ShangHai 上海 Special 2

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XuanWu Lake, NanJing 南京城中的湖
With Katherine's Journey to the East 阳离子东游记 ... Bonus film - JiangSu to AnHui bike ride ...
Exploring ShaanXi 陕西 – Xi’An, HuaShan and the Yellow River
With Jean Holy Smithereens ...
Palestine – crimes against humanity
Speaking up for the voiceless. With ChristianMalaza (Christian Malazarte), Judge Napolitano and many other true humanitarians ... Bonus film - The Propaganda War, with the late investigative journalist John Pilger ...
Explore beautiful XinJiang 新疆 province …
An awesome film - don't miss it ... September trip, in 2017; charming couple. XinJiang, north west China, includes the Tien Shan and Kunlun Shan mountains, the Taklimakan Desert, and the Tarim Basin.
GuiLin 桂林 photo tour : cormorant fishing, river rafting and landscape photography
Very beautiful scenes - don't miss it ...
This is Hong Kong 香港
Surprisingly beautiful ...
Taiwan discussion (and much more) with Einar Tangen
With Einar Tangen ...
‘Climate Change’ – an alternative view
A view, right or wrong, that you are not supposed to hear ...
Xi’An, ShaanXi – where ancient and future meet
With Reporterfy Media & Travel ...

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