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The International Children’s Concert
The delightful China Central TV concert of 2013 ... * Children of the Dragon (HOU Dejian, 侯德健), performed by Green QIU (QIU Wutong, 邱梧桐, 10 years old), Xiaolong (小龙, 11 years old), and JIN Zhuofan (金卓凡, 12 years old), all from China. * Memory (musical Cats, Andrew Loyd Webber), performed by Jessie Hillel (11 years old) from New Zealand. * You Raise Me Up, performed by LI Zewei (李泽维, 11 years old), ZHONG Chenle (钟辰乐, 11 years old), and LIU Bo (柳博, 10 years old), all from China. * Turkish March (土耳其进行曲), by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (莫扎特), performed by ZOU Yufei (邹宇飞, 4 years old), WANG Liya (王丽雅, 11 years old), ZHU Zihe (朱梓赫, 8 years old), and YE Zifan (叶子凡, 12 years old), all from China. * He is a Pirate, performed by CHEN Qingli (陈庆丽) from Hong Kong, China. * I can fly, performed by Teressa from the U.S. (5 years old). Teressa is of Chinese and American heritage. * Baby, performed by NIE Jieming (聂杰铭, English name: James Robert Nicol, 11 years old) from Australia. * Spicy Girl, performed by Tianyuan (Chinese name:恬源, English name: Tyerra, 8 years old) from the U.S. Tianyuan is of Chinese and American heritage. * Kalinka, performed by Russian children from Russian Embassy School in Beijing, and Xiao Ding Dang Childrens Choir of the Russian Culture Center in Beijing. * Love to Flowers and Earth Song, performed by Fairies in Rain Forest (Chinese name:雨林精灵, Pinyin: Yu Lin Jing Ling). Fairies in Rain Forest is formed by two sisters: Linda LEE (李林妲, LI Linda) and Wanda LEE (李宛妲, LI Wanda) of Chinese and German heritage. Their fater, Josef Margraf, is a German ecologist. Love to Flowers is a folk song of ethnic Hani Chinese, sung in the Hani language. Earth Song by Michael Jackson. * I Just Can't Wait to be King (from The Lion King), performed by the Popcorn Band (Chinese name: 爆米花乐团) from China and Chelsey Mark (Chinese name: 麦小龙, Pinyin: MAI Xiaolong) from Canada; Chelsey Mark is a well-known host of CCTV. * You'll Be in My Heart (Phil Collins), performed by Ming-An Fasquelle (11 years old, French-American, born in France, raised in Beijing). * I Have a Dream (Abba), performed by WANG Xinyi (王馨怡, 10 years old) from China. * ABC (Jackson 5) performed by SH' Boss Boys from the U.S. * We Will Rock You (Brian May / Queen), performed by Xiaolong (小龙), Huolong (火龙), LI Shuxi (李淑昕), ZHENG Xiao (郑宵), Tianyuan (恬源), 奥斯卡 (Oscar), 成宇朵儿 (CHENGYU Duo-Er), Popcorn Band (爆米花乐队), Zaizai (仔仔), and Kent Niepert (Xiaolong's dad).
Hong Kong 香港 travel guide
50 places to visit in KunMing
KunMing: 20 Kid-Friendly Places to Visit Kunming Zoo (昆明动物园 Kūnmíng Dòngwùyuán): Zoo with a variety of animals, shows, and educational programs. Dianchi Lake (滇池 Diānchí): Scenic lake with parks, boat rides, and recreational activities. Yunnan Nationalities Village (云南民族村 Yúnnán Mínzú Cūn): Cultural theme park with ethnic minority exhibits, performances, and crafts. Green Lake Park (翠湖 Cuìhú): Park with gardens, pavilions, and scenic views. Yunnan Museum of Minority Nationalities (云南民族博物馆 Yúnnán Mínzú Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's ethnic minorities, cultures, and traditions. Yunnan Railway Museum (云南铁路博物馆 Yúnnán Tiělù Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's railway history, technology, and artifacts. Yuantong Temple (圆通寺 Yuántōng Sì): Buddhist temple with historic buildings, gardens, and statues. Yunnan Wild Animal Park (云南野生动物园 Yúnnán Yěshēng Dòngwùyuán): Safari park with a variety of animals, shows, and interactive experiences. Haigeng Park (海埂公园 Hǎigěng Gōngyuán): Park with lakes, gardens, and scenic spots. Kunming Botanical Garden (昆明植物园 Kūnmíng Zhíwùyuán): Botanical garden with diverse plant collections, greenhouses, and walking trails. Kunming World Horticulture Expo Garden (昆明世博园 Kūnmíng Shìbóyuán): Garden with themed areas, pavilions, and horticultural displays. Western Hills Forest Reserve (西山森林公园 Xīshān Sēnlín Gōngyuán): Nature reserve with hiking trails, temples, and panoramic views of Kunming. Kunming Grand View Park (昆明大观楼 Kūnmíng Dàguān Lóu): Park with traditional Chinese architecture, gardens, and viewpoints. Yunnan Nationalities Museum (云南省民族博物馆 Yúnnán Shěng Mínzú Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's ethnic minorities, history, and cultures. Kunming Stone Forest Geological Park (昆明石林风景区 Kūnmíng Shílín Fēngjǐngqū): UNESCO World Heritage Site with unique limestone formations, caves, and trails. Golden Temple Park (金殿公园 Jīndiàn Gōngyuán): Park with a Taoist temple, gardens, and scenic landscapes. Yunnan Military Academy Museum (云南陆军讲武堂博物馆 Yúnnán Lùjūn Jiǎngwǔtáng Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's military history, uniforms, and weapons. Kunming Daguan Park (昆明大观公园 Kūnmíng Dàguān Gōngyuán): Park with lakes, pavilions, and traditional Chinese architecture. Yunnan Nationalities University (云南民族大学 Yúnnán Mínzú Dàxué): University campus with architectural features, gardens, and cultural events. Kunming Zoo (昆明动物园 Kūnmíng Dòngwùyuán): Zoo with a variety of animals, shows, and educational programs. KunMing: 30 More Places to Visit Yunnan Provincial Museum (云南省博物馆 Yúnnán Shěng Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's history, culture, and artifacts. Yuantong Mountain (圆通山 Yuántōng Shān): Scenic mountain with temples, pagodas, and hiking trails. Kunming Golden Temple (昆明金殿 Kūnmíng Jīndiàn): Taoist temple with a golden pavilion, gardens, and cultural exhibits. Yunnan Railway Museum (云南铁路博物馆 Yúnnán Tiělù Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's railway history, technology, and artifacts. Kunming Western Hills Forest Reserve (昆明西山森林公园 Kūnmíng Xīshān Sēnlín Gōngyuán): Nature reserve with temples, hiking trails, and panoramic views of Kunming. Kunming Flowers and Birds Market (昆明花鸟市场 Kūnmíng Huāniǎo Shìchǎng): Market with flowers, birds, pets, and gardening supplies. Green Lake Park (翠湖 Cuìhú): Park with gardens, pavilions, and scenic views. Dianchi Lake (滇池 Diānchí): Scenic lake with parks, boat rides, and recreational activities. Kunming World Horticulture Expo Garden (昆明世博园 Kūnmíng Shìbóyuán): Garden with themed areas, pavilions, and horticultural displays. Stone Forest (石林 Shílín): UNESCO World Heritage Site with unique limestone formations, caves, and hiking trails. Yunnan University (云南大学 Yúnnán Dàxué): University campus with historic buildings, gardens, and cultural events. Kunming Dragon Gate (西山龙门 Xīshān Lóngmén): Taoist temple complex with sculptures, caves, and panoramic views. Green Lake Park (翠湖 Cuìhú): Park with gardens, pavilions, and scenic views. Kunming Cuihu Park (昆明翠湖公园 Kūnmíng Cuìhú Gōngyuán): Park with a lake, pavilions, and walking paths. Kunming Confucius Temple (昆明文庙 Kūnmíng Wénmiào): Confucian temple with historic architecture, gardens, and cultural events. Yuantong Temple (圆通寺 Yuántōng Sì): Buddhist temple with historic buildings, gardens, and statues. Kunming Grand View Park (昆明大观楼 Kūnmíng Dàguān Lóu): Park with traditional Chinese architecture, gardens, and viewpoints. Kunming Flowers and Birds Market (昆明花鸟市场 Kūnmíng Huāniǎo Shìchǎng): Market with flowers, birds, pets, and gardening supplies. Yunnan Museum (云南省博物馆 Yúnnán Shěng Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's history, culture, and artifacts. Kunming Western Hills Forest Reserve (昆明西山森林公园 Kūnmíng Xīshān Sēnlín Gōngyuán): Nature reserve with temples, hiking trails, and panoramic views of Kunming. Kunming Dragon Gate (西山龙门 Xīshān Lóngmén): Taoist temple complex with sculptures, caves, and panoramic views. Green Lake Park (翠湖 Cuìhú): Park with gardens, pavilions, and scenic views. Dianchi Lake (滇池 Diānchí): Scenic lake with parks, boat rides, and recreational activities. Yunnan Nationalities Village (云南民族村 Yúnnán Mínzú Cūn): Cultural theme park with ethnic minority exhibits, performances, and crafts. Yunnan Provincial Museum (云南省博物馆 Yúnnán Shěng Bówùguǎn): Museum with exhibits on Yunnan's history, culture, and artifacts. Kunming Golden Temple (昆明金殿 Kūnmíng Jīndiàn): Taoist temple with a golden pavilion, gardens, and cultural exhibits. Yunnan Nationalities University (云南民族大学 Yúnnán Mínzú Dàxué): University campus with architectural features, gardens, and cultural events. Kunming Cuihu Park (昆明翠湖公园 Kūnmíng Cuìhú Gōngyuán): Park with a lake, pavilions, and walking paths. Kunming Confucius Temple (昆明文庙 Kūnmíng Wénmiào): Confucian temple with historic architecture, gardens, and cultural events. Stone Forest (石林 Shílín): UNESCO World Heritage Site with unique limestone formations, caves, and hiking trails.
A five-day hike along the wild Great Wall 长城
A trek along the beautiful 'wild wall' near BeiJing ...
Won’t be fooled again …
"Meet the new 'boss'; same as the old 'boss'" ... (and who's the real boss ?) How long will this go on ... till most can see : that they've just been fooled again ... Only less than 1% of those who 'represent' us work for us; the rest work for the less than 1%.
Amazing bamboo – country girl shows how to make some furniture
Bamboo (a grass) is fast-growing and sustainable, light and strong ...
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The amazing growth of China’s high-speed rail network
YT comment : dominique ridoux : True story: I once visited a couple of friends in their flat in downtown Shanghai city. When I arrived the whole street was under construction, the road, the side walks, everything... We had lunch, played mahjong, then dinner. When I went out after the evening dinner, the street was completely finished! New asphalt, sidewalks paved and new trees planted all the way. I even went back thinking my friend's building had 2 entrances... The big difference with us in Europe is when a decision is made the do some infrastructure work, they will put as many workers as needed to do it very quickly, they cannot afford to have streets blocked for weeks in a city of 23 million people like Shanghai. In China everything is about efficiency because they have no other choice. Can you afford to queue for tickets and so on in a city of 23 millions? No! Ok, let's all use Wechat and Alipay to increase efficiency... Done in a few years! Almost nobody is using cash anymore in China! They apply the same mindset to everyday activity, may it be transportation, food industry or even paying your taxes! The result is (as far as I am concerned) a full body check (including check in, CT scan, blood work etc) in less than 2 hours including a complementary breakfast for less than 400 Euros. Or Visa application done in 20 minutes. All car parkings are using plate recognition technology decreasing time wasting again and again. High speed train are efficient, can move large amounts of people at a fantastic pace. Also as mentioned by many people, they build "hubs", you get out of the train and you have 2 or even 3 subway lines to bring you to your final destination, more and more you even have the airport hub at a walking distance! We have a similar hub in Paris (CDG with RER and TGV within the airport walking distance) but the size of it in Shanghai makes it spectacular! YT comment : rhn94 China spent 1 Trillion USD over 10-15 years building this network, that is 1/4th the cost of the Iraq War the US paid. YT comment : Pal Sih China is building their country. USA is destroying other countries. YT comment : thata xx The best part of China's high speed train is you can order food from any of the restaurants in the station on your phone and designate at what time during which stop to have it delivered to you. During the 2-3 minutes stop, your food is already there waiting to be distributed to you on the train. I miss it so much.
A month in China : Food : tour suggestion from BeiJingBuzzz
4-Week Food Tour of China This itinerary covers a diverse range of regional cuisines in China, from the hearty flavors of Northern cuisine to the fiery spice of SiChuan, the delicate dishes of JiangSu, and the fresh seafood of Cantonese cuisine. Week 1: Beijing and Northern Cuisine Sample Beijing's famous Peking Duck at renowned restaurants such as Quanjude or Da Dong. Explore the bustling Wangfujing Snack Street and try local street food delicacies like jianbing (savory Chinese crepes) and lamb skewers. Indulge in traditional Beijing snacks like zhajiangmian (noodles with soybean paste), douzhi (fermented mung bean soup), and tanghulu (candied fruit skewers). Week 2: Sichuan Province and Spicy Cuisine Experience the bold and spicy flavors of Sichuan cuisine with dishes like mapo tofu, kung pao chicken, and hot pot. Visit Chengdu's famous food streets, such as Jinli Ancient Street and Kuanzhai Alley, to sample a variety of Sichuan snacks and street foods. Explore local markets like Jinli and Wuhou, where you can taste authentic Sichuan specialties and shop for spices and ingredients. Week 3: Shanghai and Jiangsu Cuisine Enjoy Shanghai's vibrant food scene with a mix of classic dishes like xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), shengjianbao (pan-fried pork buns), and hairy crab. Explore traditional Shanghainese restaurants and local eateries in areas like Yuyuan Garden, Xintiandi, and Tianzifang. Sample Jiangsu cuisine specialties like braised pork belly, sweet and sour spare ribs, and freshwater delicacies from the nearby Yangtze River. Week 4: Guangdong Province and Cantonese Cuisine Discover the diverse flavors of Cantonese cuisine in Guangzhou, known for its fresh seafood, roasted meats, and dim sum. Explore local markets like Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street and Guangzhou's Wholesale Food Market to taste a wide range of Cantonese dishes and snacks. Indulge in iconic Cantonese dishes such as roast duck, steamed fish, BBQ pork, and shrimp dumplings.

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