The beautiful QianLing Mountain Park, GuiYang, GuiZhou province

With BeiJing Liu ...


Bonus film - GuiYang walk at night - with Walk East ...


Plus ShanHu Park and GuiZhou Museum ...

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The US prepares for war on China
Because China will not become another US slave state. World domination has long been the intention of the US. Hundreds of coups and wars have shown this. So much of the world has been kept down by the US. And the intention re China is clear from all the MIC backed 'think tanks' (tanks to control your mind). With Danny HaiPhong ... US puppet states (slaves) = the 'free world'. China's rising economy is about to 'collapse' (has been for for decades, they say). With Scott Ritter - on how the transition to multi-polarity is as dangerous as it is welcome (and inevitable) ... With Brian Berletic ... Ben Norton on the NEW Cold War and Europe's economic suicide ... On the CIA, with Jeffrey Sachs ... On how the US government answers to special interests and not the people ("We lie, we cheat, we steal"). At root, it is win-lose trying to crush win-win. The US wants world dominion (and has for decades); while China seeks world development. Hopefully the slave nations are beginning to see the light on why they have been crushed for so long and will choose wisely. The world needs win-win. With Cyrus Janssen and Reportify Media ... YT comments : "When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals." ~ Edward Snowden. "One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice" ~ Julian Assange. "Truth-tellers are silenced, while the liars have their voices amplified." With Brian Berletic ...
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The traditional Chinese philosophy is to live in harmony with nature rather than trying to conquer nature. A look at China's Green Dream and its amazing progress ...
How China developed from one of the world’s poorest countries to economic powerhouse
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Sailing along the Li River 漓江
From GuiLin to YangShuo, GuangXi province ...
Chinese street food 中国街头食品
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China in numbers (2020)
1. 1.4 billion - China's population, making it the most populous country in the world. 2. 23 - The number of provinces in China. 3. 56 - The number of recognized ethnic groups in China. 4. 9,596,960 square kilometers - China's total land area. 5. 1949 - The year the People's Republic of China was founded. 6. 70 - The percentage of the world's total silk production that comes from China. 7. 2,000 - The approximate number of years the Great Wall of China has been in existence. 8. 1971 - The year when China was admitted to the United Nations. 9. 34 - The number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in China. 10. 4,000 - The years of recorded history in China. 11. 3.7 million square kilometers - The area covered by China's desert, the Gobi Desert. 12. 88 - The number considered lucky in Chinese culture. 13. 40,000 - The length of China's high-speed railway network in kilometers. 14. 1.4 trillion - The approximate number of disposable chopsticks used in China each year. 15. 4 - The number of official Chinese characters on the national flag. 16. 2nd - China's rank in the world for the largest economy. 17. 2008 - The year Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics. 18. 7 - The number of consecutive years China has been the world's largest exporter. 19. 1.4 billion - The number of mobile phone users in China. 20. 60 million - The approximate number of empty homes in China. 21. 40,000 - The approximate number of characters in the Chinese language. 22. 1,411 meters - The height of the Shanghai Tower, the second-tallest building in the world. 23. 8.98 million - The size, in square kilometers, of the Tibetan Plateau, often called the "Roof of the World." 24. 800 million - The number of internet users in China. 25. 50,000 - The number of rivers in China, each with a basin exceeding 100 square kilometers. 26. 300 million - The number of Chinese people practicing Buddhism. 27. 20 million - The number of Chinese Muslims. 28. 64 - The average life expectancy in China. 29. 45 - The percentage of China's population living in urban areas. 30. 1.39 billion - The number of active social media users in China. 31. 7,546 - The length, in kilometers, of the Grand Canal, the world's longest artificial waterway. 32. 15 million - The number of babies born in China each year. 33. 37 - The number of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage items in China. 34. 2003 - The year China became the third country to launch a manned space mission. 35. 2.3 million - The size, in square kilometers, of the Taklamakan Desert, China's largest desert. 36. 12,000 - The number of terracotta warriors buried with China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang. 37. 520 - A term in Chinese internet culture representing "I love you." 38. 100 million - The number of tourists who visit the Great Wall of China annually. 39. 2 - The number of pandas given as gifts by China to foreign countries as goodwill ambassadors. 40. 65 - The percentage of the world's total production of solar panels that comes from China. 41. 2,300 - The length, in kilometers, of the Yangtze River, China's longest river. 42. 1 - The number of children per couple allowed under China's one-child policy (recently replaced by a two-child policy). 43. 7 - The number of Chinese astronauts who have been in space. 44. 200 million - The number of bicycles in China. 45. 5,000 - The number of years tea has been consumed in China. 46. 300 - The number of TV channels in China. 47. 1.1 billion - The number of Chinese people who watch the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala. 48. 221 BC - The year Qin Shi Huang unified China and became the first emperor. 49. 4 million - The number of college graduates in China each year. 50. 5 - The number of autonomous regions in China. 51. 3,300 - The length, in kilometers, of the Yellow River, China's second-longest river. 52. 49 - The percentage of the world's total coal consumption that comes from China. 53. 16,000 - The length, in kilometers, of the Great Wall of China, including all of its branches. 54. 1949 - The year when the Chinese currency, the Renminbi (RMB), was introduced. 55. 2.5 million - The number of electric vehicles sold in China in 2020. 56. 2,200 - The length, in kilometers, of the Mekong River, which originates in China. 57. 22 - The number of provinces, regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. 58. 150 million - The number of square meters of new construction added daily in China. 59. 8,848 meters - The height of Mount Everest, which straddles the border between China and Nepal. 60. 1966-1976 - The years of the Cultural Revolution in China. 61. 80 - The percentage of the world's total rare earth elements produced by China. 62. 8 - The number of major Chinese cuisines, including Sichuan, Cantonese, and Shandong. 63. 1.4 billion - The number of people covered by China's national health insurance. 64. 2 - The number of sessions of the National People's Congress held each year. 65. 1980 - The year China implemented its one-child policy. 66. 7 - The number of national holidays in China. 67. 80 million - The number of people who visit the Forbidden City in Beijing annually. 68. 5 trillion - The total value, in U.S. dollars, of China's foreign exchange reserves. 69. 1,417 meters - The depth of the South China Sea, China's marginal sea. 70. 10 - The number of Renminbi (RMB) denominations, including the yuan and jiao. 71. 26 million - The number of university students in China. 72. 9 - The number of dragon's pearls on the Chinese national flag. 73. 1,100 - The number of Giant Pandas remaining in the wild. 74. 25 - The percentage of the world's total steel production that comes from China. 75. 3,300 - The number of characters in a standard Chinese dictionary. 76. 1978 - The year China began economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping. 77. 2 million - The number of people employed in the Chinese military, the largest in the world. 78. 40 - The percentage of global e-commerce transactions that take place in China. 79. 7.6 million - The length, in kilometers, of China's highway system. 80. 35 - The percentage of the world's total cotton production that comes from China. 81. 700 million - The number of Chinese people lifted out of poverty since economic reforms began. 82. 9,144 kilometers - The length of China's land borders. 83. 600 BC - The approximate date of the earliest recorded Chinese characters. 84. 10 - The number of years it took to build the Bird's Nest Stadium for the 2008 Olympics. 85. 20 - The percentage of the world's total energy consumption that comes from China. 86. 1971 - The year when ping pong diplomacy improved relations between China and the United States. 87. 2 - The number of pandas sent to the U.S. as a result of ping pong diplomacy. 88. 70 - The percentage of the world's total solar water heater capacity installed in China. 89. 2,213 meters - The height of Mount Lushan, China's most famous mountain. 90. 200 million - The number of Chinese tourists who travel abroad each year. 91. 1969 - The year China successfully tested its first nuclear bomb. 92. 2,000 - The number of years the Chinese have been drinking tea. 93. 4 million - The number of square kilometers of arable land in China. 94. 10 million - The number of university graduates in China each year. 95. 120 - The number of years the Qing Dynasty ruled China (1644-1912). 96. 30 - The number of world heritage sites in China. 97. 100 - The percentage of electric buses in Shenzhen, the first city in the world to achieve this. 98. 1949 - The year China adopted the "five-star" national flag. 99. 70 million - The number of Chinese households that play Mahjong regularly. 100. 80 - The percentage of global Bitcoin mining that takes place in China.
YuYuan 豫园 bazaar, ShangHai 上海 at night
Geopolitics update – October / November 2023
With Ben Norton ... With Tings Chak ... Tings Chak 翟庭君, the art director and a researcher of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and co-founding editor of Dongsheng, joins Ileana Chan and Fiona Edwards for Episode 2 on the No Cold War Britain Podcast. With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... With Alex / Reportify Media, Carl Zha and Angelo Giuliano ... With Ben Norton ... With Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges ... With Andy Boreham ... With Danny HaiPhong ... With Larry C Johnson ... With Alastair Crooke ... With John J Mearsheimer ... With Douglas MacGregor ... With Jeffrey Sachs ... With Scott Ritter ... With Ray McGovern ...

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