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Bamboo rafting on the YuLong River 玉龙江, near YangShuo
Beautiful tranquility ... Filmed by javiagenjo
Colors of China 中国
Including the Union of China Timelapse 2015 film, plus timelapse films of ShangHai, HangZhou and Hong Kong. Beautiful ...
Collaborative architecture leading to a better life
Small office, home office (SOHO); but with friends and colleagues. GuangZhou, GuangDong province ... BeiJing hutongs ...
Beautiful YunNan, the Shangri-La in Heart 云南,心中的香格里拉
YunNan province, in south west China, has a diversity of ethnic cultures and a myriad of landscapes; a real-life idyll ... An amazing film - don't miss this ! Two fun-loving young women from Vietnam take to the road across YunNan province ...
Bar hopping – three days in Hong Kong
With Sam and Victor ...
My life in China 中国
Creative, talented and visionary expats in China. A special documentary series with CCTV English. Inspiring stories of overseas people making their life in China ... * Preserving the Chinese language * 'Gemini' - French / Chinese pop couple * Innovative t-shirt designer * Cross-cultural architect * Martial arts and calligraphy * Wind power engineer * TianJin city guide magazine publisher and the 'Beijing Beatles' * Engineering manager * The 'Sound Guy' * Restaurant management * Creative art installations * Children's photographer * English teacher * International chef * 'Tribal Fusion' dance
Sunlight and health – new insight : infra-red and melatonin in mitochondria
With Dr. Roger Seheult / MedCram ... Bonus film - heat and cold therapy (e.g. saunas) ...
Night walk in WuHan, capital of HuBei province
With Walk East ...
TaiYuan night walk, capital of ShanXi province

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