Dance around China 中国 (5)

Foreign exchange student Jake 'dancing' through BeiJing, ChengDu, Xi'An, Lhasa, YangShuo, ZhangJiaJie, ShangHai, FengHuang and Hong Kong.

A fun film ...


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Things to do in Hong Kong 香港 …
Ten ideas ... More ideas ...
ChangSha 长沙 night walk and park tour
Capital of HuNan province. With Walk East ... 1:26 Changsha Lieshi Park 54:20 Downtown Night Walk 1:36:06 Orange Island Park Night Walk
The beautiful HuangShan 黄山 (Yellow Mountain)
In AnHui province.
Acrobatics show in BeiJing 北京
Some scenes from the performance ...
ShangHai Summer – don’t miss it !
With Wei's Travel ... ShangHai can be considered a 'garden city' due to its extensive green spaces, parks, and efforts to integrate nature within its urban environment. Here are some key aspects that contribute to this : ### Extensive Green Spaces and Parks 1. **Large Urban Parks**: Shanghai is home to numerous large parks such as Century Park, Gongqing Forest Park, and Shanghai Botanical Garden. These parks provide significant green spaces within the city and offer residents and visitors places to relax and enjoy nature. 2. **Green Belt**: The city has developed green belts and corridors that integrate natural elements into the urban landscape, helping to connect different green spaces and providing continuous natural areas for walking, cycling, and leisure. ### Historical and Traditional Gardens 3. **Traditional Chinese Gardens**: Shanghai boasts several well-preserved traditional Chinese gardens, such as Yu Garden (YuYuan), which exemplify classical Chinese garden design with ponds, rockeries, pavilions, and intricate landscaping. These gardens reflect the city's historical commitment to integrating nature with urban living. ### Urban Greening Initiatives 4. **Street Landscaping**: Many of Shanghai's streets are lined with trees, flowers, and shrubs, contributing to a greener urban environment. The city has invested in extensive landscaping to enhance the aesthetic appeal and environmental quality of its streets and boulevards. 5. **Vertical Gardens and Green Roofs**: Shanghai has embraced innovative urban greening techniques such as vertical gardens and green roofs on buildings. These initiatives help to increase the amount of greenery in densely populated urban areas and contribute to better air quality and urban biodiversity. ### Green Urban Planning 6. **Sustainable Development**: Shanghai's urban planning policies emphasize sustainable development and the creation of eco-friendly urban spaces. This includes the development of eco-districts and the incorporation of green spaces into new residential and commercial developments. 7. **Waterfront Revitalization**: The revitalization of waterfront areas along the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek has included the creation of green promenades, parks, and recreational areas that provide residents with access to nature and enhance the city's overall green infrastructure. ### Community and Public Engagement 8. **Public Involvement**: The city encourages public participation in maintaining and developing green spaces through community gardens and public involvement initiatives. This engagement helps to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility for the city's natural environments. ### Environmental Conservation 9. **Biodiversity Conservation**: Efforts to preserve and enhance biodiversity within the city, such as the creation of urban wildlife habitats and conservation areas, contribute to Shanghai's identity as a garden city. ### Seasonal Flower Displays 10. **Flower Festivals and Displays**: Shanghai hosts various flower festivals and seasonal floral displays that enhance the city's visual appeal and celebrate its botanical diversity. These events attract tourists and residents alike, further emphasizing the city's green character. ### Conclusion Shanghai's commitment to integrating green spaces and nature into its urban environment through parks, traditional gardens, innovative greening techniques, and sustainable urban planning practices helps to position it as a 'garden city.' These efforts not only enhance the city's aesthetic appeal but also contribute to the well-being of its residents and the sustainability of its urban ecosystem.
GuBei Water Town, by the Great Wall of China, north of BeiJing, plus SiMaTai Great Wall night walk
Near SiMaTai Great Wall ... SiMaTai Great Wall night walk ...
Chinese democracy vs. Liberal democracy – debate
China's meritocracy versus Western Elite rule (with a 'vote' of which brand of the same thing can be made every 4 or so years). Is the Western 'vote' simply a way to get one's complicity into a governance that will never really be your side ? Spoiler - the Western model 'wins' the debate - but it is an audience of long brainwashed Westerners - lol ; ) * Try to play. Google doesn't like to play ball with China related videos unless they are clearly anti. No thumbnail or bad sound, etc (plays ok as of 26th August 2020) ... Bonus video, with Professor Zhang WeiWei & Professor Timothy Ash (a Munk debate). Which one works for an elite and which for the common people ... Looks like the video version has been 'black-holed' : (
Red persimmon fruit
Persimmons taste like no other fruit. They have a silky, slippery texture and taste kind of like the fabulous fruity love child of a mango and a roasted sweet pepper, with some cinnamon in the background. They are rich and tangy and sweet, all at the same time. --- TreeHugger May the red, red persimmons bring you a happy, prosperous New Year ! 愿一串串的红柿子给大家带来新一年的柿柿顺心 ❤️
10 reasons why people love to visit China – don’t miss it
In 2019, the 145-million inbound tourists. Many visitors return again and again. Here's why. With Chron Ten ...

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