A day in Hong Kong 香港

A great film by Sticker Travel ...


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Summer in BeiJing
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The West’s neocon war for hegemony (world domination)
With Garland Nixon ...
The life of watermelons and grapes …
Spring is (almost) here !
With FunFancie and Ben Coleman in HangZhou ... And in ShangHai ... With FunFancie in ShangHai ...
Explore beautiful XinJiang 新疆 province …
An awesome film - don't miss it ... September trip, in 2017; charming couple. XinJiang, north west China, includes the Tien Shan and Kunlun Shan mountains, the Taklimakan Desert, and the Tarim Basin.
Planning war on China – the succinct version
Fearing China's rise, and especially its basic premise that all its citizens are family, not merely livestock, the elite rulers of the West have for some time been trying to undermine China through destabilization of its periphery - Tibet, Hong Kong, XinJiang and TaiWan. Simultaneously, a huge amount of propaganda has been broadcast in the West to proffer false tales and coerce the public to demonize China. From Obama's 'pivot to Asia', and before, the West has been cranking up a military encirclement of China, and that includes destabilizing China's neighbors in South East China - Thailand, Myanmar, etc. The aim is to undermine the whole region, ASEAN, and particularly the 'Belt and Road Initiative' (BRI) that China has created to build up the region in common prosperity, plus trade with Europe, the Middle East, Africa and beyond. The 'West', particularly the US, UK and Australia, are doing their utmost to undermine the region. Economically, for sure; but also militarily. Plus, via backing all manner of separatists and front groups both in China and all of S.E. Asia.
Free-skating in ShangHai 上海
Rollerblading the metropolis ...
YangShuo  阳朔 ! GuangXi province
This beautiful film shows the Li River, YuLong River, bamboo rafting and cruise, plus cycling and hot-air balooning. Plus a few scenes from the outdoor performance Impressions Liu San Jie. 15 minutes in paradise ...
Planning war on China – part 26
14th January 2022. Meanwhile ...

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