Movie time – Yesterday Once More 谁的青春不迷茫 Don’t miss it

It's better to be late than never ...

Set in high school, a story of love and friendship. And, above all, honesty; especially being true, to oneself, and others.

A truly awesome movie - don't miss it ! Really a lot in this film, no matter if you're way past school days. Builds and builds. And so many life lessons here; you will laugh, and you will cry ...

A film about education, music, honesty, astronomy, divorce, cheating, friendship, class, imprisonment, growing up, love, bullying, finance, heartbreak, flight, bikers, radio, Romeo and Juliet, comedy, Beatles, and more.

It's a film about - everything.

A cast of 20 in a film you'll never forget; a true inspiration.

The universe maybe huge, but our world is small.

Life is a journey of laughter and tears.

A YoYo Yao film ...


Starring Bai JingTing, Guo ShuTong, Li HongYi, Wang HeRun, Ding GuanSen and Zhao WenLong.

Directed by Yoyo Yao.

What are your dreams for the future ?

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