EMei Shan 峨眉山, SiChuan province, in Ultra HD / 4K

Emei Shan (Emei Mountain, 3,099 m / 10,167 ft) is one of the four Chinese Buddhist sacred mountains.

Emei Shan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (together with the nearby LeShan Giant Buddha) as "an area of exceptional cultural significance as it is the place where Buddhism first became established on Chinese territory ... The first Buddhist temple in China was built on the summit of Mount Emei in the 1st century CE ... Mount Emei is also notable for its exceptionally diverse vegetation, ranging from subtropical to sub-alpine pine forests. Some of the trees there are more than 1,000 years old."

Included in this beautiful film : the summit of Mount Emei, WanNian Si Temple, QingYin Ge and BaoGuo Si Temple.

SiChuan map

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