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Beautiful HaiKou 海口, HaiNan Island
HǎiKǒu, known as the 'Coconut City', is the capital of semi-tropical HaiNan province in south China; a port city on the island's north coast, facing the mainland.
On democracy and China
Geopolitics with Li JingJing, Lee Camp, George Galloway ... Bonus film with Judge Napolitano and Larry Johnson ...
New Geopolitics page launched
Bookmark this page when arrive. All geopolitics videos will, from now, appear on the new page (and no longer on the home page; but never say never). Automatically updated. BB will not preview or select these videos; but we have trust in the channels we have chosen to include. More channels will be added later to provide a range of opinions (though only rational voices; no MSM). The new Geopolitics home page. Click here and bookmark. So the Planning War On China series has ended. BUT, the voices continue to be here - in their very own page; and EVERY new video will appear there. This is a win-win : BB can concentrate even more on bringing you the very best China travel and Chinese culture films. More content coming soon ... Probable additional channels include : Daniel Dumbrill, NuMuves, Geopolitics In Conflict, The GrayZone, Democracy Now, Cyrus, and more ... Approaching 20 years, BB wishes to say a BIG thank you to all our visitors.
Musical fountains, West Lake 西湖, HangZhou 杭州
8pm every day; free
The Spirit Way, Ming Tombs 明十三陵, BeiJing
The Ming Tombs are a collection of mausoleums built by emperors of the Ming dynasty. They lie within the ChangPing District of BeiJing Municipality, 40 kilometers (25 miles) north-northwest of Beijing city center. The site was chosen based on the principles of Feng Shui by the third Ming emperor, YongLe. Construction began after completion of the Imperial Palace (Forbidden City) in 1420. Subsequent emperors placed their tombs in the same valley; 13 in total. The siting of the Ming dynasty imperial tombs was carefully chosen according to Feng Shui principles. A key guide is that bad spirits and cold winds from the north must be deflected; therefore, an arc-shaped valley area at the foot of the JunDu Mountains was selected. This 40 square kilometer area, enclosed by mountains in a pristine, quiet valley with dark earth and tranquil water became the necropolis of the Ming dynasty. A 7 kilometer (4 mile) path named the Spirit Way, or Sacred Way, leads into the complex, lined with statues of guardian animals and officials, with a front memorial gate consisting of three arches called the Great Red Gate; constructed in 1540, it is one of the biggest stone archways in China. Further in, lies the ShenGong ShengDe Stele Pavilion with a 50 tonne stone statue of BiXi carrying a memorial tablet. Four white marble HuaBiao (pillars of glory) are positioned at each corner of the pavilion; at the top of each is a mythical beast. Then come two pillars on each side of the path, whose surfaces are carved with a cloud design, and tops are shaped like a cylinder; these are of a traditional design and were originally beacons to guide the soul of the deceased, The path leads to 18 pairs of stone statues of mythical animals, which are all sculpted from single blocks; these are all larger than life size. After, the path leads to a three-arched gate known as the Dragon and Phoenix Gate. Two of the mausoleums are open to visitors, but it is the beauty of the valley, with orchards, and the sheer scale of the area used for the tombs, that make this a nice day out in the countryside.
Planning war with China – part 7
With The New Atlas ... US sanctions on Cambodia, for declining US interference ... Australian Puppets of American Empire - with Daniel Dumbrill and Robbie Barwick ... Bonus film - with The Grayzone ... Bonus film 2 - with The Moderate Rebels ... Bonus film 3 ... Bonus film 4 ... Bonus film 5 ...
A journey through China 中国 – feature length
BeiJing, Xi'An and ShangHai. A feature-length film. With Dennis Hurd ...
Beautiful YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林 from the air
Scenes from JiuZhaiGou 九寨沟
JiuZhaiGou Valley (九寨沟), literally 'Nine Villages Valley', is a nature reserve and national park located in the north of SiChuan province, near the GanSu border. JiuZhaiGou is part of the MinShan mountains on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and is known for its many multi-level waterfalls, colorful mineral lakes and snow-capped peaks. The elevation ranges from 2,000 to 4,500 meters (6,600 to 14,800 feet). It lies 330 km (205 miles) north of the provincial capital of Chengdu and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This remote region has been inhabited by various Tibetan and Qiang peoples for many centuries. The valleys here are lined with 55 km of roads for shuttle buses, as well as wooden boardwalks and small pavilions. The boardwalks are typically located on the opposite side of the lakes from the roads. Many visitors will first take the shuttle bus to the end of RiZe or ShuZheng valley, then make their way back downhill by foot on the boardwalks, taking the bus when the next site is deemed too distant. JiuZhaiGou is a ten hour bus ride from ChengDu, or one can fly from ChengDu or ChongQing to JiuZhai HuangLong Airport, then take an hour long bus ride to HuangLong, or a 90 minute ride to JiuZhaiGou. There is also a daily flight to Xi'An, in the peak season, and from BeiJing, ShangHai and HangZhou.

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