The rise of smartphone payments in China


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Two months in China’s south west 中国
Highlights of an eight week trip though Tibet, YunNan, SiChuan, GanSu and QingHai provinces (2007).
The ShangHai 上海 World Expo, with Dennis Callan
The Shanghai World Expo, 2010 ...
ZhangJiaJie, WuLing scenic area / national park, HuNan province
With Little Chinese Everywhere ... Amazing infrastructure in HuNan province ... Don't look down !
Night walk in LiuYang city, HuNan province
With Walk East ...
Welcome to beautiful China 中国 …
Bonus film - the Great Wall near Beijing in 4K ...
Planning war on China – part 35
Feels like the West has gone crazy - part 35 ! Really hope this is the last part of what we thought would be just 2 parts - but the insane West's attacks simply don't abate; so here we are, not knowing how far they will go in their push for war ... With George Galloway - don't miss it ... One World - One family. It's not rocket science. Meanwhile (in the real world, outside the West's frothing at the mouth bid for global tyranny) ... Us and Them - music - Roger Waters live in concert ... Escape the madness - calm, meditative / oneness / rejuvenation / thanksgiving music - release stress, and once again become a beacon of love. Because it is not about me. It is about we ... One more - Chris Hedges in conversation with Hamza Yusuf ... "What is a fool but someone who doesn't know who they are or where they're going." - Hamza Yusuf
FengHuang 凤凰 ancient town, and ZhangJiaJie 张家界 national forest park
HuNan province. FengHuang is an ancient water town based on a river. The WuLingYuan scenic area within ZhangJiaJie is also a nature reserve. Both are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The beautiful, and lively, Temple of Heaven 天坛 in BeiJing
The first film shows some scenes of the central temple area, and the second the many activities that take place in the surrounding park ...
Dragon Gate, KunMing
With Zina ...

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