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Tucker Carlson’s trip to Russia – what was the real agenda ?
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A hiking trip to the beautiful Tiger Leaping Gorge 虎跳峡
The gorge is located about 60 kilometers north of LiJiang in YunNan province.
The Great Wall : scenes from JinShanLing 金山岭 and SiMaTai 司马台
Perhaps the most beautiful section and a great hike. About two and a half hours or so north east of BeiJing.
GongFu tea master : achieve perfection in one little thing in a lifetime
With XiangBai, aged 84. 歲泰斗:用一輩子,做好最日常的事 ... Bonus film - restoring a secluded nunnery on Cang mountain, YunNan ...
The beauty of the historical DaMing Palace 大明宫
The DaMing Palace (DaMing Gong, Palace of Great Brilliance) was the imperial palace complex of the Tang Dynasty, located in its capital Chang'An. It served as the royal residence of the Tang emperors for more than 220 years. Today, the DaMing Palace site is designated a National Heritage Site of China, located a little north east of present-day Xi'An city center, ShaanXi province, central China. One can take subway line 2 to DaMingGongXi (DaMing Palace West) station. The palace complex was destroyed at the end of the Tang dynasty. The ruins were only discovered in the 1950s and some parts have now been reconstructed following careful archaeological analysis of the site. The reconstructions, museum and grounds opened to visitors in 2010. A beautiful film ...
A winter trip to the Great Wall 长城 of China
JinShanLing to SiMaTai, north east of Beijing city. The last film shows various sections of the Great Wall as seen from a 'toy' helicopter. If you can, please support this site with a donation - thank you !
Infrastructure – China and the US
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XiaMen city view
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