Vocal music covers



阿卡贝拉版《好想爱这个世界啊》By 醒耳人声乐团(华晨宇 Cover)


Tears in the sand 哭砂 吉他弹唱 - MiuMiu, aged 4


you are my bitterest waiting,
making me long for and fear the future

you used to say you are a dust,
that would sometimes get into my eyes playfully.

rather leaving me cry,
than letting me love you,
you disappeared in the wind just like a dust.

you are my most painful choice,
why won't you stop wandering alone

the sea to you are inseparable,
you always brought a pocketful of sand to me.

at last coming to see me,
but then leaving me again
the sand dripping out of my hands like flowing tears

the sand brought by the wind,
settles in my sorrowful eyes,
anyone could tell i'm waiting for you.

the sand brought by the wind,
piles in my mind,
is an impression no one could erase

the sand brought by the wind,
passes thru all memories,
everyone knows i miss you.

the sand brought by the wind,
weeps in gloom,
was our separation destined?

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