and strategically important passes of the Great Wall of China, offering visitors a fascinating glimpse into China's ancient military history and stunning coastal scenery. Getting There By Air: The nearest airport is QinHuangDao Beidaihe Airport (BPE), located about 20 kilometers from ShanHaiGuan. From the airport, you can take a taxi or a shuttle bus to ShanHaiGuan. By Train: ShanHaiGuan Railway Station is well-connected with major cities like BeiJing, TianJin, and Shenyang. High-speed trains make it convenient to reach ShanHaiGuan from these cities. By Bus: Long-distance buses are available from nearby cities, including QinHuangDao and TianJin. The main bus station in ShanHaiGuan is ShanHaiGuan Long-Distance Bus Station. Getting Around Walking: The historic area of ShanHaiGuan is best explored on foot, allowing you to fully appreciate the ancient architecture and fortifications. Biking: Renting a bicycle is a great way to explore the surrounding areas and nearby attractions at your own pace. Local Transport: Taxis and local buses are available for traveling to and from different parts of ShanHaiGuan and QinHuangDao. Main Attractions First Pass Under Heaven (Zhenyuan Tower) This iconic gate is the easternmost point of the Great Wall and marks the starting point of the ancient defense line. The tower offers panoramic views of the surrounding area and the Great Wall stretching towards the mountains and the sea. Old Dragon's Head (Laolongtou) Located where the Great Wall meets the Bohai Sea, the Old Dragon's Head is a dramatic and picturesque site. The fortifications extend into the sea, resembling a dragon drinking water. It's a unique and breathtaking part of the Great Wall. ShanHaiGuan Great Wall Museum The museum provides a comprehensive overview of the history, construction, and significance of the Great Wall. Exhibits include artifacts, models, and interactive displays that bring the history of this monumental structure to life. Jiumenkou Great Wall This section of the Great Wall is unique for its series of nine gates and the river that flows beneath it. The Jiumenkou Great Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers a fascinating look at ancient military engineering. Wang Family Courtyard This well-preserved traditional courtyard residence offers a glimpse into the lifestyle of a wealthy family during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The courtyard is beautifully decorated with intricate carvings and traditional furnishings. Local Cuisine ShanHaiGuan's cuisine is influenced by its coastal location and northern Chinese culinary traditions. Here are some must-try dishes: Seafood: Fresh seafood from the Bohai Sea, including fish, shrimp, and crab, is a highlight of local dining. QinHuangDao Dumplings: These dumplings are known for their thin skins and generous fillings, often served with a dipping sauce. Jiaozi (Dumplings): A variety of steamed or boiled dumplings filled with meat, vegetables, or seafood. Local Snacks: Try street food such as fried dough twists, roasted sweet potatoes, and various grilled skewers. Shopping Local Handicrafts: ShanHaiGuan is known for its traditional handicrafts, including paper-cutting, clay figurines, and embroidery. These items make for unique souvenirs. Antique Markets: Explore local antique markets for historical artifacts, vintage items, and collectibles. Seafood Markets: Purchase fresh or dried seafood to take home or enjoy while you're in the area. Accommodation Luxury Hotels: For a high-end stay, consider hotels like the Shangri-La Hotel QinHuangDao or the Sheraton QinHuangDao Beidaihe Hotel, both offering excellent amenities and service. Mid-Range Hotels: Options such as the Best Western Junyu Grand Hotel and QinHuangDao Grand Hotel provide comfortable accommodations at reasonable prices. Budget Hotels: For budget travelers, hostels and budget hotels like the ShanHaiGuan Youth Hostel offer affordable and convenient lodging. Tips for Visitors Best Time to Visit: The best times to visit ShanHaiGuan are spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and pleasant. Clothing: Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers to accommodate changing temperatures. An umbrella or raincoat is useful during the rainy season. Respect Local Customs: Be respectful of local customs and traditions. Dress modestly and be mindful of local etiquette, especially when visiting historical and cultural sites. Language: While Mandarin is widely spoken, learning a few basic phrases or using a translation app can be very helpful. Plan Your Visit: ShanHaiGuan is best explored at a leisurely pace. Take your time to wander through the historical sites, visit local shops, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. Conclusion ShanHaiGuan, with its rich history, strategic importance, and stunning coastal scenery, offers a unique and memorable travel experience. Whether you're exploring ancient fortifications, savoring fresh seafood, or strolling along the Great Wall, ShanHaiGuan provides an unforgettable experience. Plan your visit carefully to make the most of your trip to this fascinating destination in HeBei Province.

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