America versus everyone

Mindsets (history and philosophy) and economics (trade and wealth distribution).

Jeff Sachs talks with Rob Johnson about the current tragedy (doom) of US geopolitics.

Don't miss it ...


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Beautiful HuangLong 黃龍 Scenic Area, SiChuan province
HuangLong ('Yellow Dragon' - the appearance of the pools along HuangLong Valley) lies 150 kilometers (93 miles) north-northwest of the provincial capital ChengDu. All in all, it covers an area of almost 2,000 square kilometers. This area is known for its colorful pools formed by calcite deposits, as well as diverse forest eco-systems, snow-capped mountain peaks, waterfalls and hot springs. There are also a number of temples. HuangLong is also home to the Giant Panda.
The ‘threat’ of China is that it says ‘no’ to being a slave of the West
The US is blaming China for its own decline. Alan Freeman, the co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group discusses why the US's decline is not China's fault. Bonus films, with Jeffrey Sachs ... Bonus film, with Cyrus Janssen ... Bonus film, with Yanis Varoufakis and Wongel Zelalem ... Africa owes about 12% of its total external debt to China. The rest is owed to you know who. People on the continent can see what the 12% has been used to develop but can hardly point to what has been done with the rest of the external debt. What is clear is bank accounts that have swindled that unaccounted for money are in the collective west. These are the very countries that go around talking about corruption in Africa. It is in China's interest that trading partners also grow, to conduct healthy trade relations. It is a WIN WIN partnership.
On the Chinese Onion
With DianXi XiaoGe ... Bonus film - wasabi ... Bonus film - cherries ... Bonus film - taro flowers ...
ChengDu drive
With Walk East ...
Quinoa feast in YunNan province
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NanShan ZhuHai 南山竹海 (South Hill Bamboo Sea), near LiYang, JiangSu province
Including TianMu Lake 天目湖 ...
Going home …
A short story for the Chinese New Year. The Spring Festival is about a new year, a new beginning. A time of renewal, and hope and a fresh start, a time of good-will. For example, fireworks, apart from being a joy to all, are to scare away bad spirits. One can see this symbolize the breaking of old habits of thought - a spring clean of the mind. A new year is a new chance for a better life - if you will take it. Keep your eyes open, heart abundant, and strive for a better world. Help others on their journey whenever you can and always share a smile. It may help another, but it will certainly be good for you. Someday, even the mountains will be gone. But right now we are alive, and we can make a difference. When faced with bad-will, take it on the chin and return only affection. It might leave a seed for the future; at least, it will not get you down. As the film says, yes, it is love that brings us closer to happiness ... Above all, the Spring Festival is a time for family. And ultimately, we are all sisters and brothers breathing the same air ...
Why the West is using the Uyghurs
The XinJiang region, (north) west China, has been under Chinese rule since at least the 18th Century. While bombing Muslims everywhere else, the Uyghurs in China (a Turkic people in XinJiang) are a useful tool for Western attempts to destabilize and break up China. Just like the useful idiots in Hong Kong, and Tibet. The Uyghurs have autonomous regions, yet some fall under the Western spell (money) to push for unjustified 'independence'. The Main Stream Media (MSM), and much of the (often fake) 'independent media', in the West have been pushing a "repression" fable strongly for some time, using every propaganda trick in the book; plus the usual 'human rights' (you're free to do as you're told) and 'democracy' (you're free to choose one of the big money picks) scams. Yet wherever 'color revolutions' and invasions by the West have taken place, real repression followed. The MSM tell an, at first glance, convincing story - it sounds good ("how terrible!"), till one scratches the surface. In reality, the West doesn't really care less about the Uyghurs; it's all about trying to break up China. Emotionally charged lie - repeated ad nauseam. Don't be fooled. Uyghurs, Hong Kong organised crime and murderers extradition treaty 'protests', Tibet, 'trade war', South China Sea islands, etc., are all part of a total (all fronts) war on China. For now, it's predominantly an info war; but also a poke, poke, poke real war. And all because the US feels it has the right to rule the whole world (although it cannot even take care of itself). It's not the will of the American (and puppets) people; just the elite (some of).
Red wine from grapes
With ErMi ChuiYan ... Bonus film - red wine with LongMeiMei ... Gourd containers DIY ...

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