Wonderful XiaMen 厦门, FuJian province

Another great film by Sticker Travel ...

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Bamboo basket weaving 传统竹编提篮
Awesome traditional craft skills; beautiful. With XiaoXi's Culinary Idyll 我们的小喜 ...
A Voice of China (3)
Our third and final post on the 4th series of the Voice of China - surprise edition ; ) Includes : Lin Yan (林燕) - "别来纠缠我" (Don't Pester Me) Zhang Xin (张新) - "Fallin'" 21:14 Zhu Ke (朱克) - "离不开你" (Can't Leave You) 24:08 SaYa Chang (张惠春) - "怎么说我不爱你" (How Can You Say I Don't Love You) 27:31 Li ZhiXian (李致贤) & Chyi Chin (齐秦) - "火柴天堂" (Matchstick Heaven) and more ... Much more music : click here !
The awesomely beautiful HuangShan 黄山 National Park and Nature Reserve
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SuZhou Encounter 邂逅姑苏
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How to stay healthy and live longer
Dr Rangan Chatterjee talks with professor David Sinclair ...
The wonderful JingShan Park, central BeiJing
With MisterVaughn ... Welcome to JingShan Park Explore the historic heart of BeiJing About Jingshan Park Jingshan Park, located in the center of Beijing, is a historic and scenic park with a rich cultural heritage. Originally an imperial garden during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the park is famous for its artificial hill, Jingshan, which offers panoramic views of the Forbidden City and central Beijing. The hill was created from the soil excavated to build the moats of the Forbidden City and nearby canals. Main Attractions Wanchun Pavilion The Wanchun Pavilion, located at the summit of Jingshan Hill, is the highest point in central Beijing. It offers breathtaking views of the Forbidden City to the south, Beihai Park to the west, and modern Beijing's skyline. Five Pavilions Jingshan Hill features five pavilions aligned along its central axis. Each pavilion offers unique perspectives of the surrounding area and houses a Buddhist statue, reflecting the park's historical significance. Shouhuang Hall The Shouhuang Hall was used by emperors for ancestral worship. Recently renovated, it now serves as an exhibition hall showcasing the history and cultural heritage of Jingshan Park. Peony Garden The Peony Garden, located in the park's southeast corner, is renowned for its stunning collection of peonies. It is a popular spot during the blooming season in late spring when the flowers are in full bloom. Activities Morning Exercises Jingshan Park is a popular spot for locals to perform morning exercises such as tai chi, dancing, and jogging. Visitors can join in or simply enjoy watching these traditional Chinese activities. Photography The park offers excellent opportunities for photography, especially from the summit of Jingshan Hill. Capture panoramic views of the Forbidden City and the surrounding cityscape, or the beautiful gardens and pavilions within the park. Seasonal Festivals Jingshan Park hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Peony Festival in spring and the Chrysanthemum Exhibition in autumn. These events showcase the park's horticultural beauty and traditional Chinese culture. Transport Jingshan Park is easily accessible from various parts of Beijing. Here are some ways to get there: By Subway: Take Line 8 to Shichahai Station, then walk south for about 10 minutes to reach the park's north gate. By Bus: Multiple bus routes stop near Jingshan Park, including routes 5, 58, and 101. Get off at the Jingshan East Gate stop. By Taxi: Taxis are a convenient option, especially if you are traveling with a group or have heavy luggage. Just ask the driver to take you to Jingshan Park (景山公园).
XiaMen High School, band and choir
XiaMen No. 6 High School. FuJian province. First song - Brightest Star in the Sky ...
Good morning BeiJing 北京 !
Early morning in the Temple of Heaven (TianTan) park ...
On the Chinese Onion
With DianXi XiaoGe ... Bonus film - wasabi ... Bonus film - cherries ... Bonus film - taro flowers ...

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