Something different – 100 seconds to midnight (the very end; music)

With Roger Waters.

Exceptional talent here. Love music; love peace ? Then you'll love this. Know every note, or first time listen - let's go .....

Ashes and diamonds;

We are all equal,

In the end.

[320],shadow=true,start=,stop= [320],shadow=true,start=,stop=

Mother, will they drop the bomb ? [hint - they did already - two different designs tested on the ["inferior"] women, children and elderly of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; among others].

Mother, should I trust the government - [no ****ing way ! Five Eyes brat pack]


Mother / state / control.

Only because the masses are (deliberately) distracted by TV, shopping, sex, fashion, alcohol, gambling, and more, can the tiny minority elite enslave us.

It's like a cult; part of it ? Alive, or just a robotic believer ??

A fool is one who doesn't know what they are doing, or why they are doing it.

Don't be fooled.

Bonus film 1 :


Bonus film 2 - Us and Them :


Or is it really just 'WE' ?!

Don't believe anyone. Don't believe any ism. Don't even believe in truth. Truth is reality; no belief required. It's all there to all who can see clearly, without blinkers.

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