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Health deep dive (2 / 2) – metabolic disease, diet and fasting
With Pradip Jamnadas ... Bonus films on the liver ...
A month in China : History and Culture : tour suggestion from BeiJingBuzzz
History and Culture Tour of China Week 1-2: Beijing and Surroundings Explore Beijing's historical sites, including the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, and Summer Palace. Hike the Great Wall of China and visit the Ming Tombs. Explore the ancient imperial city of Pingyao and the Yungang Grottoes. Week 3: Xi'an and Shaanxi Province Visit the Terracotta Army and explore the ancient city walls of Xi'an. Discover the historical sites along the Silk Road, including the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda and Shaanxi History Museum. Explore the ancient cave dwellings of Yan'an. Week 4: Cultural Highlights Tour Visit the ancient water towns of Suzhou and Zhouzhuang. Explore the traditional villages of Fujian's Hakka Tulou. Discover the Confucian temples and traditional gardens of Shandong Province.
A trip to TianJin 天津
A look around this beautiful coastal city ...
JiuXiang Caves Scenic Area 九乡风景区, YunNan province
JiuXiang Scenic Area lies about 70 kilometres from KunMing and 47 km from the town of YiLiang. In JiuXiang, rivers and streams criss-cross karst hills and mountains. There are more than one hundred caves here that form one of the largest cave groups in China. The stalactites in the caves take on many forms in different colours. Found in the caves are numerous natural bridges, valleys, steams and waterfalls, which constitute a wonderful subterranean world. With a total area of about 200 square kilometres, JiuXiang consists of five smaller scenic areas.
Planning war on China – part 25
With Aaron Mate ... YT comments : * "Promoting democracy is an easy way to take over other countries. Simple as that. Pawns and 'big money'." * "Democracy is a scam which dupes the people to support elite rule." * "A story about democracy : A farmer asked his son before he died, "Pigs complain about poor feed, cows complain about heavy work, and chickens complain about dirty nests. What should you do?". The son said: "Change to good feed, buy more cows, clean up chicken coop." The farmer shook his head and said. "No, don't do anything. Let them vote, let them choose you or your wife to take care of them, and let them think they are the boss”." With Carl Sagan ... Poverty in the US ... Meanwhile ... Lemon Tree, with MiuMiu GuitarGirl ... New on the ShangHai metro ... KunMing, YunNan ...
Closing ceremony of the ShenZhen 深圳 Universiade 2011 – video
Order : 1: Cultural performances 2: Cultural performances 3: Songs 4: National flags 5: Speeches 6: Handover to Kazan, Russian Federation The last two videos are a taster of the atmosphere inside the main stadium during the last week.
ChangSha 長沙, provincial capital of HuNan
South China
Tucker Carlson’s trip to Russia – what was the real agenda ?
With Ben Norton ... With Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson ... With Jan Oberg ...
A.I. – what it is and why it is a big thing
Artificial Intelligence is already changing our world and its impact will become ever greater, and more quickly than most of us realise. AI, in our view, is not merely a simulation of human intelligence but pretty much the same thing, minus the needs and desires that a biological brain endures. Consciousness is not a mystery; it is - again, in our view - simply awareness of awareness. Here is an introduction to the history and current state of AI. With ColdFusion ...

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