Videos about Wulingyuan, China

The awesome ZhangJiaJie, WuLingYuan, HuNan province

ZhangJiaJie, a city in the northwest of China's HuNan province, is home to the famed WuLingYuan Scenic Area. This protected zone encompasses thousands of jagged quartzite sandstone columns, many of which rise over 200 meters, as well as caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites. WuLingYuan also encompasses forests, rivers, waterfalls and 2 large natural land bridges, as well as endangered plant and animal species.

With Alina Mcleod ...

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Awesome ZhangJiaJie 张家界

ZhangJiaJie is one part of WuLingYuan National Forest Park in HuNan province, south China, and is a wonderland of strange peaks, stunning valleys, ancient trees, caves and waterfalls. There are over 500 scenic spots in this area of outstanding natural beauty; it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. In all, it covers around 700 square kilometers (270 square miles).

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ZhangJiaJie 张家界 Forest Park

Part of the WuLingYuan Scenic Area in Hunan province.

WuLingYuan National Park 中国世界自然遗产 武陵源 张家界 is a spectacular area stretching over more than 26,000 hectares. The park is dominated by more than 3,000 narrow sandstone pillars and peaks, many over 200 meters high. Between the peaks lie ravines and gorges with streams, pools and waterfalls, about 40 caves, and two large natural bridges. In addition to the striking beauty of the landscape, the region is also noted for the fact that it is home to a number of endangered plant and animal species.

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ZhangJiaJie 张家界, HuNan province - the beauty of nature

Video : China : ZhangJiaJie 张家界, HuNan province - the beauty of nature

ZhāngJiāJiè Nature Reserve is part of the even larger WuLingYuan National Forest Park scenic area.

WuLingYuan 武陵源 Scenic Area, HuNan province

Video : China : WuLingYuan 武陵源 Scenic Area, HuNan province

Near the city of ZhangJiaJie in central/south China Filmed in January 2010.

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