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With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... Real freedom versus the illusion of freedom ...
The Li River 漓江 and GuiLin 桂林 night cruise
The Li River between YangShuo and GuiLin, plus the '2 rivers, 4 lakes GuiLin night cruise', GuangXi province ...
Solitude (philosophy)
Beautiful XiShuangBanNa 西双版纳, YunNan province
Home to the Buddhist Dai ethnic group, BanNa is close to the border with Myanmar, with an almost tropical climate.
A trip to JiaYuGuan 嘉峪关, western end of the Great Wall – video
JiaYuGuan is the first pass at the western end of the Great Wall of China. It lies 6 kilometers southwest of the city of JiaYuGuan in GanSu province. The fortress lies between two hills and near to an oasis that was then on the western edge of China. According to legend, when JiaYuGuan was being planned, the official in charge asked the designer to estimate the number of bricks required; the designer surprised the official by giving him an exact number. The official questioned his judgment, asking him if he was sure that would be enough, so the designer added one brick to the total. When JiaYuGuan was finished, there was one brick left over, which was placed loose on one of the gates, where it remains today. Nearby are the DunHuang Caves (also known as the MoGau Caves); these grottoes date from the 4th century AD and contain Buddhist art from over the next thousand years.
GuangZhou tram, HuangPu, line 1
With Walk For You ...
Something different – Addiction in the post-modern world
This could save your life; at least, help you to not waste it. With Then & Now ... The end section is not so great. It is not just about 'light touch regulation' as it is for each of us to realize how we personally, are addicted, and why, and what we can do to live in a better way.
LuJiaZui 陆家嘴, ShangHai 上海
BeiJing 北京 ricksaw ride

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