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ZhangJiaJie 张家界 Forest Park
Part of the WuLingYuan Scenic Area in Hunan province. WuLingYuan National Park 中国世界自然遗产 武陵源 张家界 is a spectacular area stretching over more than 26,000 hectares. The park is dominated by more than 3,000 narrow sandstone pillars and peaks, many over 200 meters high. Between the peaks lie ravines and gorges with streams, pools and waterfalls, about 40 caves, and two large natural bridges. In addition to the striking beauty of the landscape, the region is also noted for the fact that it is home to a number of endangered plant and animal species.
Flying around ShangHai 上海
Beautiful drone footage, like a dream ...
‘A chance meeting in GuiLin 桂林’ – and more micro movies 微电影
Grab some popcorn and enjoy a night-in at the BeiJingBuzzz cinema. New love, love perturbed, love re-found, love passed ... 'Fate ?' 《天目湖漫生活》 远离喧嚣 追寻宁静 世外桃园 浪漫生活 风景片 'Love More' Bii 畢書盡 《LOVEMORE CuBii 愛神降臨》 微電影全球首播 《连云港渔湾》微电影 山上的特别美丽魅力风景(爱情) 'Let's Get Married' (2015) Title song by Jane Zhang 張靚穎 《咱們結婚吧》 電影版主題曲《終於等到你》 (短版 MV) We cannot decide all that happens in life, but we can control how we react. Love is there, if we are ready and open the door. Love is not hard to find (to be); but it is easy to lose. In the end, what we get counts for nothing; it is what we give (leave behind) that matters - and every moment leaves a ripple in the ocean of life. Sneakers are fine; but the bare-foot memories will be most chrished. Love doesn't just flow to the naturally beautiful; it is those with love in their hearts who shine ; it is love that creates beauty.
The MaiJiShan Grottoes 麦积山石窟, TianShui, GanSu province
The MaiJiShan Grottoes are filled with thousands of Buddhist sculptures. These were carved from the Wei dynasty to the Song dynasty by Buddhist monks who first came here via the North Silk Road. The grottoes are close to TianShui, which is the second largest city in GanSu province in central China, with a population of approximately 3.5 milion. The city lies along the route of the ancient Northern Silk Road by the Wei River, through which much of the trade flowed between China and the West. The Qin state, the founding dynasty of China, arose in this part of China.
ShangHai Expo gardens walk
With Wei's Travel ...
A walk around DaLi ancient town, YunNan province
With DuckTravel ...
XianYuFeng 仙宇峰 ‘Sky’ Temple, GuiZhou
The Great Wall of China near BeiJing
BaDaLing and MuTianYu Great Wall (about 1+ hours from BeiJing city center) ... JinShanLing and SiMaTai Great Wall (about 2+ hours from BeiJing) ... Bonus films - Plus, Cindy Zhang shows us a hike along the rugged JianKou section of the Great Wall (it is not far from MuTianYu) ...
YangShuo, GuiLin and the Li and YuLong rivers, GuangXi province

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