JiuZhaiGou and HuangLong National Park 九寨沟 + 黄龙

In SiChuan province ...


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Musical fountains, West Lake 西湖, HangZhou 杭州
8pm every day; free
Handmade rattan basket and fruit wine
Wine from wild Rosa Laevigata.
Planning war on China – part 37 – Don’t miss it !!
With The New Atlas - Inflection - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Bonus film - with Mark Sleboda - don't miss this either ...
ZhengZhou 郑州 night walk
Capital of HeNan province. With Walk East ...
Extreme Wild Great Wall hike
Due to its height this part of the Great Wall of China was single sided and narrow. Through the centuries of wind and rain it has become greatly eroded. Although that adds to the charm, it is a very dangerous hike that is NOT to be experienced first hand, but rather by this film. Enjoy the thrill from your armchair, only. And we mean that.
Hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge-ous 虎跳峡, YunNan province
Join Tim and Glo at the world's deepest river gorge. Count on two days for this hike, with a stay at a half-way guest house (book ahead). Tiger Leaping Gorge, HǔTiào Xiá, lies about 100 kilometers (62 miles) north-west of LiJiang and is also 'near' Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (YuLong XueShan) and ShangRi-La (XiangGeLiLa; real name : Zuong DiAn). Wonderful, beautiful place, awesome video ...
RollerCoaster ride at Happy Valley, BeiJing 北京
The economics of the US new cold war on China and Russia
Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton talk with economist Michael Hudson. Don't miss it ...
The sickening violence of the HK rioters / terrorists
WARNING - graphic. The real, deeply ugly face of the hysterical, baying mob of rioters behind their masks. Just one example ...

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