Ghenwa Nemnom live at the Baalbeck Festival 2021, Lebanon, for Cafe De Anatolia

Awesome music, awesome quality audio - connect to your best hi-fi system and enjoy ...


Bonus film - the awesome Bliss - Quiet Conversation ...


+ Bliss - Kissing ...


Then - Buddha Bar ✻ Veiled Love Desire ✻ Morfou Private Room Mixed ...


Plus - Haley Reinhart - Lay It Down ...


Also - Judy Esther - Endless Love - from Avatar (2009 film) ...


With - Madonna - Frozen ...


++ Sarah Brightman - This Love ...


+++ Karen Souza - Tainted Love ...


And (an ANTI-WAR classic) - The Cranberries (soul cover featuring Maiya Sykes / PostModern JukeBox) - Zombie ...


(paraphrasing) "What the hell what was in their minds ?"

Bonus films 2 - Natalie and Nat King Cole - Unforgettable ...


Sarah Brightman - Until the end of time ...


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