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XiJiang QianHu Miao Village, GuiZhou province
With Beijing Old Liu ... Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village Visitor Guide Overview Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, located in Leishan County, Guizhou Province, is the largest Miao village in China and is often referred to as the "Thousand Household Miao Village." This picturesque village is known for its well-preserved traditional Miao architecture, vibrant cultural heritage, and stunning natural scenery. It offers a unique glimpse into the life and traditions of the Miao people. History and Culture The Miao people are one of China's 56 ethnic minorities, with a history that dates back over 2,000 years. Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village is a living museum of Miao culture, where visitors can experience traditional Miao customs, clothing, music, and dance. The village is known for its grand festivals, including the Lusheng Festival, the Miao New Year, and the Sisters' Meal Festival, which feature elaborate costumes, folk dances, and traditional music performances. Main Attractions Miao Ethnic Museum The Miao Ethnic Museum offers a comprehensive look at the history, culture, and traditions of the Miao people. Exhibits include traditional clothing, silver ornaments, musical instruments, and artifacts from daily life. Traditional Miao Architecture The village is renowned for its traditional stilt houses, known as "Diaojiaolou," which are built on wooden stilts and feature intricate wooden carvings. Walking through the village, visitors can admire these unique structures and learn about their construction and significance. Folk Performances Daily folk performances in the village square showcase traditional Miao music and dance. These performances are an excellent way to experience the vibrant cultural heritage of the Miao people. Festival Celebrations Visiting during one of the major festivals, such as the Miao New Year or the Sisters' Meal Festival, provides a deeper insight into Miao culture. These festivals feature colorful parades, traditional music, and elaborate dances, making them a highlight of any visit. Outdoor Activities Hiking and Nature Walks The surrounding hills and rice terraces offer excellent opportunities for hiking and nature walks. The scenic trails provide panoramic views of the village and the lush countryside, making it a paradise for nature lovers and photographers. Exploring Rice Terraces The rice terraces around Xijiang are a testament to the agricultural ingenuity of the Miao people. Visitors can explore these terraced fields, which change colors with the seasons and offer stunning photographic opportunities. Local Cuisine Miao cuisine is known for its bold flavors and use of local ingredients. Some must-try dishes include sour fish soup, sticky rice cakes, and various pickled vegetables. Many local restaurants and street vendors offer authentic Miao food, providing a true taste of the region. Accommodation Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village offers a range of accommodation options, from traditional Miao-style guesthouses to modern hotels. Staying in a local guesthouse provides a more immersive experience, allowing visitors to enjoy Miao hospitality and learn more about their way of life. Travel Tips Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild, and the rice terraces are most picturesque. Getting There: The village is accessible by bus from Kaili City, which is connected to major cities like Guiyang by train and bus. Respect Local Customs: When visiting, be respectful of local customs and traditions. Ask for permission before taking photos of people, especially during festivals and ceremonies. Pack Accordingly: Bring comfortable walking shoes for exploring the village and surrounding areas. A light jacket is recommended for the evenings, as temperatures can drop.
Last post of 2021
Each year, we up the quality. At BB, it's always about quality, not quantity. Variety, certainly, but not quantity. Last videos of 2021 - with PopMatta ... One needs to look out for Serpent / Laowai v.2, and not get duped; see through the disguises (devil dressed as a dove); it is for sure that they are out there ... Geo-politics is a mine-field. Be aware of it; but don't let it dull your mind. Let love, creativity and calm be the air that you breathe. The world is doomed to destruction; the vast majority do indeed vastly outnumber the zealots, but in the West, though the people are by and large brainwashed, for sure, most will ever be too dumb to realize it. Plus, western culture has bred a large proportion of narcissists, devoid of empathy and compassion. Extreme individualism ensures ultimate catastrophe. Once extinction becomes possible, it becomes inevitable. The power of annihilation grows much faster than general IQ/EQ; hence the 'great silence' in the universe. While the Earth is still here, live life to the fullest, each remaining day. The tragedy will play out over and over for eternity; don't waste much time on thinking about it. *** All one needs to know is ... We are all one family; but some in the West just want division, control and power - and that's not family - that's hate; 'divide and rule' (elitism / colonialism / imperialism / hegemony). The difference between China and the West ? It is simply, and profoundly, this : For China, the people are family. For the West, the people are livestock. For China, the people are family; not just Chinese, but all people. For the West (the 'elite'), the people are merely livestock. All the best for the year ahead, from BeiJingBuzzz. Keep it real. Live more ...
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