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More on health and nutrition (2)
With Rangan Chatterjee. With Mark Hyman ... With Tim Spector ...
The amazing Tiger Leaping Gorge 虎跳峡 hike, YunNan province
The Great Wall : scenes from JinShanLing 金山岭 and SiMaTai 司马台
Perhaps the most beautiful section and a great hike. About two and a half hours or so north east of BeiJing.
The awesome daily ShenZhen city light show
With JM WORLD ... YT comment : sarakelly3607 : Now I understand why US is SO jealous of China.
The imperative to escape the past (philosophy – the love of truth)
Jiddu Krishnamurti talks about how we are enslaved, and how to be free; clear sight, without prejudice, reveals the truth / what is - that is the true knowing / now. "Distortion will inevitably come into being when there is fragmentation, when one part of you condones or condemns what you observe. We are the result of propaganda, what we have been told from childhood to believe and not to believe. Knowledge is the past; there is no knowledge in the present. To be aware without choice is to observe without the observer, which is the past, the image-maker." BB says : truth begins when belief ends ... To be free, to be eternal, is to be here, right now, not chained to the past (baggage that blinds us), or forever focused on the future (in fear). This, is it. Until we realise it, the past controls us - both own own experience (in those chains), and all that we have believed. The past gives rise to fear. Love is the absence of fear.
The Tang Dynasty Show in Xi’An 西安
The Tang Dynasty Music and Dance Show has become a classic that has been running since 1982 and has also toured many countries. Xi'An, formerly known as Chang'An, was the imperial capital during 13 dynasties. Of these, the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) was perhaps the most glorious of all. The Tang was open to outside influences, taking in the best of various art forms of not only past dynasties but also the ethnic groups in China as well as central and western Asia, including a wide range of unusual musical instruments and a variety of techniques in painting, sculpting, patterns, costume design, poetry, singing and dancing. The performances have their roots in folk arts, developing over thousands of years. The show presented today is a recreation of traditional entertainment based on much historical research. Staged with a visualization of the Tang imperial court as its setting, the production manifests a unique classical style with features typical of Xi'An.
Beautiful SiMaTai Great Wall and the nearby GuBei water-town
SiMaTai Great Wall lies about 159 kilometers NNE from BeiJing city and connects with JinShanLing Great Wall.
YuanYang rice terraces, YunNan 雲南元陽梯田 (Scenic China Special, 2018 – 1)
Scenes from the Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin 哈尔滨
Each year in the capital of HeiLongJiang province a winter wonderland is created ...

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