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Trying some HanFu (traditional dress) in Xi’An
ShaanXi province. With Zina ...
Shiitake mushrooms 香菇 – with LiZiQi
The shiitake mushroom is native to east Asia (especially China and Japan), and is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries. It is considered a medicinal mushroom in traditional Asian medicine, and tastes great. In the West you can find these in dried form at many Asian stores, and even large supermarkets, possibly in the 'ethnic' section. Soak in warm water before use. A must try. Bonus film - Matsutake mushrooms 松茸 ...
Around YangShuo 阳朔, GuangXi province
ShangHai 上海 – for $20 per day – is it possible ?
Find out, with host Kevin Cook ... Welcome to China. Live more !
Extended scenes of the Summer Palace 颐和园 in BeiJing
With three different videographers ...
The awesomely beautiful HuangShan Mountain 黃山  Don’t miss it
HuangShan lies in AnHui province, east China, to the west of HangZhou.
Planning war on China – part 31
With Danny HaiPhong and Brian Berletic ... *** Meanwhile ...
Intermittent fasting – time restricted eating – why we need it
At root, the point is to balance energy storage and building the body, with using that stored energy and repairing the body. 1) Try to have a minimum of twelve hours a day not eating (the longer the better); 2) eat real food, not processed food. This is important for everyone, but especially for diabetes / pre-diabetes (and that's almost the majority now). With Dr. Jason Fung ...
Evening, dinner-time walk in ShangHai
With Wei's Travel ... Bonus film - with Walk East - Bund night walk, looking across the HuangPu river to PuDong ... Bonus film 2 - with Gecko Walks - LuJiaZui ...

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