Traveling with kids in China

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This is GuangZhou 广州
The capital of GuangDong province is located on the Pearl River and known as the City of Flowers. The city lies 120 kilometers north west of Hong Kong.
Planning war on China – part 33 – don’t miss it
Geopolitics and economics (plus neo-liberalism, World Bank, IMF, ...) - finance capitalism over industrial capitalism - human rights turned into commodities - why the West seeks to keep all others poor - professor Michael Hudson lays it out ... Meanwhile ...
The temples and natural landscape around Mount EMei  峨嵋山 and LeShan Giant Buddha 乐山大佛
A beautiful film of the scenic area around ÉMéiShān and LèShān Dàfó, SìChuān province. Mount EMei is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China on which there are nearly 70 Buddhist monasteries. At 71 meters (233 feet) in height, LeShan Giant Buddha is the largest stone Buddha in the world.
SanQing Mountain 三清山, JiangXi province
SanQingShan is a renowned Taoist sacred site located 25 miles (40 km) north of YuShan County in JiangXi Province. With outstanding natural scenery, plants and wildlife, the park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that in all covers 230 square kilometers. SanQing means the “Three Pure Ones” in Chinese as Mount SanQing is composed of three main summits: YuJing, YuShui, and YuHua, representing the Taoist trinity. YuJing (rising 1820 meters above sea level) is the highest. 三峰峻拔、如三清列坐其巅 SanQing Mountain in Jiangxi Province, although not very well-known to many people today, was regarded as a sacred place for Taoists in the Tang Dynasty period (618-907), when Taoism was at its most popular. With beautiful clouds, mist and strange-shaped pine trees, Sanqing Mountain is a fairyland far from the hustle and bustle of city life. The mountain is shrouded in mist for about 200 days each year. On misty days, dense fog envelops the mountain completely and makes you think you are wandering in the clouds. Once in a while, wind blows away the mist, and a stiff, imposing peak suddenly appears right in front of you.
This girl is on fire !  (music videos)
Sometimes in browsing the web disparate things just seem to come together, as here. Two different popular singing shows, one an established artist, one a teen on a first audition; one common theme - 'this girl is on fire'. In the first video, from 'I am a singer', I was so struck by the gusto of the performance. The cut-aways are to the other competitors; one can feel that the knives were out (in some cases) but she said 'take that', and nailed it ... The song is hard to translate but means something like : I want to be the real me (not one with a smile who is sad inside). Second is a lovely teen wearing a chili pepper (which is a big plus in my book); it's a bit rough in places but she hits the key lines great. Momo Wu (we love you too) watch out ;) What I love about the 'Voice of China' is that it has real humanity - judges with true music passion and pure hearts, plus a sense of hummor ... 鄧紫棋 G.E.M. (Gem Tang) - 存在_我是歌手第二季 中國好聲音 2014-07-18 第三季 - 第一期 劉至佳 - 'Girl on Fire' (Alicia Keys)
China’s airports and train stations
With Rafa Goes Around! ... Self driving cars / taxis ... Bonus film - after dark, party time in China ... Bonus film 2 - BeiJing's new DaXing mega airport - with Walk East ...
China trip – BeiJing 北京, Xi’An 西安 and YangShuo 阳朔 – video
Filmed in 2012 ...
PingDingShan 平顶山, HeNan province
Including Mount ShiRen.
Skyline ShangHai 上海

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