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LuJiaZui 陆家嘴, ShangHai 上海
China’s metro systems
The world's largest. This is what one can do if invest in one's own country rather than trying to plunder the world. A look at the ShangHai metro system, with Barrett ...
Cycling and bamboo rafting near YangShuo 阳朔, GuangXi province
WuJiang village, GuiZhou
WangJing 望京 Galaxy SOHO, BeiJing
Posted in respect to Iraq born architect Zaha Hadid, who sadly died today (31st March 2016). Galaxy SOHO opened in November 2011 as an office, retail and entertainment complex. An excellent example of a unique perspective, this building, in north east Beijing, with characteristic natural forms and curves, with futuristic outlook, opened in 2014. Her talent and bold vision will be missed by everyone. Thank you Zaha for all you did to help make this world a better place ...
Geopolitics – how the West tries to enforce its hegemony
That is, supporting violence under the pretext of 'human rights' and 'democracy' (i.e. Western dominance). What happens in the Solomon Islands, today's example, is happening all around the world;almost everywhere, and has been so for decades; see the big picture. With The New Atlas ...
A day in ShangHai 上海
A walk through the city; modern skylines and traditional street culture ...
The beautiful, blue sky city of BeiJing 北京
Top videographers - bjKina, AnyuXu and DearNessie - take you on a tour of Beijing ... First song : Going Home by Faye Wong, from the album To Love, 2003. Note : highly addictive music straight ahead ... A fantastic video film by AnYu Xu ... Includes a great hyperlapse along Beijing's south-north axis, from [TianTan, the Temple of Heaven], QianMen, through Tian'AnMen, GuGong ('Old Palace', the 'Forbidden City' / Palace Museum), JingShan Park, the Drum and Bell Towers and onto the Olympic Park and Olympic Forest Park ... New (old) BeiJing - fashion, food and the vibe, with DearNessie. A vlogging masterclass - 'show don't tell'; plus deft editing and great music ...
Paragliding in Hong Kong 香港
At LanTau Island ...

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