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How the US tried to undermine Hong Kong (and thereby China)
Divide and rule. Distract and rule. With RT America ... Bonus film - on the World Bank and IMF - The Moderate Rebels with Michael Hudson ...
Temples and monastries of Tibet 西藏, China
Beginning with the Potala Palace in Lhasa, which lies at an altitude of 3,700 meters / 12,000 feet. Construction began in 1645. The second video shows Jokhang Temple, said to be the most sacred; it dates from the 7th century.
ChengDu panda meet up
ChangSha city night walk
Provincial capital of HuNan. With Walk East ...
More on XinJiang – lies and reality (and why)
With Daniel Dumbrill ...
Good morning BeiJing 北京 !
Early morning in the Temple of Heaven (TianTan) park ...
ShaPoTou in NingXia
Health deep dive (1 / 2) – what is cancer ?
With Jason Fung ...
Two months in China’s south west 中国
Highlights of an eight week trip though Tibet, YunNan, SiChuan, GanSu and QingHai provinces (2007).

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