Yanni – China 中国 concert tour 2011 – behind the scenes
The popular composer / musician in GuangZhou, BeiJing and ChengDu ...
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Capital of HuNan province.
Feels like the West has gone crazy - part 35 !
Really hope this is the last part of what we thought would be just 2 parts - but the insane West's attacks simply don't abate; so here we are, not knowing how far they will go in their push for war ...
With George Galloway - don't miss it ...
One World - One family. It's not rocket science.
Meanwhile (in the real world, outside the West's frothing at the mouth bid for global tyranny) ...
Us and Them - music - Roger Waters live in concert ...
Escape the madness - calm, meditative / oneness / rejuvenation / thanksgiving music - release stress, and once again become a beacon of love.
Because it is not about me. It is about we ...
One more - Chris Hedges in conversation with Hamza Yusuf ...
"What is a fool but someone who doesn't know who they are or where they're going." - Hamza Yusuf
With Walk For You ...
ZhangJiaJie 张家界 (HuNan) and HuaShan 华山 (ShaanXi) ...
XingPing 兴平 and the Li River 漓江 (GuangXi) ...
Xi'An 西安 (ShaanXi) and BeiJing 北京 ...
LuoYang 洛阳 (HeNan) and PingYao 平遥 (ShanXi) ...
With Einzelgänger ...
Bonus film - Erich Fromm on 'To Have or To Be' ...
A UNESCO World Heritage site.
The first Buddhist temple in China was built here in SiChuan province during the 1st century A.D. in the beautiful surroundings of the Mount Emei and in view of its peak. Over the centuries, the addition of other temples turned the area into one of Buddhism's holiest. The most remarkable - the Giant Buddha at LeShan - was carved out of a hillside in the 8th century and looks down on the confluence of three rivers. At 71 meters in height, it is the largest Buddha in the world.
Filmed in August 2010.
Includes the famous 'plank walk' at the end; this is perched precariously on a cliff face that is well over 1000m above the valley below, in a sheer drop. The plank walk is on the east peak, which is about a 15km walk / climb from the north peak.
HuaShan ('Flower Mountain', or 'Splendid Mountain') lies in southern ShaanXi province, about 120km east of Xi'An; it is one of the five sacred Taoist mountains, with four main peaks. There are hiking trails to all four peaks and a cable car to the north peak. The south peak is highest at 2155 meters.
There are a number of hotels and hostels around the base.
With FridayEveryday ...
YT comments :
"The robber acts like a cop, the thief posing as a judge. This is the trick that the Anglo-Saxons always like to pull off."
"They may not have Critical Thinking but they certainly do have Criminal Thinking !"
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