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Geopolitics update (3rd February 2023) with The New Atlas and Angelo Giuliano
New Geopolitics page launched
Bookmark this page when arrive. All geopolitics videos will, from now, appear on the new page (and no longer on the home page; but never say never). Automatically updated. BB will not preview or select these videos; but we have trust in the channels we have chosen to include. More channels will be added later to provide a range of opinions (though only rational voices; no MSM). The new Geopolitics home page. Click here and bookmark. So the Planning War On China series has ended. BUT, the voices continue to be here - in their very own page; and EVERY new video will appear there. This is a win-win : BB can concentrate even more on bringing you the very best China travel and Chinese culture films. More content coming soon ... Probable additional channels include : Daniel Dumbrill, NuMuves, Geopolitics In Conflict, The GrayZone, Democracy Now, Cyrus, and more ... Approaching 20 years, BB wishes to say a BIG thank you to all our visitors.
The magical matsutake mushroom 松茸 (SōngRóng)
"Under the red pine trees above 3,000 meters sea level, there is a fairy ingredient - 松茸 (Matsutake; the French call it Champignon de pint). It's an edible fungus with extremely high nutritional value and a very special aroma. It still can not be artificially cultivated. From "Charcoal Roasted Matsutake" to "Matsutake Chicken Soup" to "Matsutake Wine" ... I made these dishes with the utmost devout ritual using this most precious ingredient!"
Boat ride through karst cave – Dragon Palace, GuiZhou 貴州安順 龍宮 溶
JiuZhaiGou and HuangLong National Park 九寨沟 + 黄龙
In SiChuan province ...
The beautiful Temple of Heaven, BeiJing
With Beijing Old Liu ... Welcome to the Temple of Heaven Explore the ancient beauty and cultural significance of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Introduction The Temple of Heaven is a complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. It is renowned for its architectural beauty and historical significance. Location The Temple of Heaven is located in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, easily accessible from various parts of the city. History The Temple of Heaven was constructed from 1406 to 1420 during the reign of the Yongle Emperor, who also oversaw the construction of the Forbidden City. The temple complex was used by the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for a good harvest. The temple complex was expanded and renovated during the reign of the Jiajing Emperor in the 16th century and again during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor in the 18th century. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998. Attractions Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests: The iconic triple-gabled circular building, used by emperors to pray for good harvests. Imperial Vault of Heaven: A circular building surrounded by a smooth circular wall, famous for its Echo Wall. Circular Mound Altar: An open-air altar platform where the emperor would worship Heaven during the winter solstice. Seven Star Stones: A group of large stones with historical and cultural significance. Ancient Cypress Trees: The garden areas of the complex are home to many ancient cypress trees, some over 600 years old. Activities Historical Tours Cultural Performances Photography Guided Walks Seasonal Festivals and Events Facilities Visitor Center Restrooms Gift Shops Cafes and Restaurants Parking Lots Wheelchair Access Visitor Tips Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and snacks, especially if you plan to stay for several hours. Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds. Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Respect the cultural significance of the site; behave appropriately and follow all rules and guidelines.
‘Better Lives’ – documentary films on poverty reduction
China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty. These videos show recent examples of how this was achieved ...
Hong Kong 香港 drive …
With a roof-top action camera ...
Beautiful TianJin 天津 night views
Featuring the shopping street of BinJiang Dao. TianJin municipality lies on the coast, just over an hour south east from Beijing by high speed train.

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