The hand of the Earth, GuiZhou

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A tour around FuXian Lake, YunNan province
FuXian Lake stretches out through ChengJiang, JiangChuan and HuaNing Counties in YunNan province, spanning an area of 212 square kilometers. The lake is the third largest in YunNan, after DiAn Lake and ErHai. It is 155 meters deep at its greatest depth. With Silberventures ...
A walk around ShangHai 上海
YuYuan Garden ... XinTianDi ... NanJing Road ... The Bund (WaiTan) ...
The NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, 1999
One missile - 16 people died, to silence truth. Michael Hudson on how human rights have been privatized / commercialized (monetized) in the US ...
A trip to hospital in China – what is it like ?
An eye-opener. Modern, efficient and inviting. With really low (at cost) prices; e.g. $30 / £20 for a CT scan. With Middle Kingdom Productions in NanJing ... With Sabrina in China ... Plus a look at the local metro system ...
ShuHe ancient town, YunNan province
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Musical fun in FuJian 福建 province …
On Taiwan (August 2022)
With The New Atlas, Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... With Carl Zha ...
On the road from LiJiang to Shangri-la
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ShenZhen is electric – 16,000 electric buses & 22,000 electric taxis
16,000 buses represents ShenZhen's entire public bus fleet - it is totally electric; less pollution, less noise, greener city. In June 2021, China as a whole has almost half a million all electric buses. Plus, a visit to BYD (Build Your Dreams) ...

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