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The enduring Silk Road
A documentary series by RT. Text by RT. The Ancient Silk Road was a trade route that began in China in the 2nd century BC and, for more than 1700 years, linked Europe and Asia. As well as goods, it facilitated a cultural exchange between the continents, knowledge, religion, art, philosophy and tradition all passed back and forth between distant nations. Modern China now has the strongest economy in Asia and is a major world power. This series examines the enduring influence of the Silk Road in making the nation what it is today and how its legacy still thrives in China. PART ONE From the 2nd century BC onwards, the great Silk Road was a vital trade route that provided a link between Eurasian countries. It began during China’s Han dynasty and eventually stretched all the way to Rome. Throughout its 17 centuries of existence, it played a crucial role in enabling cultural interaction between nations and peoples all over the continents. As well as establishing economic ties, it also facilitated the exchange between countries of knowledge, religious practice, architectural styles, art, philosophy and traditions. Modern Chinese culture has been heavily influenced by centuries of trade with neighbouring countries. Today, there are still sites in China that preserve the history of the Silk Road and the country’s role in it. Tang West Market Museum in the city of Xi'an marks the ancient starting point of the Silk Road and displays relics unearthed from what used to be a major centre for international trade. The Silk Route Museum in the city of Jiuquan celebrates the first ever customs checkpoint in history. This city served as an outpost on China’s border with unforgiving and perilous nomadic lands. Meanwhile, a network of grottos called the Mogao Caves bears witness to Buddhism arriving and thriving in China. Today, China remains true to the well-established tradition of cultural exchange with its neighbours. 2016-2017 are dedicated to furthering Russo-Chinese relations and bilateral media ties. The history of collaboration between the two countries dates back as far as 400 years, when religious missionaries crossed the borders to introduce the other side to their homeland’s rich cultural practices. PART TWO China is developing a unique blend of socialism and capitalism. The state-owned sector dominates but there has been a sudden surge in privately owned businesses operating in a new market economy. The two systems coexist in apparent harmony despite the seemingly contradictory ideologies of capitalism and communism. Private businesses began to appear after the country’s economic reforms of the late 1970s, ushered in by then premier, Deng Xiaoping. The emergence of private entrepreneurship led to rapid economic development for China. The country is still among the world’s fastest growing economies and is often the first to tap into new markets. To further expand its regional economic influence, China has launched a programme to revive the famous old Silk Road. They are confident that the route will develop new international markets and forge new business alliances. The multifaceted programme involves improving road infrastructure and modernising key cities along the ancient Silk trading route. They are also creating more favourable conditions for business with incentives like company tax breaks and duty-free towns near the borders with neighbouring countries. The project has been dubbed the ‘One Belt, One Road initiative’, and involves cooperation with more than 60, mostly neighbouring countries, with Russia among the major partners. RTD examines examples of Sino-Russian cooperation carried out under the ‘One Belt, One Road’ umbrella, including large-scale government projects and private trade deals with Russian customers. PART THREE - The Ancient Silk Road was a major trade route that linked Europe and Asia between the 2nd century BC and the late 16th AD. - Modern China is a rapidly growing economy. “One Belt, One Road” is an initiative to revive the Silk Road to help the country play a bigger role in global affairs. - Ancient towns that were once key outposts on the Silk Road are undergoing rapid growth both economically and in infrastructure as they are to reprise their roles as major trading waypoints along the route - Citizens now enjoy new business opportunities and contribute further to developing their cities In its heyday, the ancient Silk Road was Eurasia’s most important trade route, connecting two rich continents to facilitate trade and cultural exchange. Modern-day China has seen near constant economic growth. It boasts of several record figures, including the highest number of skyscrapers and the longest railroads. Five years ago, the government announced a new plan, “One Belt, One Road”, an initiative to revive the Silk Road. The strategy seeks to help China play a bigger role in global affairs through developing an infrastructure that will unite the countries of the two continents under a cohesive economic area. Many ancient Chinese cities that were once outposts along the Silk Road, desert oases or transport hubs are now rapidly transforming themselves into megacities, so that they can, once again, service and profit from the trade route. New businesses are opening, facilitated by the development of a reliable transport system, which in turn brings greater tourist flow. Some cities are also grated the status of special economic area, offering attractive tax incentives to foreign investors. We visit two very different cities; Lanchjou and Urumchi, united by the Silk Road’s history. Both are experiencing rapid development. We meet businessmen who tell us how it feels to watch their home towns transform into economically and politically significant conurbations and how it inspires them to aim for international markets and seek new outlets for their businesses to grow.
WangXian valley, GuiZhou province
With Beautiful China ... WangXian Valley visitor guide Overview WangXian Valley, located in GuiZhou province, is a breathtaking natural landscape known for its dramatic cliffs, lush greenery, and serene waters. The valley offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life and is a perfect destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. History WangXian Valley has a rich history and is steeped in local legends and folklore. The name "WangXian" translates to "Watching the Immortals," a reference to the mythical tales of immortals residing in the valley. The area has long been revered for its natural beauty and spiritual significance. Main Attractions Immortal Watching Rock Immortal Watching Rock is one of the most iconic features of WangXian Valley. This massive rock formation offers panoramic views of the valley and is a popular spot for photography. The rock is also associated with local legends of immortals who were said to have meditated here. WangXian Waterfall WangXian Waterfall is a stunning cascade that plunges into a crystal-clear pool below. The waterfall is surrounded by lush vegetation and offers a serene and picturesque setting. Visitors can enjoy the soothing sound of the water and the refreshing mist in the air. Scenic Hiking Trails The valley features several scenic hiking trails that wind through dense forests, along rocky cliffs, and past tranquil streams. These trails vary in difficulty and offer something for hikers of all levels. Along the way, hikers can encounter diverse flora and fauna and enjoy breathtaking views of the valley. Local Villages WangXian Valley is home to several traditional villages where visitors can experience the local culture and hospitality. These villages offer a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of the local ethnic communities, with their unique architecture, customs, and festivals. Culture and Traditions WangXian Valley is rich in cultural heritage and is inhabited by various ethnic groups, each with its own traditions and customs. Visitors can witness traditional dances, music, and crafts that reflect the cultural diversity of the region. The valley also hosts several festivals throughout the year that celebrate local traditions and beliefs. Activities and Experiences Hiking and Nature Walks Explore the natural beauty of WangXian Valley by embarking on one of the many hiking and nature trails. These trails offer a chance to connect with nature, enjoy panoramic views, and discover hidden gems along the way. Photography The valley is a paradise for photographers, with its stunning landscapes, vibrant flora, and serene waters. Whether you're a professional photographer or an amateur enthusiast, you'll find plenty of opportunities to capture the natural beauty of WangXian Valley. Cultural Tours Join a guided cultural tour to learn more about the local traditions, history, and lifestyle of the ethnic communities in the area. These tours provide valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the cultural heritage of WangXian Valley. Camping For those who love the outdoors, camping in WangXian Valley is an unforgettable experience. There are several designated camping areas where visitors can set up tents and enjoy the tranquility of nature under the starry sky. Accommodation WangXian Valley offers a range of accommodation options to suit different preferences and budgets. Visitors can choose from luxury resorts, cozy guesthouses, and traditional homestays. Staying in a local guesthouse or homestay provides an authentic experience and a chance to interact with the local community. Travel Tips Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit WangXian Valley is during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and the scenery is at its most beautiful. Getting There: WangXian Valley is accessible by bus or car from GuiZhou's major cities. The nearest airport is GuiYang LongDongBao International Airport, which offers connections to various domestic and international destinations. Opening Hours: The scenic area is open daily from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Entrance Fees: There is an entrance fee for the scenic area, with additional fees for specific attractions and activities. It is advisable to check the latest fees before planning your visit. Dress Comfortably: Wear comfortable clothing and sturdy walking shoes, as the terrain can be uneven and the weather can change quickly. Respect Local Customs: Be respectful of local customs and traditions, especially when visiting villages and cultural sites. Always ask for permission before taking photos of people. Stay Hydrated: Carry plenty of water, especially if you plan on hiking or spending extended periods outdoors. It's also a good idea to bring snacks or a packed lunch for longer excursions.

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