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The amazing growth of China’s high-speed rail network
YT comment : dominique ridoux : True story: I once visited a couple of friends in their flat in downtown Shanghai city. When I arrived the whole street was under construction, the road, the side walks, everything... We had lunch, played mahjong, then dinner. When I went out after the evening dinner, the street was completely finished! New asphalt, sidewalks paved and new trees planted all the way. I even went back thinking my friend's building had 2 entrances... The big difference with us in Europe is when a decision is made the do some infrastructure work, they will put as many workers as needed to do it very quickly, they cannot afford to have streets blocked for weeks in a city of 23 million people like Shanghai. In China everything is about efficiency because they have no other choice. Can you afford to queue for tickets and so on in a city of 23 millions? No! Ok, let's all use Wechat and Alipay to increase efficiency... Done in a few years! Almost nobody is using cash anymore in China! They apply the same mindset to everyday activity, may it be transportation, food industry or even paying your taxes! The result is (as far as I am concerned) a full body check (including check in, CT scan, blood work etc) in less than 2 hours including a complementary breakfast for less than 400 Euros. Or Visa application done in 20 minutes. All car parkings are using plate recognition technology decreasing time wasting again and again. High speed train are efficient, can move large amounts of people at a fantastic pace. Also as mentioned by many people, they build "hubs", you get out of the train and you have 2 or even 3 subway lines to bring you to your final destination, more and more you even have the airport hub at a walking distance! We have a similar hub in Paris (CDG with RER and TGV within the airport walking distance) but the size of it in Shanghai makes it spectacular! YT comment : rhn94 China spent 1 Trillion USD over 10-15 years building this network, that is 1/4th the cost of the Iraq War the US paid. YT comment : Pal Sih China is building their country. USA is destroying other countries. YT comment : thata xx The best part of China's high speed train is you can order food from any of the restaurants in the station on your phone and designate at what time during which stop to have it delivered to you. During the 2-3 minutes stop, your food is already there waiting to be distributed to you on the train. I miss it so much.
The beautiful Humble Administrator’s Garden in SuZhou, JiangSu province
With Lulu's Daily In China ... Humble Administrator's Garden Visitor Guide Overview The Humble Administrator's Garden, located in SuZhou, JiangSu province, is one of the most famous classical gardens in China. Built in the early 16th century during the Ming Dynasty, this garden is a masterpiece of Chinese landscape design, featuring beautiful pavilions, serene ponds, lush greenery, and exquisite rock formations. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit destination for anyone interested in traditional Chinese garden art. History The garden was originally created by Wang XianChen, a retired government official, who sought to design a peaceful retreat for himself. Over the centuries, the garden changed hands multiple times, undergoing various renovations and expansions. Despite these changes, the garden has retained its original layout and classical elements, reflecting the aesthetics and philosophical principles of traditional Chinese gardens. Main Attractions Central Garden The Central Garden is the heart of the Humble Administrator's Garden, featuring a large pond surrounded by lush plants, winding paths, and elegant pavilions. Key highlights include: Lotus Pavilion: A beautiful structure overlooking the pond, offering a tranquil spot to enjoy the view of blooming lotus flowers in summer. Hall of Distant Fragrance: Named after the lotus flowers whose fragrance can be smelled from afar, this hall is one of the garden's main buildings, known for its elegant design. Eastern Garden The Eastern Garden features a series of smaller ponds, rockeries, and pavilions, creating a more intimate and secluded atmosphere. Notable features include: Small Flying Rainbow Bridge: A charming stone bridge that arches gracefully over a small pond. Hall of 36 Mandarin Ducks: Named after the mandarin ducks often seen in Chinese art, this hall offers picturesque views of the surrounding landscape. Western Garden The Western Garden is characterized by its open spaces and carefully arranged rockeries and plantings. Highlights include: Hall of the Thirty-Six Mandarin Ducks: Featuring beautiful carvings and a serene ambiance. GuanYun Peak: A striking rock formation representing a mountain peak, showcasing the garden's sophisticated use of stones. Architecture and Design The Humble Administrator's Garden exemplifies the principles of traditional Chinese garden design, which seeks to create harmony between nature and human-made structures. The garden's architecture and layout incorporate the following elements: Water Features: Ponds and streams are central to the garden's design, reflecting the sky and surrounding plants, and adding a sense of tranquility. Rockeries: Carefully arranged rocks and rock formations symbolize mountains and add a dynamic visual element to the landscape. Pavilions and Halls: These structures provide spaces for relaxation and contemplation, offering various perspectives of the garden. Plantings: A diverse array of plants, including bamboo, lotus, and seasonal flowers, enhance the garden's beauty and symbolize different virtues and qualities. Visiting Tips Best Time to Visit: The garden is beautiful year-round, but spring and summer are particularly lovely when flowers are in bloom. Autumn offers stunning foliage, and winter provides a peaceful, serene atmosphere. Opening Hours: The garden is open daily from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM (hours may vary seasonally). Getting There: The garden is located in the heart of SuZhou and is easily accessible by public transportation or taxi. The nearest metro station is Lindun Road Station (Line 1). Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide or joining a guided tour to gain deeper insights into the garden's history, architecture, and cultural significance. Photography: The garden offers countless photo opportunities. Be sure to bring your camera and take your time capturing the beauty of the landscape. Respect the Environment: Help preserve the garden by not picking flowers, climbing on rocks, or littering. Respect the tranquility of the space and other visitors.
Hiking the GongGa mountain trail, SiChuan province
With Men's Journal ... About the GongGa Trail Mount GongGa, also known as Minya Konka, is the highest peak in SiChuan province, China, standing at 7,556 meters (24,790 feet). The Gongga Trail offers a challenging yet rewarding trekking experience, featuring stunning landscapes, glaciers, and traditional Tibetan villages. It is a popular destination for adventurers and nature enthusiasts looking to explore the remote and pristine beauty of the region. Hiking Trails Hailuogou Glacier Park Trail The Hailuogou Glacier Park Trail is one of the most accessible routes on Mount Gongga. It features stunning views of glaciers, hot springs, and lush forests. This trail is suitable for trekkers of all levels and can be completed in 2-3 days. Yulongxi Trail The Yulongxi Trail offers a more challenging trek with breathtaking scenery, including high-altitude lakes, meadows, and snow-capped peaks. This trail takes about 4-5 days to complete and requires a good level of fitness. Kangding to Gongga Monastery Trail This trail starts in Kangding and leads to the Gongga Monastery, providing trekkers with an opportunity to experience local Tibetan culture and stunning natural beauty. The trek takes approximately 5-6 days. Old Chengdu-Kangding Tea-Horse Road This historic trail follows the ancient trade route, offering a blend of cultural and natural attractions. Trekkers can enjoy scenic vistas, traditional villages, and historical sites along the way. The trek can take 7-10 days depending on the chosen route. Famous Guesthouses Hailuogou Grand Hotel Located at the entrance of Hailuogou Glacier Park, Hailuogou Grand Hotel offers comfortable accommodation and easy access to the glacier. It is a great base for starting the trek. Gongga Shan Hotel Situated in Kangding, Gongga Shan Hotel provides modern amenities and a convenient location for trekkers heading towards Mount Gongga. The hotel offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Konka International Youth Hostel Located in the town of Luding, Konka International Youth Hostel is popular among backpackers and budget travelers. It offers basic accommodation and a friendly atmosphere. Minya Konka Guesthouse Near the Gongga Monastery, Minya Konka Guesthouse provides an authentic Tibetan experience with traditional architecture and hospitality. It is a perfect stop for trekkers on the Kangding to Gongga Monastery Trail. Transport Mount Gongga and the Gongga Trail are accessible from major cities in Sichuan province. Here are some ways to get there: From Chengdu: Buses and private transfers are available from Chengdu to Kangding, taking approximately 6-7 hours. From Kangding, you can hire a local guide or take a bus to the trailhead. From Kangding: Local buses and taxis can take you to various trailheads, including Hailuogou Glacier Park and Yulongxi. The journey time varies depending on the destination. By Car: Renting a car is a flexible option for those who prefer driving. The roads to Kangding and surrounding areas are well-maintained, offering scenic views along the way.
The Mid-Autumn Festival music gala
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One night in BeiJing – music videos (Love BeiJing)
A song from rock band SHIN that pays homage to Chinese Opera and has become quite a well known anthem. Sung here superbly by the beautiful Angela. My translation of the key verse : I don't care where you came from I don't know if you'll return But with you in my arms now Gonna hold you Just as long as I can Bonus film - "Nine million bicycles in BeiJing" / Love BeiJing ... True beauty is a pure heart. Six billion people in the world, Love them all; But you're the one I love most
Musical fountains, West Lake 西湖, HangZhou 杭州
8pm every day; free
The beautiful karst landscape around GuiLin 桂林
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